Summary: Did you ever wonder why Harry and Ginny only had three children? Birth is as safe as life gets. A story about the eventful birth of Lily Potter.
Disclaimer: Nope, I do not own Harry Potter.
Thanks again for the reviews! Here we go with the very last part of this story... hope you enjoy it!
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Lily… Happy birthday to you!"
The house was packed with the complete Weasley-familie gathered around a little girl with a big birthdaycake in front of her.
"Blow out the candles Lily!"
"And make a wish."
"But don't say it out loud, or it won't come true."
"It doesn't matter if she says it out loud, because birthday wishes are nonsense."
"James, stop spoiling your sisters fun, she's only seven years old. You also made birthday wishes when you were seven."
For a second James opened his mouth to reply, but a stern look from his father made him decide otherwise.
Lily however seemed impervious to her brothers remark, for she had her eyes closed and was making her wish with a concentrated look on her face.
The small wrinkle that appeared on her knitted brow took Ron seven years back in time. Back to that tiny redhaired baby that he held in the hospitalroom while anxiously waiting for news of his sister. After all these years, the thought of those fearfull hours still makes him shiver.
Across the table he saw Harry wrap a protective arm around Ginny's waist. Their eyes met for a fraction of a second, but Ron knew he also remembered it.
Ron looked at Ginny, now cutting the birthday cake for her youngest daughter.
It could have been so different…
Although they all agreed that the outcome could have been so much worse, the events of seven years ago had left their mark on the entire family.
When Hermione gave birth to their son Hugo four months afterwards, Ron was constantly reliving his fears about Ginny. Only this time, while seated in an almost identical delivery room in St Mungo's images of himself as a widowed father of a three-year-old and a baby haunted him. He knew Hermione was scared as well, but as her labour progressed she didn't have the time or energy to worry any more.
The, in retrospect, tiny amount of blood that she lost when she was fully dialated, sent Ron running down the corridor, yelling for a healer to save his wife. It was only after his son was born, alive and healthy, and Hermione due to minimal blood loss was already able to stand up and take a shower, that he apologised to the healer-midwife for ripping up her coat when he had dragged her into the room.
In the years that followed, the births of more Weasly grandchildren, als well as children from friends, always were accompanied with a hint of fear. Worried faces would always ask if mother and child were well, before offering congratulations. Because they had come too close, to experiencing how dangerous childbirth could sometimes be.
Ron knew that Harry and Ginny had originally wanted more than three children. Although they both never said it, and he knew them to be very happy with their sons and daughter, he suspected that on some occasions they felt sorry they couldn't have more.
As for himself and Hermione; before there had been the possibility of a third child. But after the events of Lily's birth, and thankfully the normal delivery of their son Hugo, they felt as if they didn't dare push their luck.
"Uncle Ron! Look what I got for a present!"
Ron's thoughts were disturbed when his seven-year old niece pushed a book under his nose. "Quentin the Quidditch Hero" he read and the cover showed a moving drawing of a boy proudly flying on a broom.
"Would you read it to us?"
Without waiting for an answer, Lily proceeded to climb onto one of his knees, while Hugo climbed on the other.
After the usual fake-complaining about how they were becoming far too heavy to sit on his lap together, Ron contentedly wrapped an arm around both children and started to read.
Lily's face showed the very same amazed expression as it had done seven years previously. And Ron realised again that, although he loved all his nieces and nephews dearly, Lily and their shared fondness of Quidditch stories would always have a special place in his heart.
Ahh... I even feel a bit sad that it's over... It was fun to write this! I will probably do another story but that may take a while. Apart from the fact that I am busy working as a midwife (hence the inspiration) I'm also going to travel for a month :) Hope to see you again with some other story!
I also would like to thank you all very much for reading this story! I do hope you enjoyed it :)
Please let me know what your thoughts are about this story, or any feedback to help improve my writing. I'm also open for suggestions and ideas for a new story :)
Love, Zimra.