Authors Note:

hi this is my first fanfic so please be gentle :) I am co writing this with my friend Ashwood's Flame so if you want to check out her OC's POV for this fic check out her page. im sorry this chapter is very short but it is only meant to be a short intro so please enjoy and ill update as soon as possible :) reviews are greatly appreciated :)

Chapter 1: Beginning of the end

:::Holly's POV:::

*beep* *beep* *beep* *smash*

"Ugh bloody alarm, how dare you wake me up this early on a Saturday." I grumble trying and failing to hide back under my sheets from the hot Australian sun shining through my window.

"Holly, its time to get up" I hear my mum call from down the hall. Why me? Rolling out of bed I fail to notice how tangled I am in my sheets, resulting in me falling to the floor in a heap. *thump* ouch… well that's going to leave a mark. After untangling myself I decide to take a shower.

As I walk into the bathroom I take the chance to take in my appearance, I'm wearing my Avengers pyjamas with my layered shoulder length blond hair resembling that of a birds nest due to my bed head. Focusing on my face I have pail skin and the piercing blue eyes of my father.

I get undressed and step into the shower focusing on the calming sensation of the water passing over my bare skin. Looking down at my body I'm not the skinniest girl around but I'm not fat either, just comfortable. After washing my face and hair I step out to dry off and brush my hair into a pony tail. Once finished I exit back into my room to get dressed into my black denim shorts and red singlet top.

Walking out to the kitchen I see my mum and brother sitting eating breakfast. "Good morning flossy how was your sleep?" my mum asked in her usual cooing baby voice. "Fine, if it wasn't for my bloody alarm" I grumble. Why must she talk to me like an infant? "Hey holly can I watch the new episode of TMNT with you today?" my little brother Hamish asked before he practically inhaled his breakfast. I hide a smirk "sure ham, right after I finish cleaning my room. Ok?" I smile at him. "Ok, don't be too long or ill start without you" he replied with a smirk. "doesn't matter, I've already seen the episode anyway". At that moment his face dropped. "but how? It's the episodes première watched it on the internet didn't you?" he replied in a dull voice. I chuckle to myself as I get a glass of water. "Aren't you going to have breakfast?" I hear my mum ask as she looks up from her phone. "Not hungry" I state casually. "Holly" she replies in her warning tone. Grumbling to myself I grab a banana and head for my room.

As I close my door behind me I take a look at the state of my room. Well holly you have a lot of work to do. Me, my mum and brother only just moved into this house last week and I'm still unpacking my many action figures. Joy…

After spending an hour putting up posters and setting up action figures I decide I deserve a break. "Wonder if ham is still keen to watch the new episode" I think aloud. As I'm about to open my door I hear a loud crash coming from the front door like someone just barged through.

What the hell? I quickly rush into the lounge room seeing four large men surrounding my mum and brother. I have to draw their attention away from them so my family can escape. "get away from them" I scream grabbing the men's attention. As they turn around I notice all their faces are hidden behind masks, they step toward me so I take a few steps back only to bump into something. What the shell? I turn around coming face to face with the scariest looking man I have ever seen.

"Hello sweet heart" he whispers in a deranged tone. "Don't be afraid sweet heart, just do what we tell you and everything will be fine." Who the heck is this guy? And why does he keep calling me sweet heart? Pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind I find my voice. "Wh-who are you? And why are you h-here?" I try to sound confident but end up sounding like a scared little five year old. Well done holly, you've got them running scared. "My name is Silas, and we are MECH. We are here because we are in need of a new test subject for project Night Fury and your daughter is the ideal candidate."