I look for Melinda, wandering the halls during History class. Nothing I'm missing there. I prefer art. Sometimes I do math, but just because art kinda sucks this year because I have to do clowns. I wonder how Rachel can be so over controlling considering we aren't even friends any more. I can talk to Melinda if I want to, no matter what she tells me. I am a free spirt and a rebel. I'm sure Melinda is, too, but she won't break off her leash.


She's feeling trapped, I know it.

My heart aches for her.

I don't see her in the hallway, so I decide to check the girls' room.

I find her there, leaning against the bathroom counter, sobbing with her head in her hands.

At least I don't have to worry about her hygiene, too.

To be such a dirty school, Merrywheather has strangely sanitary bathrooms. Don't ask me why.

"Melinda." I whispered to her.

She looks up at me, and it breaks my heart.

Her puffy eyes are rimmed with an ugly combonation of black, purple and gray. She gives me an icey look.

It shocks me.

Melinda would never be mean to anyone. I just know it from the years we spent together, hanging out in middle school.

She makes a grumbling noise.

Melinda is mostly mute. She never speaks up, and probably will stay in silence for the rest of her life.

"Hiistory's almost over, Melinda. We need to get ready for biology." I tell her.

She gets up, looking for an excuse.

"I need to go to the nurse's office. I think I have a migrane." She says.

"Do you want me to walk you?" I offer.

She shakes her head at me.

The girl never smiles.

"No, thanks. I'm okay, Ivy." She says, and heads the wrong way.

I sigh.

She'll probably ditch.

That's Melinda now.

She ditches school and I see her at the mall on the days I get off of school for family reasons.

It's not good for her grades, but, hey, I'm not exactly what you'd call a straight A student, either.

I head for biology.

Maybe studying cells and all that biological crap will frustrate me so I don't think about Melinda.

If only biology had more meaningful lessons, like what starts my acne and how to stop it.