Chapter 1

Big surprise

Hermione's POV

It was dark and chilly night. I was on my way home from flourish and blotts. It was not the same, this day. Thanks to that encounter. After three years since the battle of Hogwarts I finally see him again. Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin prince. The foul evil loathsome cockroach. But he was taller and more strikingly handsome. And that's when it hit me. It was like he was biding time on something. Probably another opportunity to call me a mudblood like he did when we were back at Hogwarts or maybe he has changed since the fall of Voldemort. It could be a coincidence. Just saying but Malfoy will be Malfoy. There isn't any harm there now is there. But I guess I'll see him tomorrow. I wonder what he really wants.






Draco Malfoy POV

Maybe I shouldn't have waited if I knew she was probably going to be in there the whole entire day. I mean of course this was usually the only time she didn't have to go to the ministry ,why not take a break from reading so much. I wonder if she ever does get time like she use to. I just hope she accepts my apology. I know I've been a git ever since we were eleven but ever since third year is when I really fell in love with her. From her beautiful brown now curly hair to her chocolate brown eyes. I could even remember the time when she looked gorgeous fourth year for the Yule ball. I hope it won't be long until she arrives here.







In Hermione's flat

As soon as I got home I erased everything of Malfoy from my head thinking it would be better not to dwell on it to much.

" about time you got here, granger. It could have been nice if I didn't have to wait to long. Did you have a nice read?" Malfoy asked sitting on MY couch starring dazed at my tv. " Malfoy what do you want" I asked my wand pointed directly at him. " I came to apologize foe what I did to you ever since we were eleven. I though since the war is over that its time for a change." Draco said with a small sad smile I nearly missed. I mean it was really rare to see him smile. But I gave in any ways " sure why not I'll give you a chance.