Okay so I lied. I didn't get it up before school started. Honestly I sort of forgot. I was having trouble with my schedule. Anyway, here's the last Chapter to Guardian of the Forest! I hope you like it. It took me a while to arrange this one so, if you find something confusing, let me know. And thank you to all of my followers/favorites and reviewers. You've all been a big inspiration.
I picked up one with gold vines wrapped around a bright gold scepter. The vine had leaves growing out if it and flowers fully bloomed around it. At the top a boomerang sat in the position of a V.
"To Bunnymund for his grace and courage." I said handing Bunny the scepter. Bunny smiled wide as he gently took the gift. "Never let hope die, even when all light is suffocated. Hope can hold the most light of all. You will long be remembered and honored." I said. Bunny smiled.
I picked up the next one. Another gold scepter with feather carvings running all around it to the very bottom. It held proud a crystal like orb on the top and when the light hit it, it shed hundreds of colors.
"To Toothiana. For her strength and pure heart." I handed the scepter to her. She smiled as tears formed in her eyes. "Never let your true colors fade. For they tell a story no words ever can and they too will soon tell the story our world has written." I said. Tooth nodded in thanks as she cradled the scepter in he arms.
I picked up the third scepter . It was much like the others, gold yet this one had swirling gold tendrils the flowed like waves around the top at one angle, amazing figures were seen at another angle, and the figure of the owner depicted perfectly at another.
"To Sandman for his boldness and loyalty to all those around him." I said handing him the scepter. He smiled wide as his eyes glistened in thanks. "Hold onto the beauty and love the world has to offer. Only then will you reveal its true power and light." I said. Sandy nodded.
I picked up the fourth scepter. This was also a gold scepter but although it was gold, red rubies were seen shining thought the gold. Two swords crossed in an X stood bold at the top.
"To Nicholas St. North. For his fearlessness and perseverance in situations where hope and light seem to fade away." I said handing him his scepter. He took it graciously. "Hold tight to the wonders of this world and never let go. If one day you lose sight of it, look to what has been given to you. For it is one thing you can never lose and where wonder will never die." I said. North smiled as he looked to his family.
"I will." He said.
I picked up the final scepter . Unlike the others, this one was silver. A Snowflake shined bright out of crystal at the top. Silver tendrils so bright they appeared white wrapped loosely around the stem of the scepter like snow on the wind.
"To Jack Frost. For his bravery and love for all those around him." I said handing him his scepter. Jack smiled bright as he took it. "Though the path of life may seem hard and impossible, the only time it will hold you back is when your heart loses it's light. Keep your light shinning bright and your treasures held close and you will see any obstacle you face will be one more step to becoming spirit of true greatness." I said. Jack smiled bright.
"And to you, never lose sight of the strength and light you hold. It could change the world in ways no one could ever dream of. And it could make you the powerful and loving Queen I know you will be." Jack said. I smiled at him.
"Thank you, Jack Frost. And thank you all, Guardians of Childhood. Your wonder, hope, light, dreams and fun will live on with our family and forest even when we have become part of the earth ourselves as many have before us." I said to the group before me. The animals around me, bowed in respect to the heros of our home and family. The Guardians smiled at me in thanks before bowing to me and my family before taking off to their individual homes.
"Take care, Hazel." Bunny said before jumping down one of his tunnels.
"You too." I said just as it closed and a small purple flower sprouted out of the ground. I smiled and turned, leaving the small beauty where it was in the fresh white snow as a reminder and remembrance of the miracle the Guardians were able to create. I looked around at the trees. The old burnt wood crumbled to the ground revealing the spirits of the fallen gods of the forest. Though their trees fell and died, they stood tall and proud. They smiled at one another before claiming a new tree and merging their spirits into it. I looked up to the moon with a smile.
"I guess I was wrong about you, Manny. You've given my home and family a second chance. If you ever need me to do anything for you, the children or the Guardians, let me know. Because I've heard, when the moon tells you something... Believe it." I whispered to the moon.
Manny smiled down on me as his light washed over our newly reborn forest as snow lightly fell over blanketing the forest in peaceful silence and beauty.
Okay so tell me what you thought and also, share with me what your favorite part was. And anything else you would want to share, thoughts, feeling anything. You reviews are always taken to heart on my stories.