Getting through the holidays comes much easier for Amber than it did last year. She cries less tears over the loss of her human family. Her journal entries are less mournful. Having her new family and adding a new sister helps her carry on, literally, on this crisp January afternoon. Going grocery shopping in the past was a terrible headache. Having Arimi to help transport two weeks worth of food for a full house is much less demanding. Amber is wearing her big puffy, black coat that goes down to her ankles. It's not the most flattering thing she could wear and Raph isn't a fan of it, but in this freezing weather, she would be cozy in nothing else. Arimi on the other hand looks bright and cheery as she trudges through the snow bundled up in a yellow wool pea coat, white wool hat and gray knee-high knitted boots. Arimi is carrying a paper bag overflowing with produce. Amber is pulling the grocery cart. As they turn the corner toward home they see Charlie coming their way. They stop and smile at each other.
"Hey, Amber and Arimi."
"Hey, Charlie." Amber says.
"Hello, Charlie." Arimi says.
"Happy New Year." He says.
"Same to you." They say.
"I heard about your getting married. Sure shocked the hell out of me."
"I'm sorry, Charlie." Amber says.
"Don't be. I found out from Tanya and Darrel. I understand why you didn't tell me. I was a real jerk last time we hung out." Charlie says.
"It's ok. I understand why you did what you did."
Charlie nods. "I'm still sad that it's never going to be me. But I'm so glad you have someone who makes you happy."
"Thank you Charlie. I am happy." Amber says.
He turns to Arimi. "What about you, light-weight? Does Amber make you happy?"
"Oh, very much Charlie. I could not be happier." Arimi blushes.
"Then it all ends well." He gazes at Amber and nods once again. "I should get going. I'm meeting Darrel for a little bachelor's brunch. I'll see you two at the wedding?" Charlie asks.
"We wouldn't miss it." Amber says.
"Yes, we are Tanya's bridesmaids!" Arimi says excitedly.
"Until then." Charlie waves and they part.
One bright February morning Arimi receives a large package from the mail truck. She and Amber lift the large parcel and carry it to the stairs where Raphael shoulders it and takes it up. He sets it on Amber's coffee table and Arimi rips away the brown paper. She gasps.
"The family chest!" The trunk is ancient and worn. She runs one hand over the dry leather while covering her lips with the other.
Amber sits beside her. "What is the family chest?"
"It is the oldest and most precious family heirloom. My father must have sent it. It holds the history of my ancestors. There must be pictures and letters and other fascinating artifacts inside."
"Must be? Ya never saw inside?" Raphael asks.
"No. My father kept it in the back room of his shop with all of his most prized weapons. It is given to the next generation once they marry and start their own family. My father received it from my grandfather Jinji Hamato when he married my mother Yayoi."
"Wait! Your mother's maiden name is Hamato? That's our last name too, ya know. Why didn't ya tell us before?" Raph asks.
"Yeah, that's a very strange coincidence being that it's our new 'married' name." Amber says.
"Hamato is a very popular surname in Japan; I went to school with two other Hamatos and was not related to them. I did not think it was important to mention. Besides, I see it as another sign that Mikey and I are meant to be together… and maybe someday my mother will come to terms with my marriage, seeing as though I have taken her maiden name as my own."
Ah, I get it. Don't worry, Arimi. She can't stay angry with ya forever, can she? Raphael offers. Arimi is not so sure.
"Let's not worry about that for now. I'm sure you're eager. Let's open up the family chest." Amber says.
'Ok." Arimi unhinges the latches and lifts the rickety lid. Sitting op top of the multitude of boxes and scrolls and photo albums and baskets is a small white envelope addressed to Arimi and Amber. Arimi takes it and unfolds the letter:
To my dearest and only daughter, Arimi and my dearest daughter-in-law Amber,
I congratulate you on your marriage and pray for many happy and prosperous years. I dedicate this, our family chest, to you. It's history dates back for over four hundred years. I know that you will keep it safe and honor our family with its care. Your mother knows about this chest but does not know its whereabouts. All I can say is to please give her time to accept your decision. She has never had to fight for love. Our marriage was arranged. We were lucky we were able to grow happily together. I, however, know what it is like to love and lose. You two were brave enough to voice your hearts. Sadly your uncle Brian and I never were. But as Destiny would have it, you needed to come into this world, enabled to experience what I could not, however taboo it may be. I am certain that I have your sincere discretion my daughters. Know that I am overjoyed in your love. Please stay in contact with me through my workshop address. I am always with you.
"Whoa." All three say.
"My Uncle Bubba…"
"And my Father…"
"Hmm… Hot damn." Raph smirks.
Arimi's head is spinning as she attempts to fold up the letter; a rectangular slip falls to the floor. She picks it up and inspects it. "Amber-chan! Raphael! Look!" Arimi holds up a check for one hundred million yen.
"That's fuckin' a million dollars!" Raph exclaims.
"Wow! Thanks, daddy Kirisawa!" Amber laughs and hugs Arimi.
Arimi hums to herself. "Thank you Baba."
With the extra money Arimi inherited and Amber's fantastic realtor they decide to buy the small adjoining building. It's a three-story storefront that used to sell pet supplies. With the business moving and the tenants gone Amber's realtor got her a great deal at closing. With the extra room, there is no need to keep the sewer lair running. The turtles decide to move out completely.
Late one evening Mikey comes back home from the lair. He's made his final trip and is very happy about it. He finds Arimi sitting in their living room surrounded by stacks of old papers and ornate jewelry boxes. He knows she's been fervently discovering her family history from the old trunk and has decided to keep journal, cataloging everything she finds. She's been at it a whole week, just as long as he and his brother have been moving out of the lair.
"Hey Mimi. How are ya doing?"
"Hello Kye-chan. I am doing wonderfully. Has everyone returned from the lair? Are you finally finished?"
"I came back with Raph. Leo and Donnie are still there, disconnecting power and pipes I guess. They should be back by morning."
"Mmm Hmm." Arimi says, refocusing on her task.
"I think it's time to call it a night, you've been at this since before we left." He attempts to move a stack of letters off the couch to sit but she stops him.
"Please Mikey, do not move anything. All of these treasures are laid out in chronological order. I am down to the two items. Just this small toolbox and a large folded up scroll at the bottom of the trunk and I will be done. I promise you that I will come to bed soon. Just a few more moments please?"
She looks up to him and pouts her lips. He smiles and ruffles her bangs. "Alright Mimi. Ten minutes. Then come to bed." He kisses her head and slumps towards their bedroom.
Alone again, Arimi sets the toolbox down and marks it in her journal. She reaches into the trunk for the oldest and final piece of family history. She carefully unrolls the paper. She reads the heading and quickly skims the writings.
"Oh My God…"
… To Be Continued. Please look out for the next story, 'Fate- Continuation of Destiny'
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