Shannon Kelly-Okanawe loved her job, for the most part. She loved research, she loved coming up with a plan, she loved running tests, but Shannon absolutely hated writing articles on her finds. It was always so draining. What could take only mere days in a lab, seemed to take weeks to write about. This article which was based on findings she hadn't discovered only a few days ago however was due tomorrow. It was a key find and the faster it was released to other scientists knowledge the better. She had barely even made a dent in her writing.

Shannon drummed her fingers on the kitchen countertop. The apartment she and Tom lived in was quiet compared to normal. It wasn't unusual for Tom to make himself scarce when she brought her work home. Tonight she assumed he was at Liam or Jimi's watching some football game. He'd come home once it was over, and depending on if she was still up writing he'd either go to bed or try to catch up with her a little bit.

Shannon glared at the clock on the stove, the time flashing 7:45, she had barely made a dent in her writing, and she was already feeling exhausted. A cup of coffee would've been nice, except for the fact Shannon had finish what was left of their coffee grounds, this afternoon. She could always ask Tom to pick up more on his way home, but it occurred to her he might not be home for hours, depending on how the game went and if the boys decided to do something else afterwards.

Shannon decided to move her work station over to the couch. She could stretch out, and maybe turning the TV on as background noise would help. Shannon set her notes onto the coffee table and curled up onto the couch.

She had barely managed to write a sentence by the time the door opened. Shannon craned her head to see Tom.

"I brought you a present," he smiled, there was a cup of coffee in his hand. Not just any cup of coffee. A cup of coffee from her favorite coffee house down the road.

"How did you know I wanted coffee," she asked as he set it down on the coffee table beside her.

"I've known you for years Shan. Plus I knew we were almost out."

"Thanks Tom," she said, a smile merging from her lips as she took a sip.


Okay yeah here we go.