Name of Story - Rabbit Fire!

Author - GuardianofOlympus

Authors Note -

Hi there! This is my first Looney Tunes FanFiction so I hope you like it. By the way, there is NO romance in this Fanfiction (I don't write that kind of thing... yuck...) As you may know already, this Fanfiction was inspired by Sophie07's Fanfiction 'Things we Lost In The Fire' ( s/9585952/1/The-Things-We-Lost-In-The-Fire) so check that one out as well.

I don't own the Looney Tunes (and by the way, this is in the original Looney Tunes Universe, not the Looney Tunes Show Universe) and Daffy Duck is my favourite character!

Chapter 1

The fire surged throughout the burrow, the flames creeping through the tunnels and out into the surface, spitting at the nights sky.

Daffy was walking up the dark road, whistling his favourite song, The Merry Go Round Broke Down, when he spotted the sky above Bug's burrow tinged red and black with smoke. With a yelp, he began to run towards the blaze, nearly crashing into trees, legs going ten to the dozen.

There the burrow sat, a glow deep inside it. Black smoke puffed out of the hole, fogging the air with unbreathable cloud. The fire hasn't yet reached the surface.
"BUGS!" Daffy cried down the hole, coughing as he breathed in the smoke. "BUGS, WHERE ARE YOU?!"
There was no reply, no sign of the rabbit anywhere nearby. Daffy's heart sank as he realised the inevitable.
"He's still inside..." He said in horror.

Wile.E Coyote was in the forest nearby, stalking the Roadrunner as it ate some berries. He had been lucky to keep up with the bird, which had decided to take a break from the desert and spend sometime in the Everglades. Wile.E had decided that this was perhaps the best time to catch it off guard, when it was relaxed.
He hid now, in a nearby berrybush, ready to spring. The Roadrunner was in his sights now, just a step closer and...

Suddenly there was the yell of terror and a dark shape came tearing through the wood, swerving round the trees as it ran towards the clearing, barely missing Wile.E in his hiding place.
The Roadrunner watched as the black duck continued to run.
It was now that they noticed the distant glow of fire.
The Roadrunner looked round at the berrybush Wile.E was in and beeped, as if to say "Should we help?"

Wile.E was irritated by this. It meant that the Roadrunner had known he was there all along, thus he had wasted five hours of hiding and following as silently as he could. Nethertheless, he stood up and nodded and they both ran to the edge of the forest, out onto the road and followed Daffy up to the blazing burrow.

Daffy watched as part of the ground collapsed a few meters away, over what he recognised at the pantry.
He had called the fire brigade, who had told him not to go inside, but he knew that the fire brigade wouldn't be in time to save Bugs.
He was about to dive into the hole when he heard footsteps behind him. His heart leapt for a moment, thinking Bugs had escaped the fire, but when he spun round he saw Wile.E coyote and The Roadrunner standing there, staring in horror at the blazing inferno.
Quickly, Daffy leapt into action.
"Quick! Bugs is still in there!"
The Roadrunner beeped as if to say "We'll help!" And Wile.E nodded in agreement.

Daffy and Wile.E dropped down the hole, allowing the Roadrunner to tear past them, searching the rooms with lightening speed. As they entered the threshold, they heard a beep from one of the tunnels and, arms covering their mouths to protect them from the smoke, they made their way through the fire towards the room.
The Roadrunner stood over an armchair, an unconscious Bugs collapsed in it. Daffy rushed over to him, Wile.E helping him lift Bugs onto the Roadrunner's back.
"Lets get out of here!" Daffy shouted over the rumble of ground above giving way, sprinklings of earth falling into their fur and feathers.
They headed for the door. They were barely into the corridor when the ceiling crashed down onto the armchair that Bugs had been in barely a minute beforehand, crushing the frame and popping the seams, sending stuffing flying through the air.
There was a groan and the ceiling sagged. Daffy knew what was coming and cringed, expecting to feel the crushing force of the ceiling landing on top of him.
Suddenly, a figure appeared at the hole, first grabbing Daffy and then The Roadrunner, Wile.E Coyote clinging onto the Roadrunner's neck for dear life at it was lifted clear of the flames. They were thrown onto the cool grass outside of the burrow, just moments before the ceiling fell in where they had been standing.

Daffy gulped in the clean air, pushing himself into a sitting position with his arms. Wile.E was also gulping down air, but the Roadrunner was trying to push the limp Bugs upright, trying to open his mouth so he could breath in air, beeping pleadingly for him to wake up.

The fire brigade was here, it had been one of the firefighters who had pulled them out. They were attacking the fire with the full force of their water hoses, easing away the heat of the spitting fire. The borrow slowly filled the water, a book and a carrot floated just beneath the surface like abstract fish.
An ambulance arrived soon after, the fire nearly completely extinguished and the firemen were setting up a machine to drain the water.
Bugs was loaded onto a stretcher and given oxygen and Daffy and the others were put alongside him with minor burns.
"Don't worry." Daffy said when a nurse offered bandages "We're used to it..."