"Arggggh" Hestia paced around the hearth, hands clutching at her face in frustration. She wished that flames could burn her, and that she could just disappear into the hearth. Then again, Hestia wished for many things, but she knew that life, or immortal life, was never fair. Lying down on her bed, she asked herself as she drifted to sleep; why did she have to fall in love...

He couldn't imagine his life without her. She had completely flipped his outlook on life, and given him a reason to exist again. Nico glared at himself in the mirror. "Just you wait, Zeus, I'll be worthy of her one day."
Nico grabbed his Stygian ice sword, and his hastily packed backpack.

"Hmph, arrogant wretch!" Zeus hmphed, glaring daggers at an unaware Nico through an oracle.
"Oh lighten up Zeus, Hestia deserves a bit of Love" Aphrodite purred, sensing a brilliant opportunity for Love to spice things up for this distraught, unrequited couple. She glanced towards the godly notice board.
"Warning, Chimera loose, again - reward if defeated"
'Ooh, perfect' Aphrodite thought. She plucked it off the board, and made her way to her own residence. This would be the perfect drama, with a hint of danger, excitement and romance. Aphrodite discreetly sent the poster towards Nico with some Love magic. In her state of excited ditz, she did not read the small print.
"Dangerous, only a god over level 20 should attempt this quiz."

Nico took a deep breath, and looked over to see the campfire at Camp Half-Blood burning bright. He missed Hestia, her blushing giggles and most of all, her smile. Hopefully at the end of all of this they could be together. Nico had to forget about Hestia for now, and find an immense quest to clear the darkness from his mind.

A sheet of paper floated towards him, which he would have ignored if it hadn't stuck itself to his face. Peeling the sheet off his face, he gave the writing on it closer inspection. "Warning, Chimera loose, again? This reward sounds interesting" Nico muttered to himself. Ignoring the small print, he folded the paper and tucked it half inside his pocket. The bushes to his left rustled. 'No, I can't get caught leaving, they'll never let me go for this quest!'
Nico pushed his bag into a close bush, hiding it from sight.

A familiar satyr appeared from the scrub. "Hey Nico! Whatcha doin out here, man?" Grover called.

"Haha (ohcrapwhatdoIsay), just, you know, taking a umm.. slash beneath the stars" Nico laughed nervously.

"Ahh, one of my favorite past times. I'm proud, didn't think you were all that much of an outdoors lover!" Grover just wouldn't leave. He loved the guy (or goat, whatever) but Nico really had to complete this quest.
"Anyway, I'll leave you to it! You should come back to the fire and grab some s'mores! Clarisse made them, but they aren't burnt!" Grover finally made his exit. 'Thank god, I don't know how I'd convince him to let me leave' Nico sighed with relief.

As Grover walked back to the campfire, he realised two things. One, Nico's fly was done up. Two, a piece of paper stuck out of his pocket, which had "Chimera" written on it. Grover was certain that Nico didn't play with those Mythomagic cards anymore, so it could only mean one thing. "No, he wouldn't just go, would he?" Grover muttered to himself as he high-tailed it (or high-hooved) back to where he last saw Nico. Only trees remained.

Authors note: OK, yeah I've been really slack, sorry about that - started uni and it got hectic! Hopefully I will be more frequent :) please comment if there's anything you think I should do better! I love all feedback ;)