Disclaimer: I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin or any of the characters that belong to the original author of the series. The only character that is mine to claim is Katelyn and any characters not formally mentioned in the SNK anime or manga.

Author's note: I have been a bit busy with work and trying to write this in a timely manner for everyone. I'm sure your appetites are whet with anticipation now that Katelyn has arrived in the SNK universe. I apologize for this chapter being somewhat short. It is five notebook pages long and I thought that would be enough at least as a setup for now. Things will certainly pick up and gain some steam as we progress. Nile Dawk is in this chapter. He didn't show up a lot in the anime or manga from what I've seen so I got a very vague idea as to his character. If anything seems off in terms of proper character portrayal, I would appreciate that feedback. To those who have been reading this story front to back, thank you. To those of you skipping chapters to get to this point- screw you. This is art and meant to be enjoyed thoroughly from beginning to end. With that said, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Unless you skipped over here from the first chapter. If that is the case, I hope you step on a lego.


The clean scent of fresh morning air teased her awake. Without opening her eyes, she breathed deeply. Katie released a long sigh and opened her eyes. She found herself in a room that was small and barren. The walls were made of thick gray stone. The room held only a small, hard bed that was covered with a scratchy brown blanket and a narrow dresser on which was placed a large, plain bowl made of brown pottery. Another breath of fresh air blew into the small room and ruffled her hair. Katie breathed deeply, savoring a scent that was at once magical and familiar. Her face turned to the wall farthest from the door. High up on that wall was a narrow window, probably no more than three feet tall. She rose unsteadily, as if her legs weren't exactly sure how they should work, and tottered to stand under the high, open window. Even with Katie's height stretched as tall as she could manage, she could barely see out. The view was breathtaking. Buildings of brick and stone stood tall against the backdrop of a towering wall, pearl pink mingling with clear blue against an early morning sky. The breeze tugged at the fabric of her clothing and grimaced as the unfamiliar rough wool scraped against her bare skin. Glancing down she found herself no longer dressed in her desert fatigues, but in a dress made of non-descript brown wool. As Katie stared out into the distant morning, listening to the chatter below of an awakening town, she tried to sift through her scattered thoughts. What had happened to her? Was she dead? What should she do next?

Suddenly, her mind recounted the recent plane crash, her "death" and the conversation with the deity who had blessed her with a second chance.

"Holy fucking shit; I'm really in another world!"

Unaccustomed to using such harsh language, Katie's first impulse was to cover her mouth and look around frantically to make sure her mother hadn't heard her, but the jerky movement caused her to lose balance and stumble against the wall. At the thought of her mother, involuntary tears sprang to her eyes as semihysterical giggles broke from her mouth. Your life in this world has ended, the deity had said. She would never see her family or friends again.

Swallowing back her hysteria, she closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply she told herself- it wouldn't help for her to lose it now. Another deep breath, then she reopened her eyes and grasped the window ledge for balance.

The door opened and Katie jumped guiltily. Two men of copper and dark brown hair wearing short, light brown leather jackets donning green, white-maned unicorn symbols on both shoulders and the left breast pocket thundered into the room. Katie thought they had to be some of the most intimidating men she had ever seen. In one swift movement one of the men had grabbed her hands whilst maneuvering behind her and restraining them with handcuffs. Katie opened her mouth to protest, but the gruff-looking brunette in front of her interrupted.

"What is your name?" he asked with surprising calm.

"Katelyn Pierce, United States Air Force," she said woodenly, forcing her face to remain expressionless.
The man's jaw tightened, but he nodded his head.

"Miss Pierce, you are hereby detained for questioning until further notice." To the man behind her, he nodded. Katie felt a push from behind, urging her forward as the other man took her elbow and guided her out the door.

Her captors navigated the stairwell, with her in tow, to a new room a few floors down. Golden sunlight rained in through a lite casement window. Much like the room before, this one was barren except for a long wooden table in the center of the wooden floor.

"Sit." Commanded her red-headed captor, pushing down upon her shoulder and forcing her into a chair pulled out by his companion. The two men had removed her handcuffs and hurried from the room, closing the door securely behind them to leave her alone with the silence of the room. Katie sighed. She had seen enough crime shows to know an interrogation room when she saw one. But why would they need to interrogate her? And for what? Katie contemplated the question as she ran a finger over the table's wood grain, staring at the world beyond the window.

She had been in the interrogation room for what felt like hours, alone, under guard, with absolutely nothing to do except worry. She had been pacing while she waited for someone to come when two swift knocks on the door made her jump. Before she could respond, the door opened and in stepped a lanky, hatchet-faced man with dark hair and eyes, followed closely by two men with the same green unicorn badge on their uniforms.

"Have a seat," the man said in an extremely neutral tone, his boots clicking smartly upon the wood floor as he crossed the room to take his seat.

As Katie reclaimed her own seat, she noticed the man watching her with wary, calculating eyes.
"My name is Chief Nile Dawk," the man said evenly, "would you please state your name."
"Staff Sergeant Katelyn Pierce of the United States Airforce."

Katie's response was automatic as she looked past Chief Nile Dawk to the two men in uniform who had taken post with their backs to the wall. The two stood erect, staring seemingly into space and shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the other when they felt her eyes on them. They would remind Katelyn of London Palace guards if they could manage to keep their expressions under control.

Nile cleared his throat, shifting Katie's attention back to him. She could see the slip of her name had already made him skeptical.

"Would you explain how members of the Garrison found you outside wall Rose this morning?" The man's voice was a whip. Katie furrowed her brow in confusion. She had never been a very good liar, and her seven years in the air force had only reinforced her dislike for lies. Dishonesty led to problems- usually career-ending problems. She had decided early on that it was better to tell the truth and deal with the consequences than to be a dishonorable person. Unfortunately, she thought, that lesson was not much help in her current situation. She glanced at Nile Dawk. She had a feeling that telling him the absolute truth would probably get her locked up or killed. The best choice was to stick as close to the truth as she could.

"I'm sorry I don't understand. Is being outside the wall wrong?" Katie met his cold gaze evenly, making sure her voice carried.

The men were stunned into silence, their shocked expressions made Katie's blood run cold. Had she already made a misstep? Nile's jaw tightened, "Are you saying you have no idea why it is dangerous outside the walls?"

Katie opened her mouth to speak, but Nile's hard gaze silenced her. Something in his eyes told her to tread carefully with her next words and that perhaps silence would not be such a bad idea. But Katie had spent the past seven years in a male-dominated United States Air Force. Even before the deity had touched her she knew how to stand up for herself. If this was going to be her world, she might as well get the rules straight away. And she sure wasn't going to play by Nile's rules and let herself be intimidated. She raised her chin and looked straight in his fox-like gray eyes. "I don't know what is beyond the wall. I only remember finding my way to it and waking up in that room."

"Ah," the Chief breathed, "I see."

He glanced over his shoulder and nodded quickly to the men standing at attention. At his signal, the men hurried forward to help her from the chair. She forced her face to remain expressionless as she continued woodenly across the room to the door of the hallway that would eventually lead to her room, guided by Nile's men. She wanted to rush from this building and go elsewhere. Anywhere! But she refused to give Nile the satisfaction of seeing her panic. At the door to the hall Nile spoke belligerently to her. "Your case will need to be determined by Darius Zackley, it is out of my hands now. He will expect to see you when he arrives. You will be sent for then." He paused before adding, "For your own safety my men will see that you remain in your room until you are summoned."

Katie met his eyes with her own hard gaze. "For my protection, is it? It sounds to me like you're appointing jailers."

Without waiting for a reply, she stepped out into the hallway, giving the door a resounding slam behind her.