A/N: Guess who's still alive!

Happy Easter everyone! Hope your day was fantastic!

Surprise! I wrote an Easter special for you guys! Hope you like it!

And yeah, story still undergoing construction. *Places orange cones around all the early chapters*. Right now I'm working on finishing my other uncompleted story so that I can finally focus on this one.

Thanks for reading you guys! You are all amazing

And special thanks to AGmegan101 who's my amazingly talented beta! Thank you so much!

Disclaimer: Should I keep doing these? Because I seriously will never own this movie. Ever. Unless I get stupidly rich and buy DreamWorks. Which won't happen.

It was easy for Jack to sneak into the Warren.

Well, maybe 'sneak' wasn't the right word. Nowadays, the sentinels pretty much ignored him and his antics unless he was causing some sort of harm to the eggs or the rivers. And since it was Easter, no googies were about. In fact, the Warren was pretty much empty, since Bunny was just finishing up his run.

Jack flitted along the path that ran along the side of a paint river, his feet dusting the ground as the wind pushed him along to his destination.

The Kangaroo's house was a modest dugout combined with a picturesque log cabin. Carefully, so he didn't disturb anything, Jack slipped inside. He walked into the kitchen and leaned his staff against the wall so that he could get to work.

He smirked.

Bunny leaned against the wall of his tunnel, trying to catch his breath. The power surge had caught him off guard this year - as usual.

He always seemed to forget that right after Easter he got a huge power boost from the kiddies (he blamed the stress of it all). And now all he wanted to do was get home and down a plate of food before he crashed.

The Pooka pushed himself away from the wall, getting down on all fours and speeding away a little faster than usual, thanks to the belief of the kids.

His Warren was as green as usual, but more empty than Aster liked. Stretching, he started down the path to his home. Visions of dinner and a comfortable bed were dancing in his head.

But…what was that?

Nose twitching he paused, taking in the scent.

"Frost." He growled it, sighing in annoyance as he continued toward his house. No doubt the imp was trying to catch him off guard. He was so not in the mood for pranks right now.

Carefully he twisted the door knob, kicking open the door with his foot just in case there was something that would fall on top of him.(It was a commonly used joke for someone who could summon buckets of snow on his every whim.)

Nothing came crashing down so he proceeded into what humans would call a living room. Nose twitching, he turned toward the kitchen. He could hear Jack in there, making some sort of noise.

Bunny's eyebrows twitched. Usually the Winter Spirit was quieter when he was trying to pull off a prank.

He snuck closer to the archway that led into the dining room, watching in surprise as Jack set something down on the table. That definitely wasn't a joke. In fact he was pretty sure that was soup.

Jack turned around and headed back to the counter. Bunny took his chance and slipped inside the room, leaning casually against the wall opposite the immortal teen.

When Jack turned around he nearly had a heart attack. As it was, he dropped the bowl he was holding - luckily it was empty and the dirt cushioned its fall.

"Bunny!" He was breathing hard, eyes wider than usual.

Aster had to stop himself from cracking up as he responded, "Yeah, mate? What're ya' doin' in my house?"

"Uh…" Jack searched frantically for something Bunny would believe (he hadn't expected the Pooka to get here this early). "I got hungry?"

Aster questioned that, "And ya' came here instead of North's?"

"Yeah. Figured I'd fix something for both of us, since you've been busy with Easter and all." Jack tried to put a casual tone in his voice as he bent down to pick up the bowl. Walking over to the sink he continued, "Made some soup, hope you don't mind."

"Ya' can cook?" Bunny raised his eyebrows as he walked to the table and sat down.

Jack scowled at him as he rinsed off the dirt, "You don't need to sound so surprised. I'm good at a lot of things."

"Yeah, yeah." Aster lifted the ladle of soup and sniffed it, "Smells good at any rate."

"Thanks, I guess…" Jack handed the elder Guardian the bowl he'd been holding and pulled out a chair for himself.

Bunny spooned the soup into his bowl. Jack watched as the Pooka lifted it to his mouth and tasted it.

"Hmm, not bad, Frosty, gotta admit."

Jack let out the breath he'd been holding and grinned lopsidedly, "Thanks, Kangaroo."

"Ain'tcha gonna have some?" Bunny questioned.

The Winter Spirit blinked and sat frozen in place for a moment before nodding, "Uh, yeah. Just a minute."

He stood up again and went over to the cupboard to grab another bowl. Returning to the table, he spoke again.

"So, how'd Easter go?"

That was all that was needed to get Bunny talking and the soup went unnoticed for a little while as the Pooka lit up and started describing egg hunts around the globe.

Eventually, the light in the Warren started to wane and Bunny started to feel the energy high wear off.

"C'mon, Frosty, better pack up."

Jack startled, looking out the window, "It's that late already?"

Aster nodded and started cleaning up dinner. Jack helped pick up the dishes and put them in the sink. The Pooka waved him away from the dish soap and told him that he'd just do them in the morning.

The boy nodded and walked toward his staff, picking it up from where it had slid onto the floor and started to walk out the door.


He popped his head back into the room, "Yeah?"

"Ya' can stay here, ya' know. Ya' got a room," Bunny gestured toward the hallway where said room was.

Jack blinked and opened his mouth to say something but found that he wasn't sure what to say. He groped for words and in the end he just asked the question that so often rattled around in his head.

"Sure I won't be bugging you?"

"Naw. Have you seen me sleep after Easter? If ya' came in here with an entire mariachi band ya' probably wouldn't wake me up."

Jack grinned at that description, "Okay then," he changed the direction he'd been heading and walked toward the hall instead. His smile grew bigger as Bunny reached out and ruffled his hair as he passed.

"G'night, Jack."

"Night, 'roo. Happy Easter."

"Yeah, Happy Easter."