A/N: Hey readers! Holy Moly, after almost 2 years of no activity I'm back! I've decided to take a break from anime for a while and dive back into my past and I've unearth some doozies. Animaniacs has come back at me full force and now I've come up with something that will hopefully be enjoyable since I've always wondered what these guys have been up to all these years.

Wakko in this story is kinda following in his voice actors footsteps in regards of music, but of course Wakko is Wakko and I'll never change him. All three are older, however that doesn't mean the humour is no longer there. Without further ado, here's the story!

The Reunion


Dear Wakko Warner,

You are cordially invited to attend a reunion celebrating the twentieth anniversary of famous television cartoon, 'Animaniacs', which will be held at the Temple Emanuel of Beverley Hills at 8:00pm-12:00am on the 13th September.

This will be a chance to meet up with others from the show to talk about how the last twenty years have been and remember what made the show so successful.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Kind regards,

Amblin Entertainment.

Twenty years…

It has been twenty years since the start of the show that rocked us to stardom…

Ten years since I've seen or heard from them…

Wakko Warner sighed from his spot at his kitchen table, cup of coffee momentarily forgotten as he ran a hand through his black hair. His hat, an important part of the person he use to be, safely put away in one of his many draws. He traded that up for a beanie a long time ago, back when he received his first job out of Warner Brothers when he wanted to be viewed as an adult.

That was ten years ago.

Wakko scratched his head in silence for a while, trying to figure out why Amblin Entertainment wanted to host a reunion and not Warner Brothers themselves. He understood that the show had been shown at many other television companies over the years; the fans still loved it, but didn't understand why Spielberg wanted to host the reunion himself.

He's never really spoken to the cast much except for première days; I'm surprised he even remembers who I am…his thought trailed off as he contemplated the reunion.

It's a nice idea and it would be great to see everyone again, especially Scratchy, but if everyone's going that would mean, he paused, trying not to lead his thoughts down that dark path. He'd done it enough as is.

Shaking his head at his own stupid thoughts, Wakko smiled slightly- tail flicking slightly in the chair.

It would be a good idea, he reasoned with himself. Seeing Slappy, Skippy, Rita and Runt, and the cast again; it would make for a good night. After all, the last time he'd seen everyone he'd been a silly kid who couldn't keep his tongue in his mouth, (something he still does, but only when alone), or go without something making its way into his mouth.

Wakko found himself smiling more genuinely as he thought about their reaction to the now older and mature Warner who now owned his own record company and had received five Grammys in just ten short years. Now wearing pants permanently, Wakko found himself to be quite the rock star and he had Animaniacs to thank for it.

He'd always been attracted to music, from his days on the street before the show, during it and then after it, he'd been drawn in from the sound and found that no matter what instrument he picked up, he loved playing it. He felt within his ink that he was made for a musical life and so pursued that when he felt it call to him.

He then worked his way up the corporate ladder through the Warner Music Company that later became AOL Time Warner. Having written song after song for various television shows and singers, Wakko eventually became co-owners with Stephen Cooper after a chance meeting in one of the sound rooms at one of the recording studios.

The name 'Warner' tends to earn a lot of respect in the entertainment industry and so one thing led to another and now 'Wakko Warner,' respectfully is a chart-topping millionaire, something his manager recently told him.

Gazing at a trophy cabinet across from him, Wakko rose from his chair and meandered he was towards it.

Stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets, the Warner glanced over all of his recent awards, all to do with music these days. Although he loved his acting days, he knew he'd never be able to maintain a job as a cartoon star- it just wasn't his thing.

Letting his eyes glance over to an older section of the cabinet, he came across an old photo frame that held a pretty battered and old photo of him and his siblings, the ones that he hadn't interacted with for the past ten years.

Sighing once more to himself, Wakko knew if he went to the reunion he'd have to see them again.

For so many years he'd been hoping to forget the fight they'd had that stopped them from staying together, but he didn't and it still left a horribly bitter taste in his mouth.

Stretching a gloved hand up to lightly touch the glass covering the photo, Wakko smiled a little at the younger versions of him and his siblings. It was a great life back then when the toon industry was still going strong and the need for a hammerspace was still there. Not that he didn't still use his for storage purposes or if he was particularly hungry, but the cartoon entertainment industry just wasn't as into slap-stick comedy anymore and that, unfortunately, was the sad truth of it all.

He'd be lying if he said he never wanted to see Yakko or Dot again, they were a big part of him and he secretly hoped they'd show up just so he could see them again.

"I-I guess I'll see you guys soon," he said, slight grin gracing his face as he recalled memories from the nineties. Of fun, comedy and family and all things he's missed, but hadn't really thought about until now.

He pulled his mobile phone out of his hammerspace, remembering all the times a particularly huge hammer would come out from there, and searched for a certain number before calling it. Putting it to his ear, he waited for a reply.

"Hey Jess, it's Wakko, make sure the 13th is free for me…"

"Oh my God, you're Dot Warner! Can I please get your autograph?!"

Glancing up from her lunch, Dorothy Warner turned to look at the source of the noise just in front of her. Smiling, she locked her i-pad with a click, finished her mouthful and nodded to the little girl standing in front of her.

"Sure Sweetie, who am I making it out to?" she asked, taking the pen and paper from the girl. She was almost jumping up and down she was that excited.

"Um, April! I'm April!" she replied smiling widely at Dot.

Dot just smiled back at the little girl and looked down at the paper in her hands, only it wasn't just a blank piece of paper, it was a photo. Of her and her…brothers, back when Animaniacs was still around. It was one of the press release ones they did together, Yakko in the middle while holding onto Wakko and herself. They were all grinning happily at each other.

Not realizing that she had a bit of a distraught look on her face until the little girl asked if she was all right.

"I'm- I'm fine," she paused, glancing at the photo again, "picture just…took me by surprise is all," she finished, finally beginning to write a message on it for the girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry! You probably don't even remember much about it. I've just started watching it on TV again and I love it! You're my favourite character! I wish I were born when it came out…" the girl babbled towards a slightly melancholy Dot who was surprised it still ran on television.

Finishing up the autograph, Dot gave one last look at the picture before glancing back up at the girl, handing the pen and paper back to her.

"That's alright! I just don't receive many photos of Animaniacs nowadays," Dot said pleasantly, giving April a smile. The girl was cute and it was good to hear they were still being shown to the next generation.

"I thought so. I remember seeing a sign for Guys and Dolls on a billboard with you on it and I just knew you'd be here somewhere!"

So she has seen me elsewhere, I was worried my…brothers would come up and that's something I don't want to talk about…Her thoughts trailed off as April kept on talking.

"…It was so good! I just wish I knew where Yakko and Wakko were so I could maybe get their autographs too!" Dot blanched, hoping she wouldn't ask, but knew she would.

"You wouldn't happen to know where they are do you? What am I saying?! Of course you do! You're their sister for crying out loud!" the girl continued.

This girl is worse than Yakko when you get him talking on the Marx Brothers, geez, Dot thought dryly, hoping to try to step in at some point.

"Actually sweetheart, I don't," at the look on Aprils face she continued, "I haven't really heard from them much, but I'm pretty sure they're still in Burbank if that helps?" she finished lamely, trying to gauge the girls reaction. She seemed upset.

Oh no, if she starts crying, what am I going to do?! It wasn't exactly her fault she hadn't spoken to her brothers, it was just…circumstance. Plus, the fighting was just too much for her.

Burbank and the Warner Brothers were suffocating her. She was always known as 'the Warner Sister' or that insufferable made up name. She wanted to get away from it, no, she needed to.

So the next chance she got, she moved out to New York to try her hand at Broadway, something she had her eyes on since the skit they did on the show parodying Andrew Lloyd Webber. So she tried out for anything she could sink her teeth into and eventually made it as young Corsette from Les Miserable's. A small part turned into many others and now she was the current leading lady in Guys and Dolls.

As her thoughts floated around her head, the little girl spoke again.

"That's alright! I'm sure they're just busy with stuff. Thank-you so much for the message Dot!" she finished with a big grin, holding her hand out to shake, breaking Dot from her thoughts.

"Not a problem, it was nice meeting you," she replied while shaking Aprils' hand. The girl said one last goodbye before scurrying off to find her mother.

Shaking her head at the back of the girl's head, Dot pick up her almost forgotten sandwich and chewed thoughtfully for a while.

That morning she had received a message about a reunion that is being held on the 13th in Burbank, it was just coincidental that a little girl ran into her, bringing up Animaniacs again.

This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder, next they're going to put 'I'm cute' over the PA, she thought with a grin, remembering that skit all over again, causing her brothers to flash in her mind for a second.

God, I miss those two, even if they were pains in the ass.

She had left California ten years ago to pursue her Broadway career and hadn't heard from either of them since. She'd tried calling them, but there was never a reply from either of them. All she knew was that they were alive and well, and still living near the old lot.

That coldness hurt her. They were her brothers and neither wanted anything to do with her anymore. But she couldn't stay mad at the even if she tried.

Stand up from her seat in the food court and shoving her i-pad back into her shoulder bag, Dot made her way out of the mall and began her walk back to her home.

The house reminded her of the old 101 Dalmatians movie she watched as a kid and she loved it. Sure, she use to love the attention fame gave her and use to want a huge house, but now she just wanted to live simply while still singing and acting the way she loves to.

She still gets looks, being a toon and all, but years of living in a Hollywood lifestyle had put her at ease with it.

Making her way up the steps to her house while reaching into her hammerspace to grab her keys so they wouldn't fall out of her bag, Dot unlocked the door and made her way inside, making a beeline for her computer.

Deciding on her way home that she would like to go to the reunion, she began to search up airfares, she only had two weeks after all and paying an extended visit to Burbank would be nice.

"Mister Warner, Mister Bunny is here to see you."

"Oh, cool, send him in Minerva."

Yakko Warner grinned to himself, reclining slightly on his office chair as he slipped his paddleball back into his hammerspace and rested his gloved hands on his slim chest.

The door to his office opened slightly and a very familiar head popped in.

"What's up, Doc?" Bugs Bunny asked, making his way around the door and across the room to sit in one of the business chairs across from Yakko. Yakko grinned at the rabbit.

"Well, I wouldn't know exactly since you were the one who wanted to speak with me. Unless, of course, I was a mind reader, but that's a whole different cattle of fish…" he trailed off, wondering who in their right mind came up with that saying in the first place. Cattle. Fish. Pfft.

"Har har, you're a riot ain't ya?"

"I like to think so. So what did you need me for besides chatting about chatting?" Yakko asked, leaning forward in his seat and resting his elbows on the desk, head on his hands. Bugs crossed his arms and gave the Warner a blank look as if to say, 'you know already, idiot'. Yakko just rolled his eyes.

"You know exactly what I want to talk to you about, Doc, so don't play dumb."

"Alright, alright, I get it. No jokes," he put his hands up in mock surrender then placed them back down before a thoughtful look graced his features. Bugs was about to say something else, but Yakko cut him off, raising a hand.

"I know what you're gonna ask and yes, I did think about it," he said seriously, "and I think I won't go," he nodded firmly. Expecting the rabbit to argue back he continued.

"I'm just too busy. The Hobbit's trailer is due to come out any day now, I have seven other movies that all are being shot, your TV series is also being shot on top of these, plus I've gotta do some housekeeping on the Big Bang Theory and a few other shows for comic-con coming up an-"

"Yakko, settle down, kid!" Bugs interrupted.

Yakko stopped his train of thought for a bit, realizing he'd stood up and started pacing. Giving Bugs an embarrassed grin he sat back down.

"I get that your name's Yakko, but you seriously don't have to live up to it all the time," holding up a hand to stop the Warner from cutting in, the rabbit continued, "also work is not an excuse and before you interrupt, I do get it. I've been in this industry a lot longer than you, so you can just sit down and shut up for a second," he said firmly, glaring at the toon in front of him. Yakko took that as a good sign to relax and listen for once.

"First, I don't care about the jobs you have coming up, that's why you have people working for you so you can stay on top of things," again Yakko was ready to protest, but a look from Bugs stopped him, "Secondly, this reunion is important and if you have to put your stinkin' pride on the line for one little night than so be it. This is your family we're talking about, don't you want to see them?"

Yakko frowned slightly, hand resting on his chin in thought.

"Ahhhhh…I'll get back to you on that one. Now, can I buy a vowel?" he asked, an uneasy grin on his face. At the rabbit's look, the grin was wiped away to form a deep frown. He was unhappy now and it was the bunny's entire fault.

"Look, Mister Bunny", Bugs flinched slightly at the tone, "I understand your concern for my well-being," while talking, Yakko stood up and walked to a nearby shelf that had a bottle of wine on it. Pouring himself a glass and offering the rabbit one, which he turned down, the Warner took a large gulp and continued, "but you have to understand something. I haven't seen either of them in ten years and the last words we said towards one another were spat and most were insults said by me," he paused again to take another sip.

"Ya gotta stop beating yourself up about it Yak, it's been ten years, surely no one holds a grudge that long," Bug said while walking over to lay a hand on the young man. Yakko just gave him a dry look.

"If I know them, which I do, they would still remember what had been said to this day. They're Warners, and you and I know how stubborn we are," they probably don't even know I now own Warner Brothers.

Yakko Warner, even at a young age, knew the basic fundaments about business. He knew how to twist words so the chips fell in his favour and that's what happened that landed him the job as CEO.

Being highly read for such a young teen, Yakko started out by writing television scripts that eventually gave him a spot on the Looney Tunes Show's writing team. Although he was a toon, Warner Bros asked him eventually how they could improve their ratings. He'd told them time and time again that people still loved the old toons and that breaking the forth wall was becoming a common thing in the entertainment industry and many more 'useless facts'. They liked his insight so much that they hired him as part of the executives.

Having heard of Mr. Plotz decision to retire, he decided to pull out all the stops. He was hard-working and knew the company well enough that Plotz saw…something in him that gave him the spot as CEO of Warner Brothers. The youngest CEO in Hollywood and the first toon one for that matter, Yakko took his job very seriously and it has paid off to this very day.

Seemly unstoppable, Yakko had wondered into his office bright and early a week ago to find the invitation staring him in the face.

He was nervous. He had no idea what he was going to say to either of his siblings, he didn't even know if either even wanted to talk to or were going in the first place. The last he heard from either was that Dot was in New York and that Wakko was pretty close by. Not many people who knew the Warners wanted to stir up the chaos again and so no one spoke about the group's fractured relationship.

Yakko, blew out air through his mouth as he thought about the reunion. It would be fun seeing everyone again, and he did owe a lot to the show that helped give his family a place to live for a while, even if it was in a silly water tower.

Speaking of the water tower, Yakko turned his head away from Bugs to glance out the window at the old thing. The well-known WB crest still visible from the office, a fact the young CEO loves to bits. Sighing to himself, Yakko turned to Bugs who was giving him a sympathetic look; he knew what he needed to do.

"I'm going to regret this, I just know it. I'll go. Apparently Spielberg wants me there so I'll be there. I just hope it won't be too…cold there…"

A/N: So, what do you think? Hopefully I've set things up well, half the time I can't tell. What happened ten years ago that caused them to split in the first place? I know I know, since I wrote it. Also there is a specific reason Yakko and Wakko are so close, but don't know it, but please let me know what you think! R&R! =)