
They bought a gorgeous home in Malibu that was on the beach. It was a contemporary home with floor to ceiling glass windows facing the beach. It had two floors with downstairs containing the living room, dining room and kitchen with the laundry. While upstairs there was a large master bedroom and walk-in closet that took up nearly half the floor space. The master bedroom also featured an ensuite bathroom just like Seth had requested with a tub that could easily hold all three of them. There was another bedroom and an office that either of them could use and a den that led out to the balcony that spanned the width of the house.

There was a small lawn in front of the house with then gave way to the sand and then finally the sparkling sapphire Pacific ocean. They didn't live on a popular stretch of the beach and they were glad for the privacy. Especially Dean who had taken to having a nude early morning dip every now and again despite Seth's protests of other people seeing what belonged to him.

In their private backyard was a pool where Seth spent almost every Sunday suntanning nude next to it while Roman fired up the barbecue grill.

Roman had invested just over half a million dollars into the start up of Moxley's and with that huge influx of capital Dean was able to install top of the line equipment, hire a talented chef who would only answer to Big Show but made the most exquisite little morsels to accompany the cocktails. Dean was also able to advertise in certain magazines of Seth's choosing to make sure that he got the right clientele. Their customers ranged from young professionals to producers in the movie business, and a couple of hot shots in the corporate world. Moxley's was becoming the secret place to network.

Seth had done a wonderful job in decorating Moxley's. The walls were painted a cool, soft blue that was instantly relaxing with black cherrywood furniture with touches of fresh beach influences. He used the glass mason jar idea he came up with at home and decorated each table with one of them. Some were filled with shells, some with small, smooth ocean pebbles while others contained a mixture of both. The roof deck had a thick glass barrier around it. Clear fairy lights were hung from pole to pole above it. It had weather proof furniture of mainly couches or two seaters. Soft jazz music was pumped out through hidden speakers on to the roof. Many customers had remarked how much they enjoyed the relaxed, romantic atmosphere on the roof.

" I'm tired."

Seth walked into Dean's office at the back of Moxley's and Dean immediately stood up with open arms and Seth rested against him with his head on his shoulders.

" You should take a break. You've done a great job so far baby." Dean stroked Seth's now all brown hair and kissed his forehead.

" But there is still so much to be done." Seth whined.

" That's why you hired Naomi, now isn't it?"

" Yeah."

" And she's great at her job right?"

" Yeah."

" Then stop worrying."

Seth wrapped his arms loosely around Dean's neck and sighed. He looked at him through wide brown eyes as if he was contemplating something for a few seconds before leaning in and planting a kiss on his lips. " I love you."

Dean smiled and kissed him back. " I love you too Sethie."

Dean cupped the back of Seth's head and gently brought their lips together once more. The kiss was slow and sweet. Dean took his time worshipping that pretty mouth. Sometimes in moments like these he still couldn't believe that he and Seth were together. They had been for nearly a year now and yet to have Seth in his arms and kissing him like this still blew his mind. He remembered that Sunday when Seth had went to the salon and when he came home the blonde streak was gone and his entire head was brown. They were barbecuing in the backyard and both he and Roman were stunned. Seth smiled at them shyly and said it was because he was completely shedding his old life and he wanted a fresh start. Dean had to admit that it did make it him appear a bit more professional but he was still every bit as gorgeous as he ever was.

Dean's tongue was gliding against Seth's when he heard the door to his office open. He didn't even open his eyes to see who it was. Instinctively he knew. He knew those strong arms that were moving around his waist from behind and he knew every curve of that body against him. He knew whose lips those were that were now peppering his neck with kisses. He loved this man just as much as he loved Seth and he couldn't imagine his life without either one of them in his life.

Seth pulled away from the kiss first and opened his eyes. His face lit up at the sight of the man. " Romie." His voice soft but yet Roman's eyes answered him in a hearbeat. " So glad that you came."

Seth leaned over Dean's shoulder and he and Roman shared a sweet kiss. Seth often thought of himself as lucky too. When he first moved in with Dean he never thought that anything would happen between them but now he couldn't imagine his life without the auburn haired man. Dean grounded him in a way that taught him how to make his dreams in to reality. He still told him the harsh truth when he needed to hear it but he knew how much love was coming behind it. Roman had stolen his heart from the time that he had met him. The way how the larger man treasured and doted on him made him feel like the luckiest man in the world. Not that he could walk all over his Romie but he knew that he would always love him despite his faults.

Roman stroked Seth's cheek while planting a kiss on Dean's. These two were his men and he would always try to do everything in his power to protect, provide and love them. They knew how to cheer him up when he was getting down on himself. Dean in his strange way helped to relax him with his chill vibes and would walk with him on the beach when he spent too much time looking at the stock market. His investments were sound but the accountant in him couldn't help but to watch the numbers rise and fall. Dean pulled him away from that and reminded him that he couldn't control everything but things had a way of working themselves out. His precious Sethie. Sometimes he could be such a sexy little minx and the other times he could be so innocent and raw with his emotions that Roman swore that he could never ever hurt him again. Seth showed him how to take pleasure in the small things and to live life to the fullest. He still constantly spoiled Seth with little shopping sprees but how could he not? He loved him so much that sometimes it hurt to think about it.

He felt Dean squeezing his hand and he held his tighter. Dean's ass was pressed up against his crotch, no doubt feeling his erection. He would take care of Dean tonight and if they were too tired then early the following morning. Right now they had an event to pull off at Moxley's. Wade had pulled some strings and had managed to convince a producer of a up coming summer blockbuster movie to hold the premier party of the movie here at the bar tonight. Wade had proven to be a true friend and Dean and Seth had eventually gotten to know him and sometimes Wade even came over on a Sunday, the only day the bar was closed and hung out with them. After Seth had gotten some clothes on of course.

Seth's cellphone had beeped and when he checked his text message he smiled. Mark was outside. Mark had been instrumental in helping Dean the first couple of weeks in the running of his bar and he would always be grateful to his former boss for it. His bar was far enough away from Pacifica not to interfere with business and they had a different customer base.

" I hope he brought me some eclairs." Seth said as he bounded through the office door.

Dean and Roman exchanged a look and a laugh. Both men hoping that their baby boy would never change.


Author's Note

First of all THANK YOU! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thanks to all of you guys who have reviewed, favourited, followed, shared and read this story. I honestly never expected this response for Baby Boy. It was just supposed to be a nice, light wind down story after writing Precinct 59. I didn't really expect a lot of people to be interested in it. Boy was I wrong. You guys have given me over 600 reviews and 60,000 plus views! Are you guys serious right now? Baby Boy has double the views of any other story I have ever written. I honestly don't know why it's so popular or how it got that way. I never thought making Seth a brat would make people want to read this story. I thought people would be turned off by it, well guess I was wrong.

I need to give a personal thanks to all those who have reviewed every single chapter of this story. You guys are rockstars! LadyDragonsblood, JacktheSinister JaketheJust, GatesVengence, Corkie41, ChocolateReigns and PassionWriter101. You guys rock!

I have to say the idea behind this story was to have a nice, fun, sexy story without too much angst and heaviness. I wanted to write an easy beach read so to speak. I wanted to write a story that would make people laugh but still draw them in to know what happens next. In creating Seth's character, I wanted him to be completely unlikable at first but eventually as the character grew , the audience would grow with him and hopefully end up as in love with him as Roman and Dean. If I achieved that, let me know if you love that spoiled lovable brat.

It has been fun interacting with you guys on here and on tumblr. You can find my tumblr and twitter links on my profile page. I hardly tweet but I answer questions a lot faster on there. Due to the nature of the tumblr app I can't see messages unless I'm on an actual computer.

I will not be writing anymore long form stories for a while. My brain needs a break, lol. I've done about 4 in the past year. But you will still get some oneshots in the meanwhile.

So goodbye for now and thanks for everything.

Sparkles Blue.