Hello world! I am the wonderful Misto-Forever, at your service. I first saw WWRY last week, at the USA Premiere near my hometown. I got free tickets, and free seats at their dress rehearsal too. At the rehearsal, before the show, Ben Elton (yes he was there, and yes, I got to shake his hand) told us, and I quote "We Will Rock You is not a title, it's a promise." He summed the whole thing up very well, because those words were totally true! I am now in love!
Before you read anything, I'm going to point out that I saw the American tour, not the West End show. There are very large differences in them. Like that the 'mighty axe' was found in Graceland, Tennessee. And we got to make fun of Miley Cyrus in ours. So if I make a remark that doesn't make sense, it's either because of that, or that I'm a 16 year old with a stupid brain. Either works. Just PM me if I do something wrong. I like to be factual.
And with that super long introduction, I now give you the story of a girl, who was able to step away from the masses, and learn how to ROCK AND ROLL! (No, it's not Scaramouch).
Disclaimer: I do not own WWRY. I do not own Facebook and Twitter. If I did, I would be the most amazing person on Earth. But no, I'm just a stupid American writing fanfics on her mom's laptop.
People have always thought I was weird. And in all truthfulness, I don't blame them. Even when I was being a good little GaGa Girl, I still distanced myself from others. Not enough to the point I drew attention from teachers, but I did only have one million friends on Facebook. (The normal number is somewhere near ten million).
My name was 992 back then. I didn't really think of it as a bad thing, I mean, everyone's name was like that. It was the norm, as other people (or should I say clones?) would say.
During the beginning of my childhood, I would do everything I was supposed to do. I would go to class, learn about our wonderful world, the iPlanet, than either A. Go on a shopping spree with my friends, or B. go lock myself in my room and play online. I would generally go shopping, since I world have my iPhone strapped to my arm anyway, and I had long been accustomed to the art of tweeting while walking.
Every little detail of my life would be put on Facebook and Twitter. Did I have a good day at school? I must put it on my Facebook timeline. Did my mom yell at me to take out the garbage? Better rage online about child abuse. Was I pooping in the bathroom? Must tweet that right now!
All and all, I was living the life Globalsoft wanted me to have. I loved the way they were able to give me a whole virtual word to live in, than the dreary reality. Life was good. At every school assembly, I would join the whole student body as we sung our hymn, "Radio GaGa," as a mark of respect to our beloved ruler, the Killer Queen. Through we never mentioned her by name, we all knew without her, we wouldn't have Globalsoft anymore, and that would mean no internet. And dear Lord, we would have died without that.
I might have lived this kind of life forever, might being the emphasized word in this sentence. However, I was saved, saved at the last possible second. In five minutes, my life as I knew it (which wasn't much of a life at all) was changed forever. All because of music. Real music, with soul and energy.
This is how it happened, and how I was never the same again.