Chapter 6 – Going Home
It was mid afternoon and I decided it was time for me and my brood to head home from this ill-fated camping trip. I looked over at my boys. Each of them had a bandage on some part of their body. What a crew! They were all injured. I looked at the wolf pack and they looked fine. What happened to the vampires? We can't even camp without an incident. We are not an outside family that's for sure. We had made good progress with the discussion of the lodge after Emmett calmed down after being chased by the fake owl. Paul and Jake were finally let up from sitting on my lap for their punishment. They both bolted away from me so as not to get caught doing something else.
Jasper, Edward, Emmett and Seth were talking to the members of the pack.
"Hey, you want to see something?" Jazz said to the pack. He then took his camera out and showed them the picture of Jake in wolf form with his pink butt and the crazy snarl he had on his muzzle. The pack laughed out loud at him.
"Oh man! What happened to him?" Jared asked.
"Pops put that lotion on his butt to keep him from scratching and I lifted his tail showing his pink butt and Jazz snapped the picture," Emmett explained.
"Ha ha, that's the funniest thing I've ever seen," Paul said laughing.
"Then you haven't looked in the mirror, have you," Jake said walking over. "Give me that camera!"
"No way, wolf bro!" Emmett said. "By the way, we call him "Pinky," Emmett laughed.
"Aw man, that's even better. Hey Pinky!" Quill said to Jake.
"Shut up you hounds!" Jake shouted at them. "You just had to show them didn't you?" Jake said to Jazz.
"Why sure! Why keep this just to ourselves," Jazz said.
"I hate having brothers!" Jake said walking off insulted.
The Pack and my boys were all enjoying themselves laughing at Jake's expense. I walked over to Billy and Sam.
"I think it's time for me and my boys to head back home," I said to them.
"Yes, we should be heading out also," Billy said.
"You know, I'm really excited about the lodge and both families getting together and building it," Sam expressed.
"So am I. I think it will be a good learning experience in building and in bonding our two families," I said to them.
"Yes, we need this. I think it will be a great place when we are finished with it also. Both families working together and sharing experiences together will help strengthen our ties. I am anxious for this also," Billy added.
"It will be a great place for the pack to be. If you, Emily and Billy live here, Sam, that will be an added bonus," I said.
"Yes Carlisle it will. Plus the clinic will be right here," Sam stated.
"I was thinking of asking Sue Clearwater if she would be interested in becoming a Physician's Assistant or a Nurse Practioner. That way she could be here and take care of everyone when I'm not around," I suggested to them.
"That would be fantastic, but she and Charlie are planning their wedding. I don't know how soon she would be able to go back to school," Billy said.
"Well, we could always ask her. She can start whenever she wants to. I would be willing to pay for her schooling. That way when we eventually have to leave here, she can take my place. She will be able to write prescriptions then. She will still have to be under a doctor's charge though," I added.
"That is awfully generous of you Carlisle. I'm sure Sue would be hesitant to take you up on that. However, it would make things much easier. Although, I have to admit, I don't like to think of you and your family leaving here," Billy said a little sadden by this.
"You know eventually it will come to that. It always does," I said to him. "I'm not to crazy about it either. We like it here. This is our favorite home," I said to them.
"Wish we could somehow keep you here," Sam said.
"I'm afraid there is no other way. Eventually people will notice we do not age and there is nothing to explain it away," I said to them.
"Maybe we should come with you," Billy said.
"Would you leave your land?" I asked Billy.
"It's tempting, but it's hard to leave your land. No, I think we would have to stay here. I want to die here," Billy said.
"Don't go talking about dying now," I said to Billy.
"It will happen eventually, just like you having to move. It's a fact of life that cannot be changed. Same as your fate," Billy said sadly.
"We haven't moved yet, so let's concentrate on this lodge thing now," I said to them. "We need to get going," I said to them.
"So do we," Sam said.
"Boys, it's time to go. Let's get out things together and head home," I called to my boys.
"Okay Dad, just give us a minute," Edward yelled. "It's about time," Edward said under his breath.
"Hey, party pooper, it wasn't that bad," Jake said to him.
"Yes it was!" Edward said to Jake.
"You're such a house boy," Jake teased.
"Look who's talking, Lodge boy!" Edward came back at him.
"Yeah, after all this camping crap you gave us and you wanted a lodge. Some camper you are," Jazz said to Jake.
"You're so ungrateful. Just look at the wonderful experience you spooks had," Jake said grinning.
"Call us spooks again and I'll change the color of your butt for you," I warned Jake.
"Why are you always in hearing range? You should have to wear a bell or something to warn us when you're coming," Jake said to me.
"Don't get any ideas!" I said to him.
We got our things and said our goodbyes to Billy, Sam and the Pack. We made our way home on foot to Emmett's jeep and piled in with all our gear. Emmett started his jeep and was happy to be heading home.
"Man, I'm glad to get out of here and away from that vampire owl," Emmett said scanning the trees. "I'm glad we're leaving before dusk."
"Oh brother!" Jazz said.
"Give us a break, will ya Emmett," Jake said.
"Vampire owl! What a goofball," Edward said.
"Hey! It was real!" Emmett said. "See how you would feel if it tried to fly off with you. It was HUGE!"
"NO IT WASN'T!" We all said together.
Finally we arrived at home. We pulled into the garage and all hopped out and grabbed all our gear and went into the house through the garage door that led into the kitchen. Esme and the girls were happy to see us.'
"Carlisle, my babies," Esme said running up and hugging me. She was ecstatic until she saw her "babies" were all wounded. "Carlisle! What have you done to my babies? Some are hurt and one is limping and Jake is scratching. What happened?" Esme said angrily to me. "What did you do?"
"What did I do? I didn't do anything but patch them up. Every time I turned around, one of them was getting hurt!" I said.
"This is all Jake's fault momma," Emmett said.
"Yeah, if it wasn't for him, Edward and I wouldn't have collided playing catch," Jazz said.
"Jake got poison ivy on his ass," Edward said.
"Edward, language!" I warned him.
"Okay, Jake got poison ivy on his butt," Edward laughed.
"What? How did you get poison ivy on your bottom?" Esme asked.
"I fell in it while phased as a wolf," Jake explained.
"Oh you poor baby," Esme soothed and left me and grabbed onto Jake. Jake then looked at me and gave a satisfied smile. I just shook my head at him.
"Momma, I got attacked and almost carried off by a vampire owl," Emmett said wanting his turn with his momma.
"What? Why didn't you do something, Carlisle! My baby Emmy was almost carried off by a vampire…a what?" Esme asked not believing what she heard. Rosalie came over to check her man over.
"A vampire owl momma. It was huge," Emmett said holding his hand up above him indicating how tall the owl was.
"IT WAS ONLY A FOOT TALL!" We all said together. "And is wasn't a vampire owl!" I said to her.
"Yeah, it was a little owl that fell on him and he panicked and gauged himself with its talon," Edward explained. "Doofus!"
"Shut up Edward!" Rosalie said kissing Emmett.
"Ha ha ha ha ah aha ha ha ha!" Bella and Leah laughed out loud at Emmett.
"My poor soldier boy," Alice said looking at Jasper's bump on his forehead.
"That's a big bump," Bella said to Edward.
"What happened to my baby, Sethy?" Esme asked now turning her attention to her limping cub.
"Yes, tell your mother what happened to you, Seth," I said to him wanting him to explain what happened.
"I lost my balance running from Dad as a wolf and my foot slid and impaled itself on a huge thorn on a vine," Seth explained.
"Why were you running from your father?" Esme asked him hugging him tight and kissing him. She looked down at his foot.
"Um…well…we uh…" Seth began stuttering.
"Go on, tell your mother what happened," I said to Seth.
"Carlisle, why were you chasing him? Who else were you chasing?" Esme asked.
"Uh…that would be…uh…me," Jake added.
"Seth…" Esme asked again.
"Dad was chasing us because he scared us when he pulled us under the water," Seth explained.
"Carlisle Cullen! Why would you pull our sons under the water? They could have drowned!" Esme said angrily.
"Seth and Jacob! Tell your mother why I was under the water waiting for you," I said sternly to them.
"Well, tell me!" Esme said to her two wolf boys.
"We were uh…well…Dad caught us…uh…jumping off the cliffs there," Seth said quickly as if Esme would miss what he said.
"You were jumping off cliffs again! Both of you?" Esme asked angrily as she put both hands on her hips.
"Uh…yes, Jake, and me" Seth answered his angry mother.
"Tell her what cliffs," I said to them.
"The cliffs that are too low and that boulders fall down into the waters below and stick up and are too dangerous to dive into," Edward added.
"You two were diving off those dangerous cliffs and you could have been hurt or killed by boulders hiding underneath?" Esme asked practically shrieking at them. The others were grinning at their unfortunate encounter.
"Yes…Mom…" Seth answered.
"You were told no more cliff diving! Both of you know better! You two get in this downstairs study this minute. I'm going to bare my knee and turn you both over it! Right now—MARCH!" Esme scolded them pointing towards the study.
"Mom…No…we're okay. Besides, Dad said he's going to spank us when we're both healed. Jake still has poison on his rump and my foot is still sore," Seth explained.
"I don't care if Jake's poison is gone or not and I'm not going to spank your foot so get in there. You're both getting it from me and then your father can deal with you both when he's ready. Now march, and I'm not telling you again or I'm pulling a chair out and doing it right here in front of everyone," Esme ordered them.
"Oh here Momma, I'll get a chair for you," Emmett said pulling a chair out.
"You would! Look, there's an owl looking in the window at you, Emmett," Jake shouted to him.
"AAAHHH! Where?" Emmett said running and looking at the windows.
"Ha ha ha ha! What a dope!" Jake said laughing, but stopped as his mother walked up to him glaring at him and pointing toward the study. "Da-ad! Do something!" Jake pleaded to me.
"I am! I am enjoying this moment!" I said to him.
"Oh that is so cruel, Daddy!" Jake said sarcastically. He turned and started for the study but his eye caught something on the wall by the doorway to the study. "HEY! Where did that come from?" Jake shrieked with outrage.
"Like it Pinky! We did it just for you," Rosalie said laughing.
It was the picture of Jake with Emmett lifting his tail and showing is pink wolf butt. They had enlarged it from the text Jasper sent to them and had it in a large frame on the wall for all to see. They were all laughing. It had a little plaque engraved on the frame under the picture that read: "Pinky". Everyone was laughing but Jake. He was furious.
"Dad, are you going to let them humiliate me like this," Jake complained.
"No one will know it's you. You're in wolf form," I said to him laughing.
"Yes, well we can add another one that can be entitled: "Red" when I'm through with you mister, now get in that study," Esme scolded him grabbing him now by the ear.
"OUCH! Not the ear. Momma, that hurts! Dad…come on…ouch…Momma…ouch…I'm going, I'm going," Jake yelped as he was lead to his doom in the study.
Seth stood there looking after him and not moving, until his mother called him.
"SETH CULLEN! Get in here or I'm coming out there and it won't be pretty!" Esme shouted to him.
"I'm coming Mom," Seth yelled and made it his business to get in the study.
"Over my knee, young man," we heard Esme say to Jake.
"No mom, no…please…everyone will hear…" Jake protested.
"That's the idea. Now bend over now," Esme said to him.
"Oww, my ear…" Jake griped.
SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Came from the study.
"OWW! OW! Mom it hurts! OW!" Jake yelped.
"Ahhh, music to my ears!" I said as I made my way to my study.
"I think Dad planned that," Edward said.
"Hmmm, Daddy always knows how to handle things," Alice said as they all laughed.
End of Story!
A/N: Building of Lodge will be covered in a story of its own if anyone is interested! Please let me know if you would like a story about the Lodge…