A/N: Hey, another story. This one, just to be clear, is a Harry Potter & Inuyasha crossover that will be done in 100 word dabbles. Why? I don't know; it just came to me that way. I would give a disclaimer except I think that should be kind of assumed.

-1- Stalker

Kagome was being followed.

She had wandered the mall for nearly two hours before realizing that she had company. He had blended in with the weekend throng so expertly that she never would've noticed him if his aura hadn't been that much bigger than the average humans'.

When it had brushed against her, Kagome's aura reacted, flaring. She whipped around to find the source, accidentally hitting someone with her bags.

Several of the closest Youkai, disguised as humans, winced at the rise in purification and moved away. Glaring, a woman muttered something incoherent and stalked off.

"Sorry," Kagome apologized distractedly.

A/n: Just so you know, the plan is for this to be updated every other day and since this was supposed to be up yesterday, expect something tomorrow. Somebody might care by then. If not, maybe I'll have a review by Saturday, which would be the third update. How 'bout it?
