
I'm going to go over this fic and correct the spelling - the amazing I know okay alerted me to this embarrassing problem.. So yeah, editing and fixing the spelling.

Oh - I'll post a small teaser for the sequel so look out for it!

1 November 1 1981

Jennie Andrews couldn't sleep. She often had nights like this one, when she just lay in bed staring into the ceiling, her mind empty.
This night, she actually went up and headed to her kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate. She left the light out since the streetlamps provided her with enough light to see what she was doing. She soon had her cup filled with steaming chocolate, and she sat down by the small kitchen table and looked out into the night. It was filled with stars and simply beautiful.

Jennie once more noticed the cat that she'd seen all day and once again she resisted the urge to go out and pick it up; the first and last time she'd tried, she cat had snarled at her.
The cat twitched where it sat on the low garden wall of Privet Drive number 4. It looked quite amusing and Jennie chuckled. Then, she squinted, for she could have sworn she saw a long shadow being cast on the pavement, but before she could see more, the lamps went out.

"Oh just great!" the blonde muttered and rolled her eyes, but she didn't get up to turn on the lamp in the kitchen; she had an urge to sit still and Jennie always followed her urges.

Through the darkness outside, she could only just make out the shapes of two people, a man and woman, dressed very funnily in long weeping robes. They seemed to be talking for they were standing very close. Jennie couldn't hear what was being said, and somehow she felt that she wasn't meant to.
She did however hear the thundering sound of a motorcycle – she'd recognize that sound anywhere since her dad and brothers had bikes of their own – and what she saw next almost made her black out.
A very large person that more resembled a bear was holding something that she couldn't see, there seemed to be a brief conversation between the three people, and then the large person wailed as if in deep pain, only to be hushed by the woman.

"Perhaps this is some sort of weird movie making," muttered Jennie, only halfheartedly trying to fool herself.

The tall slim man suddenly walked up to number 4 and left the small bundle by the front door, and then the three people seemed to say goodbye, for they disappeared very quickly, and then the light suddenly came back, almost blinding Jennie.
She could see better now; the bundle by her neighbors door looked very much like a baby wrapped in blankets, but it just couldn't be…

"Like a grown up would be crazy enough to leave a baby outside…" scoffed Jennie as she finished off her chocolate.
She was almost upstairs when she decided to ignore common sense.

The little boy was sound asleep, his small hands curled around the blanket. Jennie picked him up along with the envelope which was nestled inside the blankets folds. She was astonished by the scar on the boy's forehead 'cause it was shaped like a lightning bolt and seemed new since it was red and clashed against his fair skin.

"What am I to do with you little man?" Jennie mumbled as she looked at the door to number 4. She didn't like the Durlsey family very much; Vernon was rude, Petunia was a snooper and their one year old son Dudley seemed to be spoiled beyond reason.

"Are you a relative? If so, why didn't that man wait until morning to leave you here? Silly to let you lie out here in November…"

The baby boy yawned and slowly opened small eyes, which was emerald and piercing.

"Hi sweetie," smiled Jennie and rocked him softly while thinking rapidly. There was no way she was going to let him lie outside, and she didn't want to ring on the Durlsey's doorbell in the middle of the night…

"You'll come with me, okay? We'll sneak back here in the morning and tell the D's that someone left you here," she said finally and turned and hurried back into her house.


An hour later, the little boy was giggling as he dropped another spoon on the floor, and Jennie bit back a laugh. He was a real cutie!
The sound of the doorbell made the little boy stop giggling, and he gave a little whimper. Jennie picked him up, went to the door and peeked through peephole.

"Not good," she mumbled as she looked at an old man's face; white hair and beard and sparkling blue eyes behind half-moon spectacles.

The doorbell rang again.

"Right little man; let's face the weird looking man."

Jennie unlocked and opened the door with a pleasant smile, while calculating just how fast she would be able to knee the man if need be.

"Hello dear," said the old man kindly and stayed put outside, not making any movement to get inside her house, for which Jennie was grateful.

"Hello sir," she replied, her good manners kicking in.

"I believe this boy is not yours to shield."

"And I believe this boy is not yours to leave on a doorstep in the middle of a cold night," replied Jennie, now quitting pretending and going into defense mode.

"If I may come in dear, I will explain to why I left him, and you may explain to me why you where awake and looking and why you took him inside your home," said the old man still in a very kind and calm voice.

Jennie thought fast.

"Alright sir, but one wrong move and I'm calling the police."

The man bowed slightly, and when Jennie stepped aside he walked swiftly into her house. She shut the door, kissed the baby boys cheek and showed the old man into the living room.

"This is very weird… Can I tempt you with a cup of coffee?" she asked, finding it awfully funny that she was being polite to a possible madman.

"No thank you dear, I shall not abuse your hospitality longer than necessary."

"Very well… Please have a seat then."

The old man smiled and sat down, and Jennie sat down with the boy still in her arms.

"I am Albus Dumbledore, the boy in your arms is Harry Potter, and may I ask what your lovely name is, dear?"

Jennie fought back a giggle at the man's charm.

"I'm Jennie Andrews."

"Lovely my dear. Now, the reason I left young Harry outside is that I'm a wizard, and therefore I can protect him from cold and also because he needed to be found by his aunt and uncle, not given over."

She was talking to a kind but delusional old man.

"Sir, with all due respect is there anyone I can call to come and give you a ride home?" Jennie asked politely, knowing that when dealing with madness it was almost always best to be very polite and calm.

Albus Dumbledore – strange name indeed – chuckled and produced a wooden stick from somewhere in his strange clothes.

"My dear Jennie I assure you I am not mad or delusional. I can do magic, Wingardium Leviosa!"

The bowl which held grapes lifted and floated in the air.

"Very nice trick sir, where did you hide the wire?"

The old man chuckled again.

"I am sorry dear, but there is no wire. Now, I must insist you tell me why you took Harry."

"Because he's a baby boy who can die in cold! And because no one should leave a child alone!"

She hadn't meant to scream, but she loathed seeing children being abused or neglected.

"You have a kind heart child, never lose it," said Albus Dumbledore and pointed the wooden stick at her.

"Please don't point that at me, it feels very uncomfortable."

"I'll take it away child… Paulisper Oblitus!"

A/N: Paulisper Oblitus is my own creation here: I simply translated the phrase "forget for a while" into Latin, which gave me Paulisper Oblitus.