Lunar Embrace - First Chapter

Summary: It's not like the Ministry could foresee why this might not be a good idea. Most sixth years didn't make the cut for the marriage law at the time, just a few. One of those included Hermione Granger. And a certain Bartemius just had his name cleared under rather mysterious circumstances.

Disclaimer: I don't own HP. Yada yada

Welcome to my marriage law fic. Out of the hundreds of thousands roaming the web. Got this idea the other day when I was looking at this pairing and figured it needed a different spin.

Also, doing a bit of a poll here cause I don't know who to pair him with. So, if anyone wants to, just give a suggestion for who Blaise Zabini ends up with in a review.

One more thing, and this is important, the version of this story you will see here on FF is Censored due to them actually starting to care about MA content. Therefore, whenever a chapter has to be censored for this I will tell you at the top here. Now the Uncensored version is going to be over on my AO3 account (there's a link on my profile or you could just type the title into the search and find it that way) with all its tags and warning labels (gosh i love tags now) so you can find what more to expect there because of them. I think that about covers anything, questions, etc you can post in a review or pm on it. Thank you for reading this annoying long author's note and I hope you enjoy the story! ^.^

She poked at her food with the fork just waiting for the mail to come. For a letter that would seal her fate to someone else. She was nervous about it. She was nervous about being the only one in her group of friends that qualified for the marriage law that was passed just yesterday.

The Daily Prophet had been all over it. How any witch or wizard at the age of seventeen to forty had to be married within the next month. Apparently the Ministry thought it was appropriate to pass this stupid law while a war was on the rise. Of course, even with evidence that Voldemort was back they still did their best to ignore it anyways. There was a reason for the law though. Extensive research had shown that the wizard population was steadily decreasing over the years. The last wizarding war didn't help the case. The law was passed, easily.

More astounding news had been in the Daily Prophet. Only days before, Barty Crouch Jr. was cleared of his crimes. There was little explanation as to why in her eyes. He had been actively out to kill Harry during fourth year. That should have been enough evidence to keep him locked up in Azkaban for the rest of his life. According to the paper he wasn't guilty. Some sort of tests had been run, spells used, potions, anything to make sure he was innocent of the crimes.

It shouldn't have been possible but he was a free man now. Probably just waiting to strike out at Harry again, under Voldemort's order.

"You need to eat, Hermione." Ron said, mouth already stuffed with food even though they had only been at the table for a minute.

She glanced up at his words to look at him sitting across from her. "Don't talk when your mouth is full, Ronald," she chastised, frowning as she spoke. With a sigh she diligently speared a grape onto her fork to bring to her mouth and chew, just to assure her friends that she was fine.

She wasn't really.

She hated this damn law. The actual name for it was one she found completely ridiculous. It very well stated why and what it was in such a revolting fashion. Hermione could picture the newspaper article yesterday that went over all the details perfectly in her mind.

Higher Conception Matrimony Law

The Ministry of Magic has decreeded a law for marriage of those between the ages of seventeen and forty as a way to help the birth rate come up, as well as lower the shockingly rising amount of squibs (particularly coming from the Pure-Blooded families), to help the current generation by matchmaking them through old magic means.

The actual matchmaking is a complicated process, but from what has been leaked from the Ministry of Magic, it is clearly thorough. It finds those that have compatible personalities, are physically attracted to each other, and checks many other things to assure that the marriage is a good fit.

There is currently no way to switch marriages if it does not work out. Though the Ministry of Magic has surely thought of this possibility (one would think anyways).

The contents of the law passed are below and it is strongly suggested that everyone fitting the age requirement reads it (as to not get a nasty shock later).

To Uphold This law

We, the Ministry of Magic, assure you that this law is needed, and to go against it is to spend a year in Azkaban. If you try to run from the law, your stay will be extended to two years. If you try to stop another person's marriage from happening it will be three years.

1. Fertility Potions and Spells are encouraged, but not required.

2. Changing a Match will not be possible. Due to the process used for matchmaking we can assure you that there are no errors in your match.

3. This Law is Only for Those Not Currently Married. If you marry/get engaged before tomorrow, your letter will not be sent. If you are already married this law does not apply to you unless you get a divorce.

4. Trying to Stop Births at any time during which this marriage law is upheld is punishable by a fifty galleon fine and up to a year in Azakaban. If you use muggle pills or anything else to aid in this act, the fine is pushed up to eighty galleons.

5. If You Are Not Capable of Having Children, this law does not apply to you. If you find this out after the marriage you will be divorced as long as your partner is still capable and a new match will be set up for them, otherwise that decision lies in your hands.

To Fulfill The Requirements Of This Law,

You must,

1. Conceive a Child within the first three years. If you are having trouble it is advised that you go to the hospital and have some reproduction tests run.

2. Have a Bi-Monthly Check-Up at the Hospital to check if you or your partner is pregnant.

3. Find Time to Spend with your husband/wife around your schedule. Specifically seventy two hours a week. Some special circumstances may exist for this. If you have problems with this requirement due to work or school, please talk to a Supervisor within the Department of Marriages, Births, and Deaths so we are informed of your situation and can make the appropriate changes for your personal record.

4. On the Day of the Marriage, fulfill the act by consummating the marriage.

5. Attempt to get pregnant at least once a week.

6. Make Marriage Arrangements and select a date within the week you get your letter.

7. Be Married within four months.

Under this law it will be punishable by death or a sentence to Azkaban depending on severity if you harm your child in anyway.

It was outrageous. Even if the Ministry was also attempting to keep the act of this ridiculous law to a healthy state. That had been obvious to her when she saw number three of the requirements. To make sure the newlyweds actually spent time around each other and got time to know each other if they didn't already. The addition at the end was another of these examples, trying to make sure the children grew up in a favorable environment. At least the Ministry was trying to do something right.

She very much wished that she was engaged right now but she refused to force a friend into a marriage of convenience. Talk of the law had started a month ago when it was being made and debated over. Now that it was passed she could just wish that this process of matchmaking worked in her favor. If it was as good as the papers and Ministry said, she wouldn't have a problem with it.

Besides not liking that she had to get married at such a young age, consummating the marriage was one of the requirements she was iffy about. It would seem much more favorable if the Ministry let the couples decide when to do the act. Even if they wanted the children and the population of the wizarding world to go up, that seemed to take it a bit far.

Well, that's what she first thought, until she saw number five anyways. They were actually making it a requirement to shag each week as a minimum. That last part may not have been said but it was heavily implied.

Just thinking about it made her stomach twist. That the Ministry would go so far for a stupid little law.

Her nose twitched in distaste as she stuffed a cheese and herb bagel into her mouth that she had somehow managed to fill with a strawberry cream filling, even in her half-focused state.

The sound of a bag being dragged from the table made her raise her eyes to look at her friends around her curiously. "Better eat that while getting to class or you'll be late." Ron said before sticking a roll in his mouth.

Late? Her? No way. She got up taking a bit of the bagel as she swung her school bag over a shoulder and quickly followed Ron and Harry out of the Great Hall and to their first class, Potions.

It was hard to concentrate with the fact that her letter had still not yet arrived. She glanced towards Blaise Zabini, watching him until he noticed her looking and simply mouthed at him, 'Did you get your letter yet?' He was in the same boat as her, having turned seventeen early in the school year. When he just shook his head in response - and she was damned grateful he had actually responded to her inquiry rather than ignoring her - she sighed and looked back to the front of the room.

She felt like twiddling her fingers the rest of the day as class after class went by. During lunch, no owl had come for her though she noticed a Hufflepuff get a single letter.

Hermione ended up asking her Head of House, McGonagall what the delay was shortly after class.

"Oh," she said lightly while looking down at her student with clear sympathy. "There was a slight mix up with the owls earlier this morning. Then the Ministry was apparently being slightly behind with about twenty five percent of the letters. It's a lot of letters to send so this isn't too much of a surprise really. It'll still get here by today. I would recommend keeping your dorm room window open, in case the owl is late in arriving."

Hermione said a quick thank you for the information before leaving to the next class that had her bouncing on her toes, eager to see this letter and get it over with. Good or bad - the anticipation was killing her. She would much rather know what her future held then have it shrouded in mystery.

When it still hadn't come by dinner she was getting antsy. Glancing around, she saw three owls come in and land to drop off letters in front of at least a dozen seven year students. She watched as their reactions ranged from a look of shock, a blush of embarrassment, blood draining from the face as one paled, even a rather happy squeal came from a table. Hermione sighed once more before glancing back towards her friends, hoping her own reaction was one of the more favorable ones.

She got up from the table early, rather than wanting to wait in her room for the inevitable letter, after summoning a warm container to put some spaghetti and meatballs in. Then she made her way back to the Gryffindor tower.

Sitting up in her room with the window open wide, letting in a cold draft of air, she ate the rest of her dinner. The sound of the door opening and closing didn't escape her and she glanced over to see Ginny standing there.

"Padma wanted to know if it was okay if her and the others came in." Ginny said slowly when she saw Hermione's frown. "Did it -"

"No. Not yet anyways." she paused before sighing. "They can come in." she said while knowing full well that they were likely to only go to sleep after her letter arrived and her spouse had been revealed. "You can stay too." Hermione added as Ginny opened the door to call down to Hermione's dorm mates to come up. She might need her friend here if it ended up being someone she didn't care for. Or if it was someone she didn't know in the Wizarding World. She had heard a seventh year whispering about how she had been paired with a twenty something wizard while in the library, conveniently hidden by a stack of books.

Once the girls had all piled in Ginny came over and sat on her bed. "Do you have any guesses?"

"No." she replied glancing back over to the window as she licked some sauce off from her finger before closing the now empty container and setting it aside on top of the drawer. "Could be an -" she stopped mid-sentence when she heard a flap of wings soon followed by an owl coming through the window awkwardly due to its wingspan. Flying across the room it let go of the letter it held to land right in Hermione's lap before it flew off once again. "- yone." she finished while staring at the letter embossed with Ministry symbol in shock.

Now that it was in front of her, she hesitated. It was rather surprising, but, well... Her shock vanished in that instant and she quickly tore the letter open and raised it to her face to begin reading the customary greeting.

Dear Hermione Jean Granger,

We, the Ministry of Magic, would like to inform you that as you are seventeen that you are eligible for the Higher Conception Matrimony Law. Due to you being in school you may need to speak with a Supervisor or other member of the Department of Marriages, Births, and Deaths due to the third requirement of the law. We suggest one of the following: Abtol, Cuthota, or Kanis. A Record has been prepared for you at Saint Mungo's Hospital, please set a date for a check up within the week of your marriage. Your nurse will be Mrs. Vandis so please keep health inquires to her only. We suggest if you want to be married in a specific place to make reservations as early as possible. Please keep all this in mind and if you have not read the law familiarize yourself with it so the date falls within the required time.

Congratulations on turning seventeen. We have used old magical means to come up with your match and we hope you approve of your future husband. Please remember that we check for all ways possible that the two of you are compatible to lower the chance of any problems coming up in your marriage. If you do have problems though please contact a Counsellor to work it out as at this moment you may not divorce.

We are happy to inform you that our system had paired you with none other than Bartemius Nyle Crouch Junior.

Quite honestly, her first thought was, that's Barty's middle name? It was only after that second that she felt panic invade her bones. She was sure her eyes had gone comically wide when she read the name at the end. Surely the system set up by the Ministry hadn't paired her up with this - this - maniac?

Him and her being compatible?

A laugh escaped her throat and she could feel the stares on her at the nervous sound that filled the silent air around her.

They had to be kidding. To be joking. Yes! This was all just a big joke. W - why would they be so cruel to joke about this though? No. No.

She didn't say the words out loud. Rather she shook her head repeatedly as if that would help clear the current name and put someone else on there instead. Someone that wasn't a bloody Death Eater. She knew he wasn't innocent. They wanted her to marry the man that almost killed Harry! A mistake - it had to be a mistake. She just needed to - to -

Hermione lunged forward to grab a piece of parchment and quill from a desk and started hastily writing on it only to stop after that damn comma, before she even started with her outrageous cry of "Never!". She rolled it up into a ball and threw it across the room, now seeing the shocked faces everyone was currently giving her at this reaction. For a moment she was silent then simply stated,

"I'm going to the Ministry."

"What? Your match can't be that bad." Ginny said quickly while trying to peer over her shoulder at the letter still in her left hand that she had a death grip on.

She folded the paper quickly, multiple times so the young Weasley wouldn't see it. "You don't want to know who." she assured her friend before she was up and off the bed, sticking her feet back into her shoes without bothering to put on socks first. Opening the door, she descended down the stairs quickly.

Entering the common room she saw a few Gryffindors were still up. Some fourth years were in a corner concocting a potion of some kind. If she bothered to think more about it she could be sure it had something to do with their shop. A first year was at a desk scribbling frantically away at a roll of parchment, obviously having waited till the last day to start on their homework. Harry and Ron were near the small fireplace talking about what sounded like Quidditch.

She walked past the five of them for the door. It swung open before she even got there and she halted in her tracks when she saw who it was - Professor McGonagall. The professor glanced down at her as Hermione was standing in the way of entering the commons. "Where do you think you are going in such a hurry?"

"The Ministry." Hermione snapped with such distaste and anger that the whole room seemed to freeze for a moment. The sound of a quill on paper had stopped, her friends speaking quietly subsided. The only sound was the bubbling from the cauldron in the corner.

"It's late. It would not be very likely that someone will still be up working there at this hour. What could you possibly have -" McGonagall's eyes falling on the crumpled letter in her hand made her stop speaking for a second as an understanding went into her eyes. "I'm sure out of all the students here you know what the law says, Miss Granger. There are no changes to whatever match you have got."

"They made a mistake." Hermione said swiftly. "I need to clear this up as quickly as possible."

McGonagall looked as if she was going to reprimand her but then sighed. "If it's really a mistake then you can use the fireplace in my quarters to get there." Turning the woman started toward a door in the wall, where the girl dormitories would lie beyond upstairs.

"Who did you get Hermione?"

There was a slight twitch in her eye when Ron spoke. "I don't have the time right now, Ronald." She walked after the Professor and into the quarters, not sparing so much of a glance around the room. Once her eyes found the fireplace she was walking even faster towards it, anger coiling in the pit of her stomach at the ridiculousness of this situation.

"Try not to be too long, Hermione." McGonagall said, just as she grabbed a handful of floo powder at the side of the mantle before stepping inside.

Turning around she simply shouted, "Ministry of Magic!", not bothering to answer as she was enveloped in green flames.