Only the soft hum of the TV filled the silence in the dark bedroom. It was late into the night but the rooms two occupants were awake and restless. The movie came to an end as the credits rolled on the screen. Neither one moved from their position on the curled more into his brothers side. Dick responded by tightening his hold. He had hoped that the movie would settle the youngers nerves. But to no avail.

"Do you want to talk about it" He asked softly. Filling the silence that the TV once held.

Tim's lack of words worried him greatly until he answered hoarsely.

" left" His voice cracked due to previous tears.

Dick waited patiently for him to explain. "You and Jason...d-died...just like mom did...I was scared and I couldn't do anything and when you died Bruce became so cold, he ignored me just like Dad did." His voice rushed out with pent up emotion. "And and when i woke up a-and you weren't here I thought...i thought that" His voice cracked once more.

"Sssshhh Timmy it's okay" Dick soothed. "You're okay now I'm here don't worry" He started to run his fingers through Tim's hair. "Everyone's okay you're okay" He continued to comfort.

"I'm sorry..." Tim muttered. He felt so weak there he was breaking down after a dumb nightmare. I mean come on he lived in Gotham for petes sake there were far more scarier things out there. So why was he so frightened now?

"Timothy Drake don't you dare apologize you don't have any reason too" Dick scolded lightly, snapping the younger out of his thoughts. "Why one earth are you sorry?" Dick asked.

"It's just that...I don't understand...why im so scared, it was just a stupid dream."

"...Nightmares are caused by a strong emotional response to a fear or anxiety. So i don't know Tim. Why are you afraid?" He questioned softly.

Tim thought for a moment. He could hear the wind picking up outside. The sound of water dripping letting him know that it was still raining even though the storm had left. Shadows danced around the room as the tree branches outside the window shook in the wind. The only light in the room came from the lamp on the bedside table. The branches shook once more as Tim ended his pondering.

"I guess its because could actually happen." He concluded.

Dick became quiet.

"You're not going to let that happen though...right?" Tim questioned.

"I would never let that happen, not as long as I can do something about it."

Tim let out a relieved sigh as he hid his face in the blankets. They were quiet for a long moment before Tim broke the silence. "You're not going to leave me right?"

"You know I can't make any promises...not in this business." Dick looked away sadly. "But..." He started, turning back towards Tim. "Just remember that I'm your brother and I will always love you." He finished.

Tim looked up. He was saddened with the answer but satisfied. He closed his eyes and curled further into Dicks side. "I love you too."

Dick shifted in the bed and made their positions more comfortable. Tim's head layed on his shoulder as he also closed his eyes like the younger had. They were silent once more as Dick absentmindedly ran his fingers through Tim's hair. Tim hummed softly with each out take of breath.

When Dick was sure Tim was almost asleep he began to sing quietly. His sweet voice echoed slightly in the big room. But its soothing tone put all of Tim's worrying to rest.

"Hush, Little Timmy, don't say a word

Your brother's gonna make sure you don't get hurt

And when the rain pours on you

Your brother will be there to protect you

And when sleep turns you still and cold

Your brother's gonna save you with his soul

Hush, Little Timmy, don't you cry

Your brother's always there, right by your side

And when comes the end to all things

Your brother's gonna find a way to give you wings."

Dick ended his lullaby and the room became quiet again. Only the soft patter of the rain hitting the window filled the silence. Finally giving into sleep Dick reached over and turned off the light. The room plunged into darkness and everything was still except for the rise and fall of Tim's chest.

Dick gave him a quick kiss on the forehead and closed his eyes.

Tim's light constant breathing soon became Dicks own lullaby as sleep overtook him at last.

Lyrics are from this picture: . /8a915ed7ed6c67c21dcac4add158d998/tumblr_mvzcxncpK31slcur9o1_