It felt like someone was watching. Someone was watching her, she thought. But it only felt that way in her room. She checked the place numerous times….and nothing. Why did it feel like she was being watched? The eyes felt everywhere there….Why? And these dreams…these dreams….Who was the male in her dreams? And why…why today, did she begin to hear the whispers almost everywhere she went..What did this mean?
Chapter 4: Who is watching?
She awoke early today.
She sighed without a sound—never opening her eyes—she didn't feel like awakening even though her sleep was interrupted by her own dream. She couldn't quite understand it, but she didn't want to remember it either. So she forcibly rid of it without second thought.
She peaked to her window from beneath her cover with half lidded eyes. The sun had not brightened her curtains, so it must be around six in the morning. She gave a sound whine before yawning—pulling the sheets and comforter over her head with a groan.
She honestly didn't want to get up. Having worked constantly over the past few months and having to attend to several clan matters—she's exhausted. She would have to go back over to the hospital and help Sakura until noon. Then she was told to meet with the Hokage for a small mission to the fire temple. After that she was due to visit Kurenai and her daughter along with Kiba and Shino. And then she would have to prepare, again, for her training with her father and Hanabi. That was set to last all night.
The Hyuuga elders decided best to train both her and her younger sister on the intrinsic worth of becoming a proper head for this clan. Since Hinata was of age, she would be set to marry soon. They've yet to tell her of any eligible bachelors however she can only guess what they'd look for.
She prayed he wasn't…..a dominating, controlling, rich boy, snob..
She could recall such young males with said personalities in her adolescents. At the time, the elders would search for potentials for her to meet at a young age. And they would visit from time to time. However, since the condition of the village and several unexpected disasters; such meetings were postponed. Now, in times of peace, they have picked up where they left off and she could only hope they weren't the same males she met in her childhood.
If she could choose, she knew exactly whom to choose. Yet, she didn't feel it would be in her favor or best interest anyway. The one male she has longed for and confessed to, has yet to reciprocate her feelings or even so much as speak to her about it. He was still his usual sunny delightful self—grinning this way and that way and even more so now that he was the village's, no…the nation's….no…the world's hero. He had saved the world just two-three years ago and he was constantly and happily reminded of it since. He changed everything he touched. Surprisingly, Sasuke even. The once heartless male was full of love and care for Sakura as he never was. He returned her feelings, Sakura was so lucky. She would talk about it every time she assisted her at work.
She guessed she never made it entirely clear but how clear can you get after saying 'I love you' and 'I want to walk with you.'? She guessed it wasn't enough to get across to him. He did seem innocent on the aspect. He hadn't chased Sakura since the war—she noticed anyway. He spent more of his time with the villagers, training under the current Hokage Kakashi, and taking in a few small missions as she and a few others did as well.
He had never treated her any differently. He would smile, greet, and even eat with her from time to time whenever he did see her. And now that he was popular and famed among the nations, he also became equally prized among the woman. So now, she felt as though her chances with him have slimmed ever greater due to the female populous taking a romantic interest in him. He's far more popular than Sasuke at this point.
"Huunnn..." she sighed and groaned as she rubbed her heavy eyes from beneath her covers and slowly sat up with tangled hair as she yawned and stretched her arms. She sat, staring at nothing while slowly blinking.
It had been so long, what was there really? How can she fuss? She was Hyuuga. There wasn't much to fuss over if you've never had it. It wasn't like he was there to begin with. He was her desire. Her ambition. Her goal. His ninja way was her ninja way and has so grown into her love and her life. With peace among the world, she had hoped to finally gain his interest with mutual value. And yet, this lacked. He has shown her nothing beyond friendship and now is the time for her clan to prepare for the new head and to marry both daughters to continue their increased wealth, maintain their respect, and strengthen their bloodline.
She understood the males chosen would be rich in some form or another. Be it their money, their land, or even their abilities. If there were to be prospective evolutions within the clan, they would choose for her very wisely. Especially herself since she is the oldest. Since her nii-san no longer lived, her line is to be greatly protected for she is the succeeding strongest within the clan after her father.
Neji would have made the perfect leader and his offspring would have demonstrated just how much potential evolves within the lineage. He had surpassed many things at his age and has been proven worthy by the elders; gaining their respect like no other. He would have not only been clan head but he would have been married to a wealthy maiden chosen by them as well to increase the rich of the Hyuuga. In this, she would have had more freedom but still chosen. Not that her brother being gone was a problem in this part, nevertheless she will admit to her duty as heiress.
She was to do as she was given and become as she was meant. She was next in the line to govern her clan and she will respect Neji and her family. She must grow stronger, become better, and further take her abilities far beyond comprehension as did her nii-san. She will care, protect, and enhance the assets, power and value of her clan. She refused to fail them and has vowed to her dead nii-san to never disappoint them again.
She failed to protect his life.
She will not fail to provide for her kin.
She will become a grand head and be respected as he was, among her clan and her nation.
No one else….will die around her. No matter what…she will not allow for them to die.
'The war may be over…demo..' Hinata Hyuuga rubbed her temple with her left hand as she sighed while pulling the covers off with her other hand before turning to place her warm feet on the cool wooden floor.
She looked to her window as the soft orange-ish pink hue slowly peaked from the rising sun. 'Nothing will stop another from trying to conquer, destroy, and control.'
She stood from her bed and made her way slowly—dragging her feet—to her bathroom. Her long lavender gown—loose and flowing—hugged her upper form and trailed through the air over her lower half, following behind her.
She stopped in front of her counter sink's mirror and looked herself over. "Another day, Hinata. You can do it.….another day." She sighed, trying to boost her confidence and energy. She yawned again as she moved to get her toothbrush and paste from behind her mirror wooden cabinet and turned on the faucet.
Today will be as life-draining as everyday has been since the war ended. Rebuilding the village continues, nation affairs ensues, trading and traveling is tight as the land's Leaders try to strengthen their alliances. Seemingly since the war ended, they are ensuring they have strong ties and no betrayals and rivalries. So far, they have agreed upon many things however it is a long ways off since reviving the villages are top priority before further negotiations on business. They seemed to be at a few odds, as though the war taught them nothing, but at the same time, they have grown closer in their own way.
Seeing Kakashi-Kage as he is now came as a surprise to not only her but to many of the shinobi having worked with him before. He was not as lazy as he used to be and planned everything accordingly and on-time. He was surprisingly patient with Naruto, leaving many to assume he simply wants to rid himself of the position and pass it on without consequence. (She thought this was a good thing). She believed this to be very true but also working with Kakashi alone at times; whenever Naruto had time off, Sasuke never having helped late nights, and Sakura staying late at the hospital. No one else would ever be there to help, she would be the one there assisting him in finishing his work. She understood how serious the Kage job is and how patient you must be..
Since the destruction, paperwork loads were far more than before and yet less in terms of other nation situations. Much of his work was within village transactions. He had to make several approvals and disapprovals. Oversee construction work, and attend many public junctures. He actually liked when she worked because she allowed him to get a break. She would do his paperwork and he would sleep. He told her he trusted her judgment and this type of work should help her in her becoming clan head. Her father and elders agreed to such stays also.
There were times where he would playfully talk about her feelings for Naruto. Trying to make her stay alone with him more comfortable and trusting. Not that she never trusted Kakashi, but the very first time she worked late with him and he was a bit tipsy, he slurred on her physical development being pleasing and that many males in the village see her in a whole new light. He initially told her to be careful but then passed out before he could finish. He only remembers part of this and thought he made her uncomfortable. But she never was; she guessed her bodily growth has brought attention. Yet, others did not matter to her. Only he…
Lately, she's spent more of her time around Sakura, Karui, Ino, and sometimes Temari. They would go out together if she could and, for the most part, talk about their love interests and potential futures. She has noticed that during times of peace and reconstruction, dating is far more prominent among the shinobis as it has not been for a while. Many have simply chosen to not bother with significant others while several have had the time to finally court their love interests. She was surprised Iruka-sensei and so many of their teachers have chosen to remain single. They don't even have children in the idea at all.
She wanted to be a mother. She knew she was going to be, she just didn't know with whom.
"Aaah.." she breathed with a mouth full of fresh mint as she put away her items and closed the mirror door—licking her teeth to feel the smooth clean with her tongue. She looked herself over again, observing her face, hair, and eyes. As an eighteen year old girl, she has grown quite a bit. Not only in her figure but her face has changed some also. Her hair was longer than before and she modified her hairstyle only a slight—leaving more hair to rest in front on her shoulders and down near her chest.
She felt many stares to her upper and lower form whenever she was outside. The girls would constantly tease her about her unrealized attraction (as they put it). Her eyes narrowed more since she was older now and she could tell her cheeks seemed less round and more shaped. Not significantly, but she did look different. Womanly. Whatever the understanding; she has matured.
The faucet continued to run as she moved for her face towel on the rack beside the sink to wet. Her cherry-blossom scented soap bar set high on her wooden wall shelf, and she used to lather her washcloth and proceeded to scrub her face.
She bathed last night, so she was good there. She always bathed at night before bed because it was the best time and feeling ever. A good night soak worked wonders on her aching body. Her ointments were magical but the herbal soak was better. Also, it was much more convenient to bathe the night before and the next morning was quicker if she had other things she wanted to do.
She finished washing her face and set everything in place. She turned off the faucet and again looked herself over in the mirror. "Yosh!" She nodded to herself and smiled. "Alright!" She was awake. She exited her bathroom and went for the brush in her dresser for her hair. The sun had shown brightly through her curtains now. Birds chirped cheerily near her yard. She smiled at the musical sound and hummed a soft tune with them.
A soft breeze.
She paused…..stiffening slightly—feeling a wave of an unknown—weightiness—on her back. A brushy feeling—as though her window or perhaps a draft has touched her. Humming; she remained calm and continued to her dresser as though she felt nothing and opened her drawer for the brush. She walked calmly to her bathroom again…and sighed silently when the feeling left her.
'What is that?' she thought as she brushed her hair in front of her mirror. 'I didn't feel it when I got up…but..'
She was careful to not make it known or obvious that she suspected someone was watching her. It definitely felt like it….but only in her room. When she left her room, there wasn't this overbearing and unknown feeling that would pressure her. She didn't feel….'pressured'. With this, there would come a soft breeze or waft. You can tell when it feels like someone is watching you. You can tell when it feels like you are not alone. But…..she was alone.
She has never before felt any sort of draft in her room until recent. Her windows were all closed and her door sealed tight. It would be near impossible. However, being a kunoichi as she is, it would only be possible if someone was in her room. She would at times, hear whispers….but still….there was no one here but her.
She would scan her room every time she felt it. She activated her byakugan and searched for any signs of a chakra signature. Her all-seeing eyes searched high and low through the wall of her bathroom, and nothing. There was no one…so what she feeling? Hearing? She figured it was coming from her window, but even then….there was no one. Not even in her yard. Where was this 'feeling' coming from? The soft sound? There were no signs of genjutsu or any sort of jutsu she could sense. This phenomenon has been happing to her for over three weeks now.
What is going on?
Knock knock knock
"Hai?!" she quickly answers—a bit too quickly—relieved she took her mind off her thoughts. She'd try to figure it out later; she had a long day ahead. If nothing seems to alert any within the Hyuuga residence, than this issue could all be in her mind. She would have to speak to Sakura or someone of this to examine her. Perhaps Tsunade would be better. She wasn't sure.
She could study it on her own first before she received medical attention. She didn't want to alarm anyone unnecessarily. It could all…just be her.
"Ohayou, Mistress. We have come to dress and escort you to the family hall for breakfast." Ko, along with three house maidens of the lesser branch stood outside of her door as they spoke in unison.
Hinata sighed—finishing the last few brushes to her hair and moving out of her bathroom and straight to her closet, throwing her brush on her bed. Even when she told them they never had to come to dress and bathe her. They would faithfully insist every day. Even when she comes in after a long day's work and her training with her family. They would wait for her to arrive by her door to tend to her.
Hanabi may enjoy this, but she did not. She was an adult; she could bathe and tend to herself. It was the elders and her father that persisted.
"Arigatou, but I can get dressed. I am now and I will be right out in a few minutes. No need to trouble you."
Ko and the maidens all smiled softly to her closed door, looking amongst each other before returning their stares. They all chuckled some hearing their mistress shuffle around as she dressed. She sounded as though she was moving quickly since she found it rude to leave them waiting whenever they retrieved her in the morning and evening. Hinata was one of a kind within the main branch. She was very much like her very kind mother and grandmother alike. If a voluntary choice in protecting the main branch members was possible, Hinata would be the only among the entire family.
"Almost done." She squeaked through the door; their smiles broadened.
The door finally slid open after a few minutes longer, and there Mistress Hinata stood well dressed in her kunoichi uniform. She had the neck of her top pulled down some so she could wear and proudly show the necklace given to her by her grandmother.
"I am ready." She politely bowed and they returned the gesture.
"Mistress, the necklace looks wonderful on you." Spoke Ko while gesturing his hand for her to lead the way before them.
"Yes, it is wonderful, Mistress." Spoke the three kimono-clad women as though they were triplets—bowing again their respects to their clan's heiress.
Hinata smiled and laughed—sliding her door closed before leading way down the long corridor. "Yes, thanks so much! I want to wear it as much as possible. It feels very nice and I like the shape." She friendly made chat as she did anyone else; she would never treat them differently as her father and the elders—even her sister—would press for her to do. They fear her kindness would have them forget their place. But to her, they lived and breathed just like everyone else in the world. They were people, just like her; with feelings and souls. How can she treat them as though they were nothing? They risk their lives to protect the main family. They deserve the most respect.
"You are very beautiful; the necklace intensifies your natural beauty as does anything and everything you wear, Mistress." The 'triplets' again, spoke collectively.
"Haha. Thanks, you are too kind. How you all this morning?" sweetly asked Hinata with the brightest smile they could hear but not see since they walked behind her.
They all smiled with her. "We are doing very well, Mistress." This time they all spoke together. This made Hinata grin—briefly looking to them. They were amusing.
"I'm happy to hear it."
"Arigatou, Mistress!"
She couldn't help the smile.
"Why can't…"
Hinata paused. A breeze from around her feathered her long hair with the same soft whispers from….
"Mistress?" Ko was the only to speak with concern since she paused in her step.
Recovering, Hinata smiled and walked on. "I'm fine. Just thought of something." She lied. Hopefully this phenomenon didn't continuously pester her. She didn't want to react or be assumed crazy or mentally ill. She would definitely look into it later. This has never happened out side of her room, only the...'heaviness'..went missing this time. .
They soon make it to the family hall and Hinata stops in front of the door, reaching to slide it open, only for Ko to do this for her. Unsurprised by this, she smiled and nodded as she stepped in. She knew her father would have said something or anything of it if one of them did not do this for her. He would see it as them not serving their duties and she just found it ridiculous however stayed quiet on the matter.
Ko and the women followed along, stepping down three steps into the large room filled with live decorative plants and a nice indoor waterfall and small pond filled a variety of fish—mainly Koi. The waterfall set on the far right when first walking in with plants and trees of all kinds sprouting from the ground with the glossy wooden floor expertly built around them. The ceiling was very tall and a few of the plants with height (some cherry blossoms, a couple of bamboo, and scarlet maple) are only able to grow as tall as they are allowed and that's around 10 feet. The other plants were smaller like Bonsai and only a few flower bushes. Stones and smooth large rocks patterned around the waterfall pond. The walls held a few paintings, mostly consisting of family and allied members of the clan.
On the left and middle of the room was the very large red sandalwood made table—smooth and glossed with black exquisitely designed tea cups and saucers to match the seat floor mats and already placed dining ware set-up neatly around the table. Each seating had fresh chopsticks wrapped in black flower decorated napkins. The middle of the table set two bonsai trees with black cast iron teapots on either side. The farthest wall had five steps leading to ten grand seats where the elders would gather. Her father would sit on the end closest to the door where she now stood, overseeing the room.
The room was quite large; the family hall has always been such. Only this is the first time the hall was so decorated. Before each destruction of the village, it would simply be plain and flat. Always spacious, but never this decorated. She was very glad many of the paintings survived the turmoil. There aren't many of her mother and grandmother, so she and Hanabi were very happy they didn't lose any of their pictures.
"Ohayou, nee-san! Did you sleep well?" happily spoke Hanabi as she quickly moved from her seat at the large floor table and ran to Hinata for a hug.
"Ohayou, Hanabi!" oofed Hinata when her sister nearly knocked her over from a bone-crushing greeting. "I slept very well, what time did you get up?" She was surprised Hanabi was awake. She would normally be summoned for breakfast like her, only a bit after.
Hanabi looked up to her sister happily. "I awoke around six since today you agreed to take me out again." She grinned. Hinata, only briefly, frowned. She raised her brow.
"Oh did I?"
"Uh-huh! I had fun with Sakura-san and Mirai-chan last time. I want to see them again today!" Hanabi moved away and danced in a circle, her pink bow strands bobbing with her.
"Well….I don't know Hanabi, I have a mission to the fire temple later today…."
"Huh?!" Hanabi paused in her joy, frowning disheartened—staring to her older sister with pleading big eyes.
"Please. I won't have much to do until you get back. And that's only if you get back on time and not work late for Hokage-sama." Whined Hanabi. Hinata sighed. She didn't know why or even what has possessed her normally polite, obedient, and patiently understanding sister to become so actively voicey and childish but she couldn't say it was too bad. She liked that her sister could be so carefree with so much expected of her. She spent more and more time with her, like when they were younger. Maybe with Neji gone, she wanted them to be closer than ever, his absent felt nostalgic at times.
Seeing her sister's big insistent orbs that matched her own, she softened. "I'll see what I can do."
"Yes!" Hanabi clapped and swayed her hips.
"I'm not making any promises though…"
"Mistress Hinata, Master Hiashi will be here with the master elders in a few moments. Please, if you will…" Ko kindly emphasized his hand towards her vacant seat.
"Oh.." Hinata blushed and quickly went to her seat.
"Yes, young Mistress Hanabi, please return to your seat." Spoke one of Hanabi's personal maidens. All four stood behind her vacant seat with the same standing behind Hinata's place.
"Coming." Hanabi quickly moved to sit across from her sister.
Only a few moments later did the elders along with their father and many other main family members filed into the room. Hiashi took his place at the head of the table between his two daughters as the head elders took their place on the stand. The rest of the seats were filled by a few more elders of the clan as well as the parents of Hiashi; the grandparents of the two heiresses.
"Ohayou gozaimasu. I hope everyone here is well rested." Spoke the head of the Hyuuga clan, Hiashi. Everyone seated nodded their respects while those that stood bowed their respects. Hiashi nodded in return as the room's attention held strongly and exclusive to him—waiting for him to begin their morning meeting.
"To begin, we will continue our discussion from earlier this month. Both heiresses of this clan shall be married within the next five years; expectedly sooner for the eldest, Hinata. This should be within the next year. However, I will change this to two since suitors have increased."
Hinata blinked slowly. What? But said nothing as her father spoke. She knew most of what was said—the suitors increase; that's new. She tried her best to mentally prepare for whomever she was to be matched and married off to. Hanabi held no care for what the future held for her other than growing stronger and better for this clan. She held no care for whom she was to be suited. All she knew was that whoever it was going to be, she'd ensure he'd bow to her, not the other way around.
"During our last gathering, we discussed invitations to banquet meetings and marriage interviews with clans we have previous associations and some we have only recently met or will soon be introduced. Thus far, we have over forty applicants accepting to meet with Hinata alone."
"Oooh." Amazement crossed the table and around the room. This came as a shock to the elders since their initial number of suitors came as only five. The increase in only three weeks time was astounding.
Hinata's eyes nearly widened. Forty? From who? From where? For some reason, she felt….exposed. This was uncomfortable. She couldn't believe her getting married and meeting her future lifelong partner was going to be this nerve wrecking and so soon. At first, the thought was one thing, but the closer to reality it becomes, the more her feelings shook. This was a lot to take in.
"Several of our applicants not only reside within the Fire country however many reside in other regions as well. For our village's sake, this could prove to be benefit considering the current struggles our nation must face in times of reconstruction and repercussions. I have found over twenty of the candidates are wealthy in some form. Fortunately they are not of wealth because of weak or treacherous gains." He held up his hand to gesture one of his servants behind him. "They are wealthy due to their bloodline." A paper was soon placed in his hand and he looked the paper over before turning the paper around to illustrate for the eyes of the table.
The elders' brows rose as they could see the names and lists of assets next to each family crest. "These are the ones I have chosen to look into first. Some of the families here we have had ties to for many years. In fact, two of the candidates Hinata has met before."
'I knew it…' she inwardly groaned since she didn't know who it was going to be and she just knew her father was going to choose the richest of the richest if he so could.
"Interesting Hiashi-sama, I am pleased to see the eldest heiress so highly valued. This is very good." The elders all agreed.
"Surprisingly.." Hiashi continued as another one of his servants came to place a white folder to him he swiftly took. The table waited while the others stood at attention. Hiashi opens the folder and flips through a few pages to pull out the sheet he aimed for. He held this sheet up as the eyes examined paper. "..there are even a few candidates here…within Konoha."
Hinata blinked rapidly as small chatter abrupt around the table. Hanabi sat not understanding as she looked almost curiously to the paper she didn't recognize any names of. Hinata's eyes almost visibly widened after she fluttered. Another shock….grand…so males within her village are on this list for her hand. And because there are so many, she knew what was to be said next..
"Because Hinata has several potentials, we will hold a banquet here at the Hyuuga Manor.—."
She just knew it.
"—we'll give it six months time for more applicants will come in—."
Now her eyes widened. Six months…
If she received this many applications in only three weeks, imagine six months.
"—each will meet us here privately before any are invited to the banquet to weed out the unfit—."
Now that will take almost a year. What are they—. She mentally gasped when she realized their plan without directly telling her.
Not only was to be married—she was..
"—Hinata will also be meeting with them but only during and after the banquet—."
Wow, this was really happening to her. 'Please, nii-san. Please, I will stay strong for you.' Yes, she could not care nor falter. Her family was important, whatever they had for her for the sake of the clan. She will do it by all means.
"—Hinata. Understand?" Hinata quickly looked to the elders and stood her respects to bow her understanding….whatever it may be...
"So, how are you taking your family's decisions?" asked Sakura after she and Hinata finally finished the work for the morning—stepping outside into the day's sun.
They ran so many tests, studied new diseases, gathered information on herbs and cures, filing endless information into their databases, and looking to outside companies for new equipment the hospital required. Much of their work only needed the approval of the hospital head Tsunade. However some, like the new equipment, had to be taken up with the Hokage. Something they had to await further action from Tsunade to request.
After her meeting with her family, her father told Hanabi she had a few candidates as well but since she was still young, he could introduce her to a few he has favored recently. Telling her she will be meeting one of them later today so the training will be postponed until further notice. Even though the conversation was directed more towards Hanabi, he spoke to them both equally to inform Hinata that if she wanted to work late, she could and to not worry about any of her nightly lessons until he allows for them to continue.
Hinata held no protest; however Hanabi visibly scoffed since she wanted to go out with her elder sister. Plans now ruined, she obediently went with their father as he commanded. Now she had a schedule to occupy and Hinata could get to her own work until the banquet meeting. Even though this is for now, she knew this wouldn't be for long. She expects the elders will summon her for 'Poise and etiquette of the Hyuuga' teaching. She expects this very soon.
….Six months…over forty candidates…?
She wished she could scream.
Both girls could be seen stretching and yawning even though it was only a few minutes after noon. Getting up early and working until this time took a lot. A nap would be heavenly, but they still had much to do.
For now….lunch break.
"Well, honestly, I just stopped caring." Shrugged Hinata, lying through her teeth. She, in all honestly, didn't know what to think or how to feel. At first she was taken by surprise, but there was only so much she could voice. The one she wanted didn't exactly want her back so what else was there? She somewhat accepted her fate as her father and elders decided. She promised her nii-san.
Sakura stared at Hinata in shock at her answer. She didn't care? She was so bothered by it when she first talked about it with her because of her feelings for Naruto, but now….she didn't care? She would have to talk to Naruto.
"Why don't you care?" Sakura sounded like she was in more distress than Hinata should be right now.
"It's not that I don't.." Hinata admitted—looking away from Sakura's stare narrowly. "It's just…honestly, there's no point in waiting for him to like me if…well, you know…he doesn't like me. I do have duties to my clan; I vowed to not falter them. So if marriage is pressing, than I will have to move on." Her voice lowered since she did not desire this. Speaking about her feelings for the blonde male so easily was a relief she no longer restricted.
"What? I—." Sakura paused as Hinata's gazed roamed to the streets around them.
Sakura didn't know what to say to that. She wasn't sure how Naruto felt exactly. She has tried hinting at a few things but she wasn't sure if understood her the way she expected him to. She forgets, he wasn't brought up by parents or even taught properly in school because of his previous status. Naruto didn't necessarily have the common sense. He had to be told directly…..she'll just have another talk with him. She wanted to see Hinata succeed and get the guy she has waited for, for so long. Just like she has her Sasuke-kun now. And to her, Hinata was a better choice for Naruto than anyone. She wouldn't trust anybody else to take care of her teammate and brotherly friend.
"Besides," Hinata smiled softly as a small family caught her eye. "..I wouldn't mind having a family soon."
Sakura followed her gaze and smiled amusingly. She too wanted a family soon. She couldn't wait. "Welp, Hinata-chan.." Sakura abruptly slaps her hands on Hinata shoulders, shocking the Hyuuga Heiress. "We're going to make sure it's with Naruto!" she nodded reassuringly and the shocked girl blinked rapidly—blushing, before smiling happily.
"HAI!" she nodded with just as much enthusiasm.
"Why can't you see…" a current feathered her cheeks and she stilled under Sakura's touch. The whispering….
She suddenly stared to nothing, in a daze, vision blurred...feeling a strange warmth upon her neck.
"Why can't you see…" The whispers touched her ears; sounding close...almost desperate...
"Hinata!" Sakura shook—snapping the hime girl to attention. She fluttered her lashes and shook her head.
"Are you okay? You spaced out for a second. As fast as it was, your pupils dilated very largely. Did you get enough sleep?"
"Yes, yes I did I—." Hinata met the emerald-orbs—reading her concern. She blinked again and smiled reassuringly.
"I'm fine; I guess the idea of potentially being with Naruto excited me a bit." She joked half-heartedly. Sakura took this seriously as she grinned in return since Hinata had a history of spacing out because of her feelings for Naruto. She gave her no further unease.
"Haha, I should have known. Let's get a bite together." Sakura linked arms with Hinata as the Jyuuken user allowed her to pull.
"I can't wait for you and Naruto to be together. Than we can go on couple's dates with our friends like Shikamaru and Temari, Ino and Sai, and surprisingly Karui and Choji,. Man, who would have thought—."
As Sakura rambled on, Hinata could only think of her occurrences today. This was the first day she heard and felt the whispers outside of her room or even her home for that matter. She didn't get the weighty feeling like she does in her room, but a certain…feeling did seem to plague her. Not like it usually was where it was only in one place. Now it seemed to be following her and thankfully, it wasn't as constant throughout her day but this….was the fifth time and its only 12:30. How long was…
"Huh?" Sakura waved her hand in front of her vision and then looked her over again. "Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you're just hungry, let's order!" the pinkette smiled as she pulled Hinata along to have a seat at the bar….wait…
Hinat looked around as realization hit her. Ichiraku…what if Naruto…
"Hey Hinata!" came his shiny grin and charming voice. Hinata looked to her right in shock as he sat next to her and onto the bench—flashing his famous Uzumaki grin. "How are ya-tebayou?"
..For some reason, she felt like Sakura planned this…
"Naruto-kun! I—." Hinata couldn't keep the rising blush from glowing her cheeks. "I'm go—."
Sakura pat her back before she could finish. "Good timing, Naruto! Hinata and I are on lunch."
"Eh? Well, this is my breakfast." yawned Naruto. "I just woke up."
Sakura scowled as Hinata's blush lingered—unable to directly look at him—she took to staring ahead to anything that caught her attention. Proving this difficult, Naruto no longer plagued her mind. The whispers...what are they?
"You just woke up, Naruto?" Sakura nearly growled as the blonde surrendered his hands in defense with a nervous snicker.
"Hey, Sakura-chan. I was up all night with Kaka-kage. I didn't leave until 5am-tebayo."
"—tebayo nothing! That is no excuse. You are training to be Kage. What if—."
The bickering of the two faded in the background the moment her vision was increasingly clouded with an unusual light. It was if her question of the unknown voice, triggered another occurrence.
The previous warmth on her neck returned, the soft winds blew around her. She felt...alone this time. She didn't know why, but now she felt...alone.
"Why can't you..."
Her eyes involuntarily enlarged with her pupils taking over.
For some reason...this all seemed too familiar. Where—
She jolted, blinking away the strange light. Her eyes returned to normal and she flinched realizing Naruto was very close to her face—concerned, as old Ichiraku and his daughter looked to her strangely.
"Are you okay?" asked Naruto as Sakura scooted closer to peer into her features.
"You were spacing again. Are you sure you had enough rest Hinata?"
"I..." now she didn't seem so sure. What was going on with her today? "Yes, I'm fine." she had to relax, she didn't want Naruto or Sakura worrying about her. She hadn't eaten since seven, maybe that what it was. Not enough sleep or rest or food, perhaps she was a bit disoriented. But then, that was only 5 or so hours ago. She should be fine...
She sighed. Now she didn't know what to think.
"Okay." softly replied Sakura, turning her attention to the Ichirakus to order her food.
"Order whatever you like Hinata! It's on me-tedayo!" grinned Naruto in hopes of solving her problem.
Hinata's cheeks lit up and she nodded reassuringly. "Hai! Arigatou Naruto-kun!" she smiled gently...unrealizing this made Naruto produce a blush of his own. She also didn't catch Sakura sending him a thumbs up behind her back.
Naruto ordered both of their meals after having decided together. Hinata tried to focus her mind on waiting. 'Drinking' in the fact that Naruto, was again, treating her so kindly. Moments like this she enjoyed with precious feelings. Even knowing she was to wed another, she wanted to keep Naruto in her heart for as long as she could.
"So, Hinata..." came Naruto, as though hesitant to speak to her while she slurped up a stray noodle. Her hair curtained her face before she pulled a few strands behind her ear. "Yes?" she muffed with some food in her mouth—swallowing before turning her attention to Naruto.
Cheeks ablaze, Naruto gulped and looked away. "N-nothing. Sorry, never mind..hehe." He slurped on his own noodles as Hinata 's brow furrowed a second—returning to hers.
Curious to his question, she found the courage to ask him after sipping a few more strands. "Na—."
"Why can't you..."
Her breath hitched in her throat, warmth on her neck intensified, white flooded her eyes so quickly this time, a sudden and almost pressing urge restricted her structure. Hinata kept her hands near the bowl with her head low so no one could see.
"Why can't you..."
Now she just wanted this to go away. What was happening to her? What was whispering to her? Who was contacting her? Is this whom she thinks is watching her? Or was this...all in her head?
She didn't know. And it was driving her mad.
'Go away...'
"Why can't you see..."
'Go away...' she bit her bottom lip.
"Why can't you see..."
'Please...' she struggled.
"Why can't you see..."
'Leave me alone.' she nearly shook.
Hinata sat, trying her best to retain her composure—her heart raced as her breath quickened—adrenaline coursed here veins—feeling the instinctive mode of fight or flight. Her chakra erratic—fighting to release her disturbed pulse.
"Why can't you see.." Squeezing her eyes shut in hopes of ridding the brightness from her sight; to no avail for a blue flamed spark appeared floating in her white vision.
"GO AWAY!" she shouted—startling not only Sakura and Naruto, but the entire Ichiraku stand and surrounding area..
"Hinata?" Naruto watched miffed as the Hyuuga Heiress covered her ears and shook her head vehemently.
"Why can't you see..." the whispers now came from the blue coaxing spark. Vibrant and proud, she didn't understand what this means.
'Why can't I see what?'
"Why can't you see..." the spark grew bigger and bigger. The whispers grew louder and louder.
'But...I can see...I can.'
"Why can't you see..." repeating like a haunted endless loop of a possessed toy, the whispering only grew louder. Repeating the same words over and over. Jumbling around forming incoherence as she tried to think straight and clear her mind. The blue grew blinding...she couldn't take it anymore...all she could do...
...was scream. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
The usually calm and shy Hyuuga Heiress jumped out of her seat; taking off into a full fledged run with her ears covered and eyes shut tight.
Maybe she did need rest. Perhaps she wasn't getting enough sleep. Was she hallucinating? Hearing things that's not there? And what if she returns to her room..what will happen there? Will she feel watched again? Was someone truly watching her or was this all in her head?
What is going on?
"HINATA?!" she could faintly hear her name being called by both Naruto and Sakura.
Ignoring them, she continues her pace through the street; disappearing into the crowd.
Naruto and Sakura stood speechless with the others around them looking to the direction where Hinata vanished.
"Why.." came a whisper.
A bright light surrounded her form. She stood in the middle of nothing. Her feet bore bare with the only clothing covering her as a loose lavender night gown. She looked around in questioning; in awe. Where was she? Why was she alone?
She looked all around her, and there was nothing. She looked down—nothing. She looked up—there was nothing? Here she floats amidst nothing and she didn't understand why or where? She didn't know what to think. It felt strange just...floating.
Unsure of what to do, she remained confused and still. Only looking around as though, something—anything would show her where to go...and what to do...
A surrounding whisper—a sudden soft breeze.
Her eyes widened. She felt this before...she knew...but where?
The same whisper…so soft.
This whisper had a masculine tone. A male this whisper belonged to. However, she had never heard this voice before. Who was this? Who was this male...whispering to her…so gently?
'Who...' she could not speak. The soft breeze around her only grew stronger. As she thought and analyzed her situation, she only stared to nothing, waiting for an answer...Her eyes suddenly relaxed for a reason unknown. The whisper though unfamiliar...was calming...and entrancing.
"Why can't you..."
The whisper came again; the breeze only grew stronger...and softer.
'Why can't I...what?' she processed this as a question to...her? 'Why can't I..'
"Why can't you see..."
She now felt the wind's tender touches on her skin and throughout her lengthy hair. The whisper seemed louder and her hair now, felt lighter as the calming gentle breeze lifted her locks amid a sudden blue ray of light...appearing above her.
She looked up—noticing the ends of her long dark tresses dancing and spreading in the midst of the sapphire air. Sudden warmth kissed upon her, welcoming and foreign. The warmth encased her form like an ignited cozy fire.
'Why can't I…see what?' only thinking, unable to speak.
"Why can't you see…?" Tiny particles of lights and sparkling orbs magically appeared around. She could feel her form lift towards the warming light with her soft lavender eyes reflecting the wonderful sparks—lighting up in such like a masterful paint. She lifted higher and higher; confounded….perplexed. She did not understand….who..? Why?
"Why can't you see me?" his whispers increased in tone, louder than before.
She looked on, her lips now agape—questioning, confused. "Who are you?" she finally replied, hearing her own whispers amplified as an echoing sound—very loud; nearly drowning.
The light above her shown brighter and blinding. She could now see a face, a male's face—midnight unruly locks, eyes so blue and sharp, and….his ears—are…pointed?. He looked to her, trying to reach her.
"Why can't you see me?"
"I..?" with a soft gasp—her eyes fluttered; barely able to open as the sun's rays strongly pierced her vision.
She squinted and groaned as she turned away from the grand light—pulling the covers closer to her body; feeling the chilled air of her room from the cool night.
'That dream..' she replayed the experience in thought. She couldn't make sense of it. It was so strange and …..farfetched. She had been having dreams of the same strange, unknown male for some time now; a few weeks as far as she could remember. And it would be almost every single night. The scene was the same, the whispers the same, and….his face…his voice.
'Why can't you see me?'
"Ahg!" she shook her head, pulling the covers above her in hopes to hide from her life. What is going on? Who is he? Did she know him from a previous mission or something? Who is he?!
Was he a dead spirit? Tormenting her? Is that why he asks why she cannot see him? Because he is dead? She did feel like she was haunted by this…person? Interrupting her dreams every night. Plaguing her yesterday? Not understanding where she is or why he whispered to her. She admit to being interested and curious the first week. But after that, it became…uncomfortable. Was she supposed to know him? Was she supposed to see him? Where was he? Who is he?
"Why are you bothering meee…" she groaned. She grew annoyed at this point. She had other things on her mind and felt interrupted and stressed with this constant issue. She hoped just she wasn't being…
'Kami, I hope not.' She thought, yawning as she threw her covers off and sat up. She looked to her window like normal, and noticed the sun seem brighter today. She was surprised it was so sunny at this time. At five in the morning it would never be this…..
"Oh no!" she panicked and quickly jumped out of her bed and ran like the wind to her bathroom to get ready. She was late for work. It would never be sunny at five in the morning. Not this sunny. She overslept. She couldn't remember what happened to her yesterday. She abandoned all of her errands and stayed in her room. She tried to rest but the feeling of someone watching, returned. She didn't know how to feel and she could not concentrate on anything. She took a few pills she made to sleep. However she didn't know she would sleep for so long.
"No, no, no, no, no!" she brushed her teeth, washed her face, threw her messy hair into a bun since she had no time to brush it, and in a flash she was fully dressed.
She went to the tall mirror and looked herself over. Pleased, she nodded and went to her dresser to put on her family necklace. Why didn't the maids or Ko awaken her like usual? Why was she not called for breakfast? This was entirely unusual, what is going on?
Her breathe seemed to leave her as her eyes widened and she stiffened when the familiar memory and feeling of her dream overcame her. 'Remain calm. Hinata. Remain calm.' The same soft breeze caressed her form and she could not help but to embrace her upper body involuntarily as her eyes, like in her dream, relaxed with a sudden warmth overcoming her.
"Why can't you see…" the repeated whispers tickled her ears. This voice came in as an echo—filling her mind with a strange and vibrant blue light.
She shook her head.
"Please stop this." she spoke aloud. She stood in the middle of her room before the tall mirror. Feeling again the strange and numbing feeling of something...or someone—watching.
"Why can't you see me?"
The stone on her neck pulsated. Hinata could feel a powerful and gentle warmth as a colorful light out-shined the rays of the day's star; filling her room with vibrant and changing colors: like the rainbow. She looked around fascinated and enthralled...this is far more than her dream. She didn't know how to react, what is going on?
Without warning, her neck grew hot and throbbing—at this did Hinata know the reason behind the glow. Her necklace.
'But why?' she thought; although completely rapt by the magic around her.
"Why can't you see me?" came again this whisper—acting as though a chant to awaken her stone; reacting in such a way, Hinata was not prepared for what was to come next.
The stone on her necklace shimmered and shook; snatching itself from her neck, Hinata gasped and stepped back in defense as her necklace levitated in front of her. The harden stone she believed to be made up of Lava Rock passed down for generations within her clan, had now further cracked with an intensified glow she could blindingly see. The stone soon shatters the remaining portions of the rock to reveal a colorful concentrated effervescence illuminating the once solid jewelry.
The glowing necklace shifted in colors as the solid treasure shined with pride, glistening and engulfing her room with captivating warmth. Hinata could hear the return of the masculine whispers. All talking at once, dis-forming, incoherent. Speechless, she watched and waited for something more. There must be—.
"Why can't you see me?" No longer a whisper...
The voice...Hinata's pupils dilated strongly with the activation of her all seeing eyes. The voice came in too close.
He was here.
The jewel beams and sparkles...
Hinata stares in disbelief as her tall wooden mirror is lifted from the floor while her grand necklace shoots to the glass-taking with it the colorful light as all was absorbed and engulfed into the once for-granted object. The same colorful light, swallowed the mirror whole; shifting, shaping, and changing.
The mirror is soon released and set down slowly. Her room returns to normal as the light surrounding the mirror, vanished.
Hinata stood wavering, however never faltering her eyes. Her old mirror now gone, out of existence. Before her stood a new mirror. One much taller than her.
This mirror was far different than any mirror she has ever seen. Unique and intriguing, this mirror was an exquisite and delicate looking antique. Astounded, stunned—she could not form words or even thoughts. Her veined eyes examined the mirror. No chakra, no pulse...
She was entirely stunned.
And then...
"Who are you?"
She gasped, tumbling back—nearly losing her footing.
She blinked focusing her attention on the glass itself...she stilled..
A boy only seen in her dreams and never known before appeared within her newly formed mirror. She blinked repeatedly in incredulity. She nearly suffocated from shock. Was she seeing right? Was there truly a boy within this new mirror?
Was she seeing right?
"You…you can see me?" the male looked surprised…almost happy as his eyes lit up.
Hinata however, did not register this….
...her next move came quickly.
"Jūho Sōshiken!"
Chapter 5: Contact