A:N: Sorry this is late! Life...it just...sucks. Meh. Anways, thank you all for following and favoriting. Even if I don't get to all of you, reviews are appreciated! Thank you to my beta, EdwardsFirstKiss! Sigh...thanks once again. Watching Breaking Dawn right now...because I'm cool like that. Here's Chapter 8!

P.S. While in hiatus (Let's just call it that) I read Master of the Universe (AKA, 50 Shades of Grey) Maybe I'm just biased to Edward and Bella, but, the author shouldn't have edited as much as she did. I don't know...I enjoyed it more with Edward and Bella. Shrugs.

Your touch
Your taste
Your breath
Your face
Your hands
Your head

Your love
Your teeth
Your tongue
Your eye
You're mine
Your lips
You're fine
You're heaven on earth

I've waited all my life for you
My favourite kiss
Your perfect skin
Your perfect smile

Waking up and you're next to me
Wrap me up in your arms and back to sleep
Lay my head on your chest and drift away
Dream of you and I'm almost half awake

(The palest green I've never seen
The colour of your eyes
You've taken me so far away
One look and you stop time)

Fell in love with you and
Everything that you are
Nothing I can do I'm really
Crazy about you
When you're next to me

It's just like heaven on earth
You're heaven
You're heaven on earth

Tell me that I'll always be the one that you want
Don't know what I'd do if I ever lose you
Look at you and what I see is heaven on earth
I'm in love with you

Your breath
Your face
Your hands
Your head
You're sweet
Your love
Your tongue

I'd move across the world for you
Just tell me when
Just tell me where
I'll come to you

Take me back to that place in time
Images of you occupy my mind
Far away but I feel you hear with me
Dream of you and you're almost next to me

(The palest green I've never seen
The colour of your eyes
You've taken me so far away
One look and you stop time)

Fell in love with you and
Everything that you are
Nothing I can do I'm really
Crazy about you
When you're next to me
It's just like heaven on earth
You're heaven
You're heaven on earth

Tell me that I'll always be the one that you want
Don't know what I'd do if I ever lose you
Look at you and what I see is heaven on earth
I'm in love with you

I'm in love with you
I said I'm so in love
I said I'm so in love
So in love

Fall off the edge of my mind
I fall off the edge of my mind
For you
I fall off the edge of my mind
I fall off the edge of my mind
For you

Fell in love with you and
Everything that you are
Nothing I can do I'm really
Crazy about you
When you're next to me
It's just like heaven on earth
(So in love)
You're heaven
You're heaven on earth

Tell me that I'll always be the one that you want
Don't know what I'd do if I ever lose you
Look at you and what I see is heaven on earth
I'm in love with you

I'm so in love
I'm so in love

I fall off the edge of my mind
(I'm so in love)
When I just look at you
I feel like I'm gonna jump into heaven
(So in love)
And you'll catch me
Catch me if I jump
Will you catch me?


"Adonis?" Edward questioned and raised his eyebrow. I bit my lip and looked down.

"Nevermind." I felt the heat rise in my cheeks and averted my eyes to anywhere but him.

"No...are you saying...I'm beautiful?" Edward smirked from above me. I rolled my
eyes and pushed on his chest. He laughed and sat back on his knees.

"Just forget it," I mumbled and sat up. He chuckled.
Edward placed his hands on my thighs and smiled down at me. "I'd rather say stunning. Hot. Sexy even...beautiful is for chicks."

I rolled my eyes and swatted his hands away. "Whatever. Spur of the moment kind of thing. Bella's word vomit strikes again."

"You think I'm beautiful," Edward smiled. He tilted his head and I forced
myself not to blush but felt the blood rush to my cheeks anyway. "Well,
guess what?"

"What?" I whispered. He lifted his palm and cupped my cheek.

"I think you're beautiful too," he smiled.

"Oh, get off me." I pushed him off of my legs and got off of the couch. I
could hear Brickle as he padded his way into the living room. "Hey,
bud," I smiled. I patted him on the head and he snorted.

"I think
he thinks he's eating for an entire family," Edward smiled and came up
beside me. He knelt before Brickle and pulled him to his chest. Brickle
growled and head butted Edward. Edward laughed when the dog climbed on
top of him and licked his face. "I don't want your kisses."

It was nice seeing Edward playful and carefree. I liked Edward this way. The
two rolled around on the floor with Brickle occasionally snipping Edward's hands.

"Um, I think I'm going to get going..." I muttered and made to walk towards the door. Edward shot up off of the floor and grabbed my wrist.

"Hey," he said softly. I glanced around and turned towards him. "Stay? I know all that stuff," he gestured behind
him, "kind of made it awkward, but really, it's no need to flee."

I chuckled. "Yeah, saying that it was awkward makes it so much better." I crossed my arms and went to leave once more.

"No, no, no..." he paced behind me and ran his hand through his hair and I looked up at him. "What I meant was...shit...ok, so, let's just push it away. Pretend the shit never happened?" He blew a breath through his

"So..." I shoved my hands into my pockets.

"We can still work on that paper?" He smiled.

"Ugh...how about no? Can we just watch some random brain cell killer shit on TV or something?" I hobbled my way back towards the living room and plopped my ass down on the large plush couch. Mrs. Cullen needed an award for this couch. It was so amazingly comfortable. I would need to invest once I got a house of my own.

Edward sat down next to me and stretched his arms out on the back of the couch. Even though the awkwardness was still there, it was nice that we could get over it. I totally felt it there though. "Random brain cell killer shit, huh?" He reached onto the coffee table and grabbed the remote. "I think that one lady that got pregnant eighty times has some marathon going..." He flipped through the guide.

"19 Kids and Counting...with Jim Bob and Michelle." He chuckled and selected a program. "Who the fuck names their kid Jim Bob?" I asked and glanced over at him.

"That's an amazing name...I think that whatever puppy I keep, I'll name him Jim Bob," he looked over at me.

"Seriously? Edward, that dog is going to have a complex. And, what if Maggie has all girl puppies? Then what?" I whipped my phone out of my back pocket and began a search of Mr. Jim Bob Duggar.

"I'll still name her Jim Bob..." He smiled widely and looked back the T.V. Jim Bob's smiling face filled the screen and he was talking to whichever kid was getting married. Wikipedia told me that this kid was Josh, kid number one.

"Is he seriously giving him the bee's talk? Do they not give them that fucking talk?" I asked and looked over at Edward who was biting his fist and trying not to laugh. "They fit like Lego's? No...no...who...no? A movie? A fucking movie?" The look on my face was probably pure horror as I watched Jim Bob give his son a book and a fucking video or whatever the hell it was on wedding night bliss.

"He should've gotten 'She Comes First' for dummies...oh shit, this is amazing." Edward was biting his bottom lip and shaking his head.

"Disgusting...fuck. If my dad..." I shuddered and Edward laughed harder. I glanced back down at my phone. "So, this guy is the first one. He was born in '88...he's a Pisces. Jim Bob, which is really his dad's name, and Michelle have been married since '84...and," I frowned and looked up at Edward, "we have the same birthday." I whispered. This revelation caused Edward to laugh harder.

"Shit, no kidding? Well, I guess you better watch out. One of those Duggar boys could try to convert you into a kid making machine!" He bellowed and laughed harder, his body slumping on the side of the couch. I glared at him and reached over to punch him on the arm.

"Fuck you...anyway, I'm definitely not a virgin. And I cuss like a sailor. No fucking way is..." I looked down at my phone to scroll to the next available boy Duggar to marry, "John David taking me away to Independent Baptist bliss. Fuck. That."

"Awww, come on now. And then you can name all your kids with the same letter...You can have Amelia, Azaela,
Aizlynn, Ashanti, Abigail-"

"Fuck you," I spat and punched his arm once more. Edward smiled and grabbed my hands.

"I'll keep you safe," he whispered and pulled me against him sideways. "Remember, I'm Hercules."

I snorted and pushed him away. "Want to know another reason I can't marry a Duggar?" I whispered and stood up from the couch. I began walking towards the stairs and glanced back at him. Edward had a confused expression on his face. "I like weed...way too fucking much." I smiled and ran up the stairs. Edward had a decent sized stash hidden somewhere in his room and I was determined to get to it. My foot was hurting like a mother bitch and I needed some sort of relief. My hobbling was no match to Edward who raced past me in the hallway on the second floor.

"You like it too much, huh?" He asked and continued up the stairs. "You gotta find it first."

I growled and continued up the stairs. That fucker. Always ruining my plans. If he hadn't snuck up on me earlier and caused me to drop that glass that cut my foot up, I totally could've gotten to his room faster. Ok, maybe not since Edward has super-fast running skills, but still, I could've definitely had that shit on a head start. I made it into
Edward's room where I found him perched on his bed with a smile like he robbed a candy store.

"You're an asshole," I glared and crossed my arms.

Edward smiled and held his arms out. "Look around. I want to see if you find it, Miss Detective," he smirked and climbed back farther on his bed so that his back was to the head board.

"I got this..." I replied and began looking around. "Not the book shelf that would be too obvious." I shook my head and began walking around. "The desk?" I raised my brow and looked over at him. He widened his eyes as I opened the drawer. I frowned when I saw a few pens and crayons.

"Crayons? What the hell do you have crayons for?" I looked over at him. He shrugged. I let out a sigh and looked over at him once more and narrowed my eyes. "You're sitting by the bed...you'd want to keep it close..." I walked over to the bed and kneeled down to look under the bed, once more finding nothing.

"You're a terrible detective," he muttered and crossed his arms behind his head.

"Whatever." I crossed my arms and went about my investigation. Ten minutes later I was having a standoff with Edward. "Come on, just give it up!" I huffed and sat next to him on the bed. He laughed and reached over to ruffle
my hair which earned him a glare.

"Ok, fine, grumpy pants. My hiding spot is..." he got off the bed and sauntered towards his bookcase and smirked over at me. "The obvious place. Any criminal knows this, any good one anyway." He pulled out a white bound book and brought it over to me. My eyes widened and I glanced back up at him.

"You're fucking kidding? Jim Bob would die!" I screeched and snatched it from him. Edward was going to hell. Most definitely. He had dug out his confirmation Bible and inside it placed a bag of the greenest, most deliciously smelling shrubbery I had laid my eyes on. I knew he had a stash in here.

"Whatever would Michelle think?" He smirked and produced a pipe to me. "I'll at least let the lady have honors..."

I smiled and grabbed the pipe from him and shook out the baggie before me. "You're going to hell."

He shrugged and grabbed the lighter that sat on the nightstand. "You'll be in the passenger seat."

I snatched the lighter from him and brought the pipe to my lips. "Oh, this is the stuff from the party isn't it?"

I smiled and blew the smoke out of my mouth.

He bit his bottom lip and nodded. "Jasper is going to market it after all this shit blows over...fund his PhD and all that..." he grabbed the pipe from me and I smiled and laid myself down on the bed. Edward laid down beside me and we both stared up at the ceiling.

"How long will it take for this to blow over?" I asked. I felt Edward shrug.

"I don't know. All that matters is that we're not questioned...right?" He looked over at me. Green eyes swam in front of me and I smiled slowly.

"Yeah..." I slurred out. The contours of his face made my heart skip a beat and I wanted to take another hit from the pipe.

"Bella?" Edward whispered. Why were we whispering? I didn't care right now, though. Edward's voice was so beautiful and smooth...and soothing.

"What?" I asked. Warm lips met my own and I sighed. Edward's rough hand came to cup my neck and I felt his leg drape over my thigh.

"I can't hold it back any more..." he whispered against my lips and brought his body over mine.

"Then don't," I replied and grabbed his hair. Edward moaned into my mouth and pressed his hips against me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he pushed me up higher on the bed.

"Bella..." he breathed out and trailed his lips to my neck, his tongue tracing over my jaw. I moaned
when his hands traveled up my shirt and rubbed against my skin.

"Edward...take my shirt off." My breathing was quick and I contemplated the possibility of no longer smoking. Edward's touching was making my body light on fire and I needed more than a finger today.

"No problem." He pulled back and ripped his shirt off, his hands quickly going to my shirt and pulling it from my body. His lips met mine once more and I ran my hands along his naked back, his muscles moving against my hands as he held himself above me.

"Friends do this, right?" I croaked out when he pulled back to stare at me.


"Let's just not fuck all this up? I kind of like having you around. And, I think Maggie would be devastated," I leaned up to kiss his lips once more and he nodded against my mouth. Edward's hand traveled over my stomach and his fingers ran a line above my jeans. His lips pressed against my neck and I closed my eyes and smiled. I trailed my hands down his torso and unbuttoned his pants. He moaned into my neck and bit down on my collar bone.

"Bella..." he groaned and pressed himself against my hands. I let out a shaky laugh and snapped the button open
and began to shove his pants down. He pulled back and smiled down at me, his pants discarded on the carpeted floor. I pressed my hips up towards him when he began to pull my pants down and I bit my lip. I was high and horny and more than ready to do this.

"Do you have condoms?" I asked when he shuffled out of his boxers. He glanced over at his night stand and then back once more towards me.

"Are you on birth control?" He whispered and bent to kiss me again.

"We need a condom..." I moaned out when he took my bottom lip between his teeth. His body heat made me sweat and my frantic heart was about to beat out of my chest. Birth control or not, I wasn't putting my vagina
up on a platter for Mr. Manwhore. Nope.

Edward pulled back and smiled down at me. "I suppose I have a few..." he drawled and leaned over to his night stand.

"A few, huh?" I raised my brow. He chuckled and I heard the foil wrapping crinkle. "Condoms are not classy..."

He leaned down and kissed me again. His hands traveled over my hip bones and I moaned against his touch.

"We don't need to play around, just stick it in!" I groaned when his hands slipped my underwear off.

"Eager much?" He chuckled and skimmed his nose down my chest. I let out a frustrated groan and fisted his hair.

"Edward..." A warm tongue dipped into my belly button and continued a hot fiery trail down my stomach. I moaned at the sensation and froze. "Edward, come on. Get up here..." I hissed and grabbed at his hair harder. He shook his head and nuzzled his nose against my pubic bone.

"Edward." He glanced up at me and smirked.

"What's wrong?" His tongue flicked out and licked my slit.

"Fuck..." I hissed and threw my head back into the pillows. My knees now rested over his shoulder as his tongue worked its way to my core. I bit my lip to keep myself from screaming out in fear that someone, somehow would
hear me. My hips bucked up towards Edward's face on their own accord as he entered a finger into me.

"Is this ok?" He smirked up at me and pressed his tongue against my bundle of nerves.

"Fuck...fuck...shit...god..." My hands gripped the bed sheets and Edward's mouth suddenly stopped. I looked up at him confused and outraged as he hovered above me. "What are you-Jesus Christ," I hissed as his length pushed into me. My walls stretched to accommodate him and he let out a moan.

"Was Mike a fucking pencil dick or something?" He breathed out and pressed further.

"Lets...not...talk about...him," I whispered and clung to his shoulders. He nodded and leaned down to kiss my chin. I tilted my head back for him and ran my nails down his back lightly.

He moved within me and swiveled his hips, his skin igniting my own as it touched down. My legs were wrapped
around his waist and I arched my back when his mouth came down over the top of my breast. His teeth bit down on my skin and I let out a cry. I could feel the build in my stomach that was cut off earlier with Edward's abrupt departure with his tongue.

"Keep going...like that," I hissed out when his pace quickened. He chuckled above me and I glanced up at his face. His arms were raised above me holding the head board as he pounded into me. My hands traveled down his torso and over his belly button.

"Touch yourself...I need to feel you cum around me."

I groaned at his command and snaked my fingers down to where our sweaty bodies met. My eyes closed tightly as my finger traced over the slick bundle that lay at the apex of my thighs.

"Yes..." Edward hissed out as his pace quickened. My breathing quickened and I locked gazes with Edward just as my walls began tightening. His eyes closed tightly and his jaw clenched. "Fuck..."

My back arched against him as I clenched against him, figurative lights blinding me as he hit sensitive spots within me. My throat burned from my yells and Edward's hands pulled my hips against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kept his pace and tried to calm my body down. His teeth found my neck again and bit down viciously.

"Come on, baby...come on," I coaxed him and wrapped my legs around his thighs. He groaned against my ear and I felt him shudder as his dick pumped into me. I hated condoms at this moment. Condoms really sucked.

We lay there in a sweaty heap as we both tried to calm our breathing down. I'd never gotten off the way that I just did. Five minutes with Edward was better than the hours I'd spent before with the two other guys. I hated comparing, but Jesus. He was all into me getting my own. That was hot. He glanced over at me and smiled.

"Yeah?" He smiled, his hair in disarray.

I shrugged and looked back up at the ceiling with a smile on my face. "It was ok."

"OK?" He laughed and pinched my hip.

I looked over at him and smiled. "I might need a repeat...just to be sure."