Hello! Well, as you can see, this isn't the next chapter of Ashes of Corruption. Writer's block is a terrible thing.

Now, this prompt list will have things from Canon, as well as moments from my Ripples in Time verse. Meaning there is mentions of Alternate Canon and Time Travel.

I don't remember where I got this prompt list. I think it was someone on LiveJournal, but I can't find them again. There are 200 prompts, so each chapter will have 50 in each. Most are one or two sentences, but a couple are a little longer.

Disclaimer: the prompts are from LiveJournal, Final Fantasy VII and its compilation are properties of square.

001. Light.

It takes time for his eyes to adjust to light after so long in the coffin, but nowhere near as long as it should have.

002. Shadows.

Barrett can't stop the slight jerk whenever a shadow moves- dealing with ghosts and other stuff is not what he's used to.

003. Truth.

Tifa stays silent as Cloud speaks, the years between the incident and now making her uncertain which version is truth.

004. Lies.

Cid stomps out the cigarette with a vengeance, uncomfortably aware that there's a General that believes Cid would never lie to him.

005. Fall.

Not again, Cloud silently groans as the floor creaks and gives way. He hates falling, but gravity apparently has it out for him today.

006. Secure.

Princess Yuffie is supposed to be in a secure hidden house while the war rages, protected from danger. Treasure Hunter and World Savior Yuffie doesn't care, and easily leaves.

007. Purpose.

They all come back with a purpose, but unsaid is the fact that that purpose comes second to the well-being of the others.

008. Meaning.

Rufus usually has more than one meaning to his words, Tseng learns, but his actions apparently have none.

009. Past.

Nanaki doubts that they can really change the past, but for the sake of his friends, he will try.

010. Future.

Reeve sits in his cluttered office of over a decade ago, and begins to plan for the future.

011. Star.

Cid's always able to find the one star in the sky that doesn't move, Yuffie is convinced he's making it up.

012. Sun.

Tifa's skin turns a deep tan as she lives in Costa, Mama Strife on the other hand, does her best not to be burned by the sun.

013. Scar.

Cloud's chest has three deep scars (and one shallow one) from a monster, which gives him some awed looks. Yet for some reason, he misses the scar that came from the other Sephiroth.

014. Solitary.

Sephiroth used to say he was solitary by nature. Now, surrounded by those he cares about, he wonders if it wasn't by nurture instead.

015. Penance.

Rude has never given morality much thought, but he wonders if having to deal with a different Reno (not the same, but still his partner) is some sort of karma for his past deeds.

016. Sinner.

They all have mile long body counts to their names, Reeve by affiliation if nothing else.

017. Saint.

Compared to ShinRa, and its questionable sanctions and actions by its employees, however, they're practically saints.

018. Unconditional.

It's quite a shock when Mama Strife greets each of them with warmth and love, not caring what they've done, or what they may do.

019. Rules.

They have some rules in place to try and better their odds of changing the past/future, but they all know they'll be breaking them at some point for each other.

020. Tales.

Yuffie scrambles to explain why she disappeared when the WRO expected her report a week ago, and Reeve tries not to laugh at the obviously made up tales.

021. Amazing.

Zack watches in awe as his mentor goes at it with Genesis and Sephiroth, and vows to be just as amazing one day.

022. Special.

Sephiroth has heard he was special and treated as if he was since he was young. It's oddly refreshing to be cursed at by a certain foul-mouthed pilot just like everyone else.

023. Sick.

Cloud doesn't remember being sick (mako poisoning and geostigma not counted) so when he does get sick, he's absolutely miserable, much to Vincent and Tifa's amusement.

024. Exhaustion.

They've sent Jenova towards the sun, and they all barely make it back to the Highwind before collapsing. Next time, someone else can save the world.

025. Choice.

In another timeline, Veld allowed Vincent to choose his coffin. This time, Vincent allows Veld to choose neutrality . . . it's only fair.

026. Dream.

Lucretia used to dream of fire, pain, and her son being pulled away by darkness. It's disconcerting to know those dreams came true in another timeline.

027. Sex.

Angeal is horrified to realize that Zack apparently has no knowledge of this activity, but most of it stems from the realization that he will have to give his student the Talk.

028. Passion.

Sephiroth does not understand Genesis' passion for Loveless. Nor does he ever intend to.

029. Intense.

Vincent has faced many dangers, humans and monsters alike, and yet one of Mama Strife's looks is intense enough to make him want to hide in shadows for the rest of his life.

030. Soft.

Mama Strife gently strokes the black wing as Genesis sleeps, marveling at how soft the feathers are.

031. Unforgiving.

As Cid hits the ground from yet another jump, his 40-something year old knees violently protest the landing on the unforgiving pavement.

032. Almost.

Yuffie almost loved Vincent, and she almost told him before they went back in time. But almost isn't enough, and she is surprised how quickly the almost romance turns into something like family.

033. Messy.

Barrett is messy, likely to leave things lying about. Cid is the exact opposite, and the group learns early on never to let them share a room.

034. Memory.

Cloud's memories are vague and uncertain in places, and it almost breaks him (again) when he realizes how faded and vague the memory of his mother had gotten. Mama Strife holds him, and reminds him she is more than a memory now.

035. Forgotten.

There is so much they've forgotten about who they were before they grouped together to save the world. They vow never to forget each other.

036. Time.

Even with their second chance, there doesn't seem to be enough of it.

037. Gift.

"What's this?" Sephiroth stares at the bright paper-wrapped object on his desk.

"A gift. You open it and keep it." Genesis rolls his eyes, but an elbow and look from Angeal makes him realize. "You've never had a gift before?"

"No." Sephiroth gently opens it, and even though it's a copy of Loveless, he keeps it hidden in his desk. The first gift he's ever gotten from a friend.

038. Red.

Once upon a time, the color was used to strip away his individuality. Now, it is a term of endearment, and Nanaki smiles as the others call for him using the nickname.

039. Yellow.

Cloud is not amused when Zack gives him a yellow chocobo stuffed toy, having had his fill in both timelines of the joke. He still keeps it, though.

040. Blue.

Zack's eyes are an incredible shade of blue, Aerith notices when they first meet. When she rescues him from the lab, she is almost disappointed that the blue has turned violet.

041. Gray.

Reeve is unsurprised when he looks in the mirror and spots the gray hairs mixed with the black. Planet knows he's lucky to not be completely gray after all the crises that he's been dealing with.

042. Sloshed.

Reno likes to get completely sloshed at Seventh Heaven, he has a booth in a corner reserved for the days when he can't take the memories and pressure. He feels sorry for Cloud, who can't enjoy getting completely drunk thanks to Professor Creepy.

043. Regression.

Tifa, Cloud and Yuffie are in their thirties (late twenties in Yuffie's case), or are supposed to be, if they hadn't gone back in time to the bodies of their child selves. The others are convinced they've gone crazy, especially when they argue over comic characters. Reeve doesn't help matters by joining in.

044. Laughter.

Barrett's laugh is loud, sometimes abrasive; Yuffie chuckles, usually maniacally; Cid tends to snigger; Reeve has a polite laugh (and occasionally giggles); Cait Sith's occasionally sound mechanical; Nanaki's laugh sounds a bit like barking; and Tifa giggles, as does Aerith. It takes a while, but they finally get Vincent and Cloud to laugh- Vincent's is a soft huff, hard to hear even for Nanaki, while Cloud usually just smiles, but if really amused, will quietly chuckle.

045. Debt.

Rufus knows full well that he owes Strife and his version of Avalanche a debt he can never pay by his usual means, and one he probably never will be able to pay, as Strife and his ragtag group don't seem to be aware of it.

046. Work.

They take it day by day, slowly putting pieces of broken lives back together, and filling the holes with something new. It's a lot of work, but their friendship proves to be worth it several times over.

047. Pain.

Zack struggles to block the pain of the mako burning him, but the physical pain is nothing compared to the betrayal that he feels from Sephiroth leaving him just like Angeal.

048. Hidden.

Lucretia leaves as many clues as possible, hidden in places Hojo will not bother looking once she's gone, and prays that Vincent or her son will find them.

049. Power.

Weiss remembers the feeling of all consuming power, of being bonded body and soul to Omega. And yet it is nothing compared to the freedom of being released from Deepground, and the ability to think more clearly than he has in years.

050. Animal.

Nanaki is an animal, no matter how sentient and knowledgeable he is mentally, he still has the same instincts as any animal, and fears that someday, those instincts will tear him away from those he loves.