First Time for Everything


It didn't happen like Tony thought it would. Not after a date or a romantic walk on the beach or even dinner, but it was in his office after a night of reviewing for the annual budget meeting. One minute, Pepper was massaging his neck and shoulders, the next...

He was still trying to piece it together.

File folders…


Chinese carry-out boxes…

How had he and Pepper managed to get there?

Chapter 1

Budget meetings had never been his thing. The only consolation he had was it was one more opportunity to be near Pepper. Since all of the events at the Expo, things had been great. To prove he was serious, Tony threw himself into courting Pepper and going on what she referred to as "honest-to-goodness, real dates." Much to his surprise, he liked them. The only reason he had agreed to present the budget plan for the next fiscal year at all was the trade-off that he could choose the next restaurant and Pepper would offer no objection. However, after hours of numbers, spreadsheets, figures, and pie charts, even the invincible Iron Man could start to wilt.

"C'mon, Pepper," he whined. "Why do you have to make it this hard? Can't I just say 'Here is how much we have. Here is how much we are going to spend. The spend number is smaller than the have number, so we are okay'? They went to Harvard and Duke and other schools with smart people and crappy football teams. They will get it."

"You are serious about building Stark Tower?"

"Yes, you know I am, but..."

"AND, for a project of that size, it's important to be completely upfront and honest about the expenses involved, right?"


"We've been over this before, Tony. There will be questions..."

"But, it's as much your idea..."

"QUESTIONS that only you can answer."

"But, it's...hard."

"Well, suck it up, Buttercup. You're doing the presentation."

Tony speared a piece of meat with his chopsticks. "Fine."

"Pouting isn't sexy, Tony."

"It was on Marilyn Monroe."

"So was a white halter dress. That wouldn't look good on you either."

Tony tried a different tactic. "I'm not comfortable with public speaking."

"In the past year, you held a press conference where you shut down a major division of the company, one where you announced to the entire world that you were Iron Man, and testified at a Senate Hearing where you accused the government of treating you like a hooker and ended with an off-the-cuff remark about pleasuring yourself. While it may not be your forte, I would say you don't have a problem with it."

"This is different though. This is the first time I've ever done this kinda thing sober." He chewed the rest of the food in his mouth and swallowed. "What if I can't do it?"

Pepper sat her take-out box on the table in front of the couch where they sat. "Turn around," she told him. He started to protest, but she stopped him. "Just do it, okay? Turn and face that wall." Tony set his food beside hers and did as she said. "Close your eyes."

"They're closed."

Pepper moved to where she was directly behind Tony. "Relax." She began rubbing the muscles of his neck. "What makes you think you can't do this?"

"Because I've never done anything like this sober."

"So you said, but, there's more to it than that. You're way too tense for that to be all." She continued to work, using her thumbs on a knot near his shoulder blade.

"This is too important to screw up."

"There are about fifteen buildings with your name on them. This one is no different."

"Yes it is."


"It just is. The other stuff was mine. This may have my name on it, but this project is our idea. I don't want to let you down."

"You won't let me down," she assured him. "You won't be alone. I'll be there, watching with everyone else as you work your magic."

Tony could feel the stress leave as Pepper worked some magic of her own. He breathed a relieved sigh. "God...I love you."

The words hung heavy in the air and the room went eerily quiet.

Author's Note: So, what do you think? I started this about three stories ago, but, other plot bunnies took over before I could get back to it. How will they react? Would you be interested in reading more? It will get a little angsty but, Pepperony goodness is ahead, I promise. : ) PLEASE review. I *heart* reviews. Pepperony ideas have been bouncing in my head, just begging to be let out.