A/N: My apologies for the absurdly long delay on this chapter. A big thank you to janemac24 for giving me the kick in the butt I needed to get back into the saddle. Also, please forgive the last chapter where I used Killian and Hook interchangeably. My bad. But enough with the apologies. Here's the chapter you've been waiting for!

The next morning at breakfast, Emma and Regina were noticeably more energized than the rest of the group. Their friends weren't giving them much competition; David stayed up all night with an inconsolable Mary Margaret, while Killian and Jefferson were barely awake and likely still drunk from their pub adventure. Regina normally detested the breakfast served at hotels, but it was the most American meal available and she could not bear to eat overcooked eggs and beans.

"Hey," Emma says, approaching Regina at the waffle maker.

"Hey," Regina smiling in return.

"Oh God, I had this speech about our friendship and how we shouldn't be doing this, but when you look at me like that…" Emma trails.

"How could we have let this happen?" Regina teases.

"Seven times!" Emma adds. "It must be this foreign, romantic country."

"I don't know about romantic, but I do blame London," Regina allows. She doesn't know why she loathes this country so much. She knows a large part of it is the food, but something else about it bothers her. Maybe the figurehead queen. If she was queen, she wouldn't go around kissing babies. She'd wear awesome clothes and fix everything and people would respect her. Okay, maybe fear her, but they're practically the same thing.

"Bad London!" Emma says, snapping Regina back into the conversation. The blonde is much cuter than she'd like to admit, and after last night's activities, she was impressed to say the least.

"But, we can keep doing it while we're here, right?" Regina asks, trying not to sound vulnerable.

"I don't think we have a choice. We'll just have to stop when we're at home," Emma decides.

Regina was about to make a remark about how her room was free and they should get as much use of it as possible when David stepped in and interrupted the pair. It was clear that he hadn't gotten any sleep the night before; the bags under his eyes were noticeable and he reeked of coffee and something Regina couldn't quite pinpoint. Sheep? No. Maybe.

"Regina, can I talk to you for a sec?" he asks.

The brunette rolls her eyes, "Now?"

Before David could answer, the waffle timer went off. Emma quickly grabbed it and walked away to give them space to talk.

"I just- last night was rough. I really wanted to talk to Mary Margaret about what she said and why, but all she did was cry and mutter something about her happy ending. I can't just pretend it didn't happen, can I?"

Regina knew what David wanted to hear; that he should tell her sister that he loves her and be romantic and disgusting. But, she also knew that now wasn't the time for his Prince Charming act. "My sister needs you to be her friend right now. She just got dumped in a very public and embarrassing way. I know you think this about you, but I assure you that it is not. Give her tissues, listen to her, but don't make this about you two. If it's supposed to happen, it will, but now is not the time."

"Wow, Regina, okay. Thanks," he responds, walking towards the group.

After Regina finally gets her waffle, she joins everyone at a large table. Mary Margaret, Killian, and Jefferson are all nursing large cups of coffee, but the effects are vastly different. Killian and Jefferson are slowly waking up and arguing about a call at the Newcastle game last night, but Mary Margaret is staring at the wall ahead, zoned out completely.

"Hey, sorry things aren't going so well," David says, offering a pastry to Mary Margaret. She takes it with the smallest of smiles and begins to pick it apart.

"It definitely could be better, but it's gonna be okay, right?"

"Totally, of course it will be. You didn't mean anything by it. It was a mistake. Right?" David asks, ignoring the advice Regina gave him minutes ago.

"Absolutely! I mean, I can understand why Archie thought it meant something because it's you, but…"

"Yeah. Were you able to reach him this morning?" David asks after realizing the conversation is not going his way.

"Unfortunately," Mary Margaret replies. "He said something about it being for the best that it happened now and that his conscious is telling him to let me go. I tried telling him that I don't want him to let me go and that I love him, but he wouldn't listen. He insisted that we were the wrong, even though we seemed right."

The pasty has now been torn to shreds. David wonders if there is a bird feeder to put it in.

"That's rough. I'm sorry," he offers, placing his hand over hers and giving it a gentle squeeze. She doesn't pull away, but he knows not to linger for too long. "Our flight isn't until tomorrow morning, we should try to enjoy the day here. I bet Killian knows some cool places to take us too!"

"Thanks, but I think I'll just stay here. I can finally finish the book I've been reading. The main character's just about to confess her love for the handsome doctor," she explains, but at the realization of her words starts to cry.

"Let's get you some ice cream and rent a terrible comedy from the 80s," David suggests, getting up and offering his hand to Mary Margaret, and to his surprise, she accepts.

After a day of doing touristy things with Killian and Jefferson, all Emma and Regina want to do is get back to a hotel room. Unfortunately, after abandoning their friends at the hotel bar, the pair discover Mary Margaret and David laughing hysterically at a movie in Regina's room. Emma's sure the movie isn't actually that funny and begins to say so before Regina reminds her that there is another room for them to try.

"You know, I think I forgot something in your room," Regina tells the blonde.

"But you haven't- oh! Right. You totally did. Let's investigate that right away!"

Emma excitedly heads towards the other room. She opens the door slowly, checking that there is no Killian inside. When she sees the room is empty, she practically shoves Regina into the room. Regina makes sure to lock the security chain before throwing herself onto Emma. Their kisses are sloppy and wet from their shared excitement.

"God, you look-" Emma starts, pulling away.

"No time for that!" Regina says, practically tearing Emma's shirt off. Emma quickly gets the message and begins to unzip Regina's skirt, but is interrupted when Killian tries to open the door.

"Dude, let me in! I got a girl out here!" Killian demands, sticking his hand through the door in an attempt to unlock it. Regina positions herself behind the door, unsure whether or not she should put her clothes back on. Well, she's pretty sure she should, but she doesn't want to.

"Well I've got a girl in here!" Emma argues, trying to get Killian to go away.

"No you don't; I just saw you go in there with Regina!" Killian yells, his impatience rising. "Look, who's going to be having sex in there, me or you?"

Regina rolls her eyes and begins to zip her skirt back up. "Well, I'd suppose I'd have to say you!" Emma yells back, pissed about her roommate's interruption. "But, what if we're trying to watch a movie in here?" she tries in a final attempt to get Killian to go away.

"Which we are, and we already paid for!" Regina adds. "It's The Goonies!"

"The Goonies! I LOVE that movie!" Killian exclaims.

The women give up and give Killian the room, telling him he can have the movie. The woman he's brought with him looks less than enthused, but doesn't leave. They had back to Regina's room, hoping her sister has left and gone to David's room. When they get there, David is gone, but Mary Margaret is not.

"Oh wow, you know I could really go for a drink. Do you want to go to the bar, Regina?" Emma asks, trying to get them out of the room the second they enter and see tissues on nearly every surface.

"I'd love to," Regina agrees.

"Actually, do you guys mind staying here for a while? David's been trying to console me, but I could really use some people who don't make me think of the incident every time I say their name," Mary Margaret asks.

"Yeah, we'll stay here," Emma concedes, after realizing that she hasn't been a very good friend. Mary Margaret is like, her best friend, and she's been all caught up in Regina and she really wants to be caught up in Regina now, but it wouldn't be right to mess around with her best friend's little sister when said best friend royally fucked up her engagement thingy. Emma pushes away the thought of Regina being her best friend's little sister and instead sits on the bed and puts her arm around Mary Margaret. Regina does the same and Emma thinks she can handle the proximity, but it's hard.

"I really appreciate this, you know, but you don't have to rub my butt," Mary Margaret says. Emma slowly takes her hand away and prays this will all be over soon.

It's not.

After a very long day spent in airports and on airplanes, the gang finally makes it back to their apartments in the city. Though no one will admit it, they are a bit burnt out after spending so much time with each other and head to their respective apartments. Well, everyone but David and Mary Margaret. They are going to Mary Margaret's to finish packing her things and take them to storage. Unfortunately, she had let the lease on her apartment go and would now need a place to live, but at least none of her things actually ended up in London. She will stay with Emma and Killian until she could find a new place.

Meanwhile, in Apartment 20, Regina was unpacking her bag when she heard a knock at the door. She crossed her apartment quickly, wondering who it could be. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see it was Emma.

"You never knock," she says as the blonde enters the apartment.

"I know, I just thought maybe things were different now. But duh, obviously not because that was a London only thing, right?" Emma rambles.

"Right. Since we're on the subject, I just wanted to tell you that, um, well, I was having a bit of a hard time in London, especially with that man suggesting I was so old and I just- I don't know. I wanted to say thank you. That night meant a lot to me," Regina responds, in her own rambling way.

"Well, that night meant a lot to me too," Emma tells the brunette. "Not because I was in a bad place or anything, but because you're really beautiful. Is that okay?"

"That's okay," Regina says.

"And I'm really cute too, right?" Emma teases.

"And you're really cute too," Regina agrees.

They find themselves in each other's arms, both looking for an excuse not to let go. "You know, I'm still on London time," Emma offers. "Does that count?"

Regina agrees with a frenzy of kisses, the contact that they were both craving. The two crash into each other, blindly stumbling to Regina's bedroom.

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