A/N Requested by CassandraBlake

One Shot: Oliver and Felicity do a sexy tango.

Pairing: Oliver/Felicity

What Happens in Spain, Stays in Spain

"We're going where now?"

"Spain Felicity. We're going to Spain" Oliver repeated again getting slightly annoyed

"Why?" Felicity asked as she spun around on her chair.

"Because the new Queen Consolidated in Madrid opened a month ago and I still haven't visited it." Oliver answered

"So what's the rush?" Felicity asks him

"I have no idea what you're talking about Felicity, it's just that today seemed like a good day" Oliver answered as he made his way to the elevator.

"What's the real reason?"

"Isabel has a really bad cold, meaning she can't tag along"

"I'll pack my bags"


Felicity and Oliver met at the airport three hours later.

"Where's Diggle?" Felicity asked

"Oh, he can't make it." Oliver answered as he sat down next to Felicity waiting for their private jet. "Sorry the jet's late"

"It's ok. I guess there's traffic up there too" Felicity said with a chuckle.

"I guess…" Oliver responded

Felicity to make things a little bit less awkward started playing Angry Birds on her phone. After a while Felicity stopped playing Angry Birds and instead turned to Oliver and asked him "So anything in store for us in Madrid?"

"Yes actually we have a charity gala to attend to."

"What? You didn't tell me anything about a fancy gala!"

"I know I'm sorry. But a friend of mine is in Madrid as well right now so when they told him I was going to be in Madrid as well, he invited me "Oliver apologized

"What am I suppose to do now? I don't have a dress" Felicity whined

"Hey, don't worry about it you go and do whatever you want and I'll pay." Felicity didn't have to time to say thank you because the jet finally arrived.

"C'mon the jet's here." Oliver told her as he got up


Oliver was unpacking his bag when he got a call from Isabel


"Hello, Oliver"

"Isabel? How are you?"

"Good actually my doctor gave me this great medicine. I'm so good that I decided to come to Spain. We could go together to that gala."

"Actually my assistant is with me…"

"Oh, well still. I'll see you there"

And with that Isabel hanged up leaving a star stuck Oliver


Oliver came to Spain to get away from Isabel and to spend more time with Felicity

But sadly Oliver didn't have time to feel like the unluckiest man on the planet because he got another call.

"Hello?" He answered grumpily



"Oh hi Felicity."

"Oliver I'm freaking out."

"Nice to see that I'm not alone"


"It's Isabel. She's coming"

"Coming where?"

"Here Felicity. She 's probably going to be at the gala as well"

"Oh god why?" Felicity groaned.

"I know I know. So what's your problem?"

"I can't find a dress."

"Pretty sure there are dresses somewhere Felicity."

"Oh I'm sure there are, but this isn't my thing Oliver…please?"

Oliver was about to say no but he heard desperation in her voice. He sighed

"Fine Felicity, meet you in 10"


Felicity was sipping her champagne in the balcony alone while some Hispanic women were trying to flirt with Oliver.

She kept her gaze at the beautiful scenery in front of her, despite it was night it was still the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. Next to the tablet Oliver got her last Christmas, of course. She was about to get up when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up to find Oliver.

"Hey, sorry about that." He apologized sheepishly

"It's ok. I know how hard it is to not drool over Oliver Queen." She said jokingly

"How would you know?" he asked her back


"Oliver! There you are!" Felicity heard a too familiar voice say.

"Isabel, you came." Oliver said trying to hide his annoyance.

"Of course I did." She responded with a smirk on her face. "Oh and this is Jaime Reyes" She said as she gestured to the Hispanic man next to her.

"Hello" Jaime said in a thick accent.

"Oh, hi Lisa" Isabel said to Felicity

Felicity was about to correct her when Oliver beat her to it

"It's Felicity and you know it." Oliver said sternly

Isabel looked as if she was going to say something but instead she just said "Oh, I love this song" and pulled Jaime to the middle of the dance floor

"You know I feel slightly sorry for the kid" Oliver whispered.

Felicity just giggled in response but then stood gob smacked.

The moves Isabel and Jaime were doing were incredible. By the time they were done everybody was clapping and telling them that they were amazing.

"Thank you, thank you" Isabel kept saying while Jaime just stood there awkwardly.

"Oliver want to dance?" Isabel asked him

"Yes actually I would" he responded.

She smiled but it soon disappeared as soon as she saw him take Felicity's hand.

"Oliver what are you doing?" Felicity asked frantically

"Dancing." And with that he grabbed her hand and the music started playing.

At first Felicity couldn't get the hang of it but after the second spin she and Oliver were dancing the tango flawlessly

Felicity and Oliver dancing the tango together who would ever thought of it.

(Many people just not the tango part)

Oliver spun her one last time and then caught her in his arms. He lowered his mouth to her ear and whispered "See, told you that you could dance"

A/N Sorry for taking so long, but I have exams. Anyway, requests are still closed but will be open soon.