Hey guys! This story is request from CosmioStarGirl. I had drawn pictures of Jack and Pitch as cats so she asked me to right this story. She has been feeling well lately and it's the least I could do. There will be a small rant at the end of this chapter, but for now enjoy!

The Great Kitty Caper

Chapter 1

Rhiannon sat near her boiling cauldron as she prepared to have dinner. Kieran was on the floor next to her, toying around with her pet spider. Melinda let the spider crawl around on her face as she slept. Brenna perched on her post near the window, relaxing for the time being.

"This is so boring." Rhiannon stated as she stood up and looked into the cauldron. "There has to be something I can do. Maybe I can mess around with the Guardians."

She walked over to her collection of spell books and skimmed through the titles. Her eyes rested upon an unused book of her collection. It was titled 'Magic Spells for the Bored'. "Never thought I would use this book. Let's see what I can use."

She read of spells that caused a mirror to shatter when looked into, to a spell on how to change someone's gender. She would use that one later. None of them caught her interest until she turned the page. She read the spell over and a wicked smile worked its way onto her face. She opened a portal Burgess in search of a certain Frost Spirit. "Let's see how he likes being laughed at."

"Pitch!" Jack yelled as he saw the Nightmare King destroying one of his igloos. "Cut it out! The kids worked really hard on these."

"Well if one of your little friends hadn't thrown a snowball in my direction, I wouldn't have a reason too." Pitch stated. "But one of them did."

"It was an accident! It's not like they could see you." Jack argued. Pitch winced a bit when he said that but he quickly responded, with anger.

"Well then I'll just have to fix that won't I?" Pitch said as he used the shadows to make it appear as if they were chasing the children. They screamed before running from their own shadows. "Haha!"

His glee was short lived as Jack used the wind to knock him backwards into a snow bank. Jack snickered at him until he was lifted off his feet by a cable of nightmare sand. He quickly froze it and broke it into pieces with his staff. The two glared at each other before they got into an argument. More of a shouting match actually.

Rhiannon was watching from behind a building. She couldn't help the smirk that pulled onto her lips as she pulled out the book and flipped to the right page. She was just going to use the spell on Jack, but Pitch being there made it all the more entertaining. The book levitated as a small ball of dark energy started to form in her hands.

"With the charm of an eel, and the grace of bats…" Rhiannon chanted as the ball grew larger in size. "Turn these two spirits, into cats!"

She quickly came out from behind the building as the energy shot out like a beam and towards the arguing pair. Jack was the first to notice the beam and quickly held his staff up to defend himself. Pitch turned as well before shooting am arrow of nightmare sand at the beam. It disintegrated on contact.

Before the two spirits could move, the beam hit them full blast. They fell to the ground with a thud and a cry of pain. The power surged through them like an electric shock, sending waves of pain racking through their bodies. Their skin hissed and seemed to start smoking. Pitch looked up at Rhiannon with a glare. "W-What did y-you do?!"

"Let's just say that a villain has to have some fun every once in a while." Rhiannon stated as she smirked down at them before the smoke from their skin surrounded their bodies. When it cleared, all that was left was their clothes on the floor. Rhiannon looked at the apparel confused and looked at the spell in the book. "I didn't miss a line did I?"

Before she could read the text over, a small mewl could be heard followed by a loud meow. She looked up to see two cats crawl out of the clothing. A large, sleek black cat and a smaller, scruffy white cat. She looked at them before bursting into a fit of maniacal laughter. The cats looked at her confused before glancing at each other. They meowed loudly in shock and sprung apart from each other.

"Pitch! Is that you?!" the white cat meowed loudly. The black cat stared at him in shock before nodding his head. "What the heck is going on?!"

"Rhiannon cast a spell on us Frost. Am I a cat too?" Pitch asked as he glanced at the still laughing Rhiannon. Jack nodded his head causing Pitch to sigh in dismay. "Fantastic."

"Oh this is priceless!" Rhiannon cackled as she slowly stood up. "I must have said cats instead of rats. It's still equally as funny."

"Rhiannon, change us back!" Jack hollered as he stamped the ground. Unfortunately for him, no one but Pitch and other animals could understand him. All Rhiannon heard was loud high pitched meows. "Rhiannon!"

"Jack you're howling like a dying animal. She doesn't understand you so just shut up already." Pitch ordered as he watched Rhiannon observe them. "This spell can't possibly last long."

"I'm glad I laced this spell with bone powder. It can last for centuries now." The Woman in Black stated as she closed the book and tucked it under her arm. "It should keep you two out of my hair for a while."

"Perhaps I spoke too soon." Pitch said as Rhiannon proceeded to open a portal. Jack quickly sprinted over in an attempt to catch her, but she stepped into the portal and fell face first into the snow. "Just great."

"Ow…" Jack muttered as he picked himself up off the ground. "Nice going Pitch, you jinxed it!"

"I did nothing of the sort Frost, I merely voiced my thoughts." Pitch argued with a swish of his tail. "Now calm down so we can fix this mess."

"How are we going to fix this?! We're cats!" Jack yelled as he proceeded to run in a small circle, drawing attention to people passing by. "Aahhh!"

Pitch watched him run around for a bit before shaking his head and tripping him with his tail. He was sent stumbling forward and sprawling into the street. The black cat smirked before walking out into the street as well. Jack glared up at him. "So what if we're cats? What could possibly happen?"

He was immediately answered by a car horn. Both felines turned to the sound as a large truck came zooming down the street. They scrambled off the road, tripping over each other, and landing in a heap on the sidewalk. The truck rumbled passed them, shaking the ground they stood on. They stared wide eyed at each other before Jack screeched, "You jinxed us again!"

"Oh shut up Frost! And get off my tail." Pitch said as his fur stood up a bit in anger. Jack looked at his paw and saw that he was indeed stepping on it. He smiled sheepishly before getting off and jumping onto a snow bank. "Thank you."

"Ok, I think I'm calmer now. Can we go find the Guardians and see if they can help?"

"Absolutely not. I will not have them see me in such a defenseless state. Who knows what they would do to me if they found out I was reduced to this!"

"Ok, what about Snow and Allie? You trust her don't you?"

"Yes, but that doesn't make the situation any better."

"Whatever, let's just go find them." Jack stated as he started to walk off in a random direction. He quickly stopped and turned back to Pitch. "Which way should we go?"

"How should I know? You're the one who's lived here for over 300 years." Pitch stated. "What's the problem?"

"I'm a cat now and everything seems so much bigger. I have no idea what part of Burgess were in."

"Oh this is just perfect." Pitch stated sarcastically as he face-pawed. "So you don't recognize anything?"

"Let me see. Um…no…not that…ah hah!" Jack said as pointed a paw in the direction of a large statue. "We must be in the park. Then that must be the road that leads to Jamie's house."

"What exactly do you plan on accomplishing when we get there?" Pitch questioned curiously.

"A safe place to hide our clothes." Jack stated as he proceeded in piling his clothes into a pile and began dragging it by his hoodie.

"Oh yeah." Pitch said he started to drag his clothes. "How far is this child's house?"

"A few blocks away."

"This day has just gone from bad to worse."

Half an hour later…

"Are we there yet?" Pitch groaned as he continued to drag his cloak. His and Jack's fur seemed to droop from exhaustion. "I feel like I'm about to fall over."

"Yeah, were here." Jack said as he glanced up at the familiar house. It was right next to his pond and he could see several kids playing near it. He walked around the fence that surrounded the house. He saw the hole Jamie and his friends took to get inside. "Here we go."


Both felines entered the yard only to see a certain blonde playing with several of her toys. Sophie looked at the cause of the creak in the fence. She saw the two cats walk in with curiosity, before squealing with glee. "Kitty!"

"Are you sure this is a good idea Frost?" Pitch asked nervously as the younger girl skipped over to them. "The Rabbit won't find us here will he?"

"That's a great idea! Bunny always visits Sophie, he can help us!" Jack meowed happily. Sophie giggled before she started scratching Jack behind the ears. He immediately leaned into the touch and even started to purr. "Oh yeah… that's the spot."

"Seriously?" Pitch questioned as he raised an eyebrow. Jack just shrugged his shoulders before he started rubbing himself against Sophie's legs. Pitch rolled his eyes before turning to walk away, and somehow find someone to help him. "You've lost it Frost."

Before he could exit, he was knocked over by something very large. He looked to see Jamie entering the fence, sled in hand. He didn't notice Pitch and dropped the sled right on his paw. He yowled in pain causing Jamie to back up a few paces and Jack and Sophie to glance at him. Recovering from the initial shock, Jamie hurriedly went over and removed the sled. "Sorry cat!"

Pitch quickly pulled his paw up off the cold floor, before examining it. The wood at the bottom of the sleigh seemed to be splintered a bit and several little pieces of wood could be seen sticking out of his paw. He slowly placed his paw on the ground but quickly regretted it when pain shot up his arm. He growled a bit before trying to take the splinters out with his teeth, but with little success. "Argh! Just great!"

"Jamie!" Sophie whined before walking over to Pitch, and to his dismay, picking him up. "You hurt the kitty!"

"I know, but I didn't mean too!" Jamie said quickly. He held Pitch's paw in his hand but quickly let go when the black cat hissed at him. "I guess he's still mad at me."

"You hurt his hand." Sophie stated as she held up the splintered paw. Jack had walked over by now and winced at the sight. Pitch squirmed in the young girls grasp but she was surprisingly strong. "Red stuff is coming out!"

"What?" Pitch questioned before he saw several dark drops fall to the snow and stain it crimson. Several more fell near Jack and he immediately stepped out of the way. Jamie went to take out one of the splinters but Pitch yowled in pain and squirmed free of Sophie's grip. He quickly limped behind Jack before hissing at the two Bennett children. "Keep those brats away Frost!"

"Oh there's another cat." Jamie said as he walked over to the two felines. He bent down to their level and Pitch hissed again. Jack rolled his eyes before approaching Jamie with a smile. "This one seems nice."

"Jamie, Sophie! Its lunchtime!" Mrs. Bennett called from the backdoor. She paused when she saw the two cats and the blood on the floor. "What did you two do now?"

"Well you see-"Jamie was about to explain when Abby bolted out of the door barking. Jack yelped before quickly scrambling away. Pitch couldn't do much but hiss and arch his back. Abby barked at him and Pitch swiped at the dog. He found that to be a mistake since it hurt his injured paw more than the dog. Abby pounced on him and they rolled around on the floor a bit before Abby got the upper paw. She bit down on Pitch's shoulder before the larger black cat kicked her off of him. "Abby no!"

Jamie quickly grabbed the canine before she could do anymore harm. Pitch shakily stood up as droplets of blood fell from his wound. Jack peeked around the old TV he was hiding behind before quickly sprinting over to Pitch. "Are you ok?"

"Do I look ok to you?" Pitch questioned before he collapsed on the ground. Sophie screamed a bit and Jack quickly tried to nudge him up. Pitch groaned and swatted at Jack. "I hate this so much."

"Bad Abby! Bad Abby!" Jamie scolded as he tied the greyhound to a post with a leash. He quickly ran over to his mother and Sophie as Jack continued to nudge the black cat. "Oh no."

"Mommy we have to help the kitty!" Sophie cried as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Please?"

"Ok sweetie, but we have to be careful. The kitty might think we're trying to hurt him and try to bite us." Her mother explained as she went inside and quickly retrieved a small blanket. She carefully picked up Pitch and wrapped him in the blanket; he didn't bother protesting, it would get him nowhere. She grabbed her car keys and went to the front gate. "I'm gonna take him to the vet. I'll come back soon, lunch is on the table."

"I wanna come too!" Sophie protested as she held onto her mother's leg.

"Oh alright. Grab your sandwich from the table and get in the car. Jamie I don't want a mess when we come back."

"Ok Mom. I'm just gonna hang out with his little friend." Jamie stated as he pet the white cat. She nodded before cradling Pitch in one hand and taking Sophie's other hand. As soon as they left, Jamie sat down next to the cat and let him crawl into his lap. He laughed when he started purring and rubbing up against him. "I wonder what your name is."

"But you already know my-Oh yeah." Jack meowed much to Jamie's confusion. Jack thought to himself as Jamie finally noticed the discarded clothing. He set Jack down before walking over and picking up the blue hoodie.

"Isn't this Jack's?" he questioned before he looked in both directions and quickly slipped it on. It was a bit big on him but that didn't stop him from having fun. "Look at me I'm Jack Frost! I am the Master of Snowball fights!"

He went to pick up the staff when a sudden blue light coursed through it. He stepped back a bit and saw that the white cat was attempting to hold the staff in his mouth. With each touch the light grew brighter. The cat meowed in frustration before looking up at Jamie. It was then that he noticed the cat's brilliant, icy blue eyes. He bent down and picked up the cat looking at the scruffy white fur and how it looked almost silver in the sunlight. "Jack?"

Ok so now my rant. This week has been hell! On Monday, someone stole my phone! I had everything on there! My pictures, my music, and even some of my stories that I had typed on the notepad. They are all gone! Ok I'm done now.

Anyway I need more reviews for the next chapter of ROTG: Protection so I can finish it and move on with the story. Thanks for all of those who are reading my stories.

Don't forget to R&R!

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