"Are you ready to head home today?" Jasmine, one of the nurses asked as she walked in to the room. She was a exchange student from India here to learn medicine. "You have cleared your infection, so the IV can come out. As soon are your father arrives you're free to leave."

Jasmine sat down, removing my IV from my arm, taking my vitals.

"The sooner the better," I told her, holding the bandage in place, as Jade arrived with a bag and a soft smile as she moved around the nurses giving them space as the second nurse removed the iv stand from the room.

"Everything seemed to be in order, Oh yes.. Your meds." Jasmine smiled passed me a little cup of pills and some water. "I'll show you where the shower room is alright?"

"Please." I sat up; I had been only allowed to clean up in the bathroom which wasn't the greatest.

"I guess your Entourage get to follow us." The nurse smiled as she pointed to the two undercover police officers father ha posted out side of my room, just incase.

"Your coming with?" The nurse asked Jade whom nodded, as she held the bag. "New cloths."

"This is the shower room. Its not all the exciting." Jasmine smiled softly as she turned on the lights opening the room up. The shower room was just that a small room with a bench and shower separated by a curtain.

"It's not much, but it's warm." The nurse smiled setting the water up for me, placing the scrubs on to the bench. "Soap's for both body and hair it's in the dispenser under the shower, and here,"

The nurse passed me a few towels "Press the button when you're done, and I will show you back to your room."

Jade sat down on the bench as she turned on her phone as she started reading from the lit up screen.

"Do I really need a baby sitter in here?" I asked softly.

"You want to shave?" She smiled pointing to the bag. "With the marks on you're arms, this was the only way they would let me bring one in for you."

"Fare enough." I shock my head, as I pulled the curtin across. At least I had some privacy.

"Mommy!" Lucius voice carried as he ran over to me, jumping in to my arms with a giggle, as he was reminded he shouldn't be jumping on me.

I released how bad of an idea it was as the pain in my back returned as I placed him on to the floor holding him close.

"Lucius." I found myself whisper, as I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "I missed you to baby."

"Ready to break out of here?" Daddy asked as he and Dr. Quest walked in to the room.

"Yes, mommy out!" Lucius told them looking at the bandage on my arm. "Owie?"

"They took my IV out," I told him, "No more medicine." I showed him the IV bag that had been left behind.

"What about Michel and mom?" I asked unsure, the idea of leaving the safely of this room was overwhelming.

"Deported back to South America." Father told me softly, he look upset about it.

"Alright Ms. Bannon," Dr. Pappin smiled walking in to the room bring in a hospital chair with mer. "I'm signing you out of here."

"I don't want to see you, until I have to alright?" She smiled, passing me my discharge papers to sign them, as she spoke to Daddy and Dr. Quest in a quite tone; I wasn't able to hear anything she was saying. After she had finished Dr. Pappin smiled softly to me before waving good-bye and leaving the room.

"Lets go." Daddy smiled, pointing to the wheelchair.

"Do I have to?" I asked looking at the chair.

"Sadly," Daddy told me, as I sat down in the chair. "Hospital rules."

"The room Grandpa Benton got for us is huge!" Lucius told me as he climbed on to my lap, before being rolled out of the room.

"Were you a good boy well I was in here?" I asked him playing with his hair.

"They want to cut my hair." Lucius shook his head.

"I know." I kisses his forehead. "That's not going to happen is it?"

"Nope." He smiled back, "Like it long."

"We tired." Dr. Quest shook his head, as we left the hospital.

"That our car." Lucius pointed the back suv, waiting at the side walk.

"That's right." Daddy told Lucius opening the car for him. "Climb in."

The ride to the new hotel was quick; it was less than ten blocks from the hospital, but quite close to the park. I had been given a large room with a huge bay window facing the park, there was a wide enough shelf for me to sit down and watch out. It was only fate that would I would have meet Jonny and Hidji in that park only a few weeks before.

The bedroom was bright and cheer full the bed spread was a light red tone with brown pillows laying on top.

"It's pretty," I told daddy, as I looked around the room.

"Its dark, Jade said you would enjoy it." Daddy looked out the window watching me though the refection as I wondered around the room.

"We thought the suet would give you, your own space until you are adjusted." Daddy told me as I walked around. "We understand you will need some space."

"Thank you." I told him gently out to him walking in to the bathroom; the tub huge- big enough for three people. The room was lined with mirror; I shook my head looking at them. "Over doing it with mirror, aren't they?"

Dad looked in to the room. "Too much?"

"I hate looking in the mirror." I told him softly, sitting up on the counter.

"Why?" Daddy asked.

I shook my head looking at my reflection, I hated what was looking back at me. "Do I really look like mommy?"

"Jessie, you are your own person." Daddy looked at me softly.

"You ignored the question." I told him softly. Dad shock his head sadly, watching me closely.

"I am tired of looking like my mother." I shook my head, "I could just cut it all off."

"How about just cut it short?" Daddy looked over at me laughing at my last comment.

"I guess" I shrugged looking in to the mirror holding my hair up. It was lifeless and dull, matching my over pail skin and almost black looking eyes. "I really need makeup."

"Jade will take you tomorrow," Dad told me softly, "You should rest though, I'll keep the door between my room and yours open." Daddy told me gently, "Just incase."

"What about Lucius?" I unsure wondering where the little one had gone off to.

"He's been shadowing The doc, for the last few days." Dad smiled gently. "I think they both love the attention."

I nodded softly, sitting down on near the window watching the street below. I had spent enough time laying in a bed, it was the last place I wanted to be.

Diner turned out to be a quite advent, we ordered room service for dinner Jonny and Hadji returned sometime in the afternoon, before breaking in to my room and forcing me out in to the living room. Dinner was quite, as I watched everyone talking about there day, Lucius told me about the walk he had with Dr. Quest well I was sleeping. Sitting beside him was his new stuff animal, a reindeer from a popular Disney movie Hadji and let him watch his first night with the family.

It felt unreal watching everyone together, I wasn't even sure I fit in anymore.

"Not hungry?" Dad asked, I looked down noticing I hadn't eaten anything, almost like I was being mocked by the Zucchini pasta.

"I'm sorry." I whispered softly.

"More for me." Jonny reached over taking my plate.

"Can I get you anything else?" Jade asked.

"No, I guess I am not hungry." I noticed the look Dr. Quest gave my father shutting him up, "Maybe I just need to lay down for awhile?"

"It has been a long day for you." Jade agreed with a soft smile. "Lets go get you a bath,"

"Alright." I got following her from the room, unsure of what else to do.

"Its just an adjustment." She smiled softly, wrapping her arm around me as she led me out of the time. "You're doing fine."

I shook my head, I could feel the tears form in my eyes allowing myself to be taken out of the room.