Chapter 5

In the still of the night, when sleep is elusive and the gentle whoosh of the ocean's waves combined with Ashley's soft snores (I do not snore, Steven) aren't enough to break through his tumbled thoughts, Steve hear's faint voices. Generally, he doesn't recognize them but once in a while he thinks he hears Mary. The conversations are muted and he doesn't catch the words, but he's not bothered by them, they're almost a comfort. Most of the time he let's them soothe him, relax him enough to finally sleep.

Just before he succumbs, he always makes a quick mental note to not tease Ashley in the morning about her night time noises. For all her protesting that she doesn't, the woman could give Danny a run for his money in the snoring department. He'd spent ample time on late night stakeouts with his partner and many allergy ridden nights with his wife to be an expert. He'd made the mistake once of recommending Breathe Rite strips to both of them. A week on the couch and a week of not being able to drive Danny's car hammered home the lesson. Never mention snoring anywhere near either of them. Gabby covertly gave him a set of ear plugs for his birthday that year.

Chapter 6

"So, Danny are you ready for tomorrow?" Chin asks just before he takes a good swallow of the beer in his hand.

It's a few minutes before Danny answers. Steve almost thinks his partner didn't hear Chin's question but Danny finally speaks up. "Yeah, I guess. It's not like I've got much to do."

Shaking his head, Steve jumps into the conversation. "Not much to do? You've only got to walk the bride down the aisle and publicly acknowledge that Brian is good enough to marry Grace."

"Oh, that is where you are so very wrong, my friend. No one, I repeat, no one is good enough to marry Grace, but Brian is close," Danny states.

"Ah, come on, Danny. You know you like Brian," Chin says. "Especially since he helps you with your taxes."

"That is true," Danny concedes.

All three men return to starring out at the ocean that is Steve's backyard. It's the Friday before the big day which means the women are inside going over last minute details and the men are outside doing their level best to get pleasantly buzzed while staying safely away from the chaos. They're all too old to get drunk (too many past experiences) and besides, they need to be on their toes tomorrow for the wedding. Each one having a specific role to fulfill per Grace's request.

Danny's sigh seems to come from the depth of his soul. "I just wish Rachel was here to see this. She started planning for this the day we brought Grace home from the hospital."

Steve reaches over and gives Danny's arm a squeeze while Chin gives him a couple of pats on the back. There's nothing they can say to make the situation better. Rachel had been gone for almost five years. The cancer ravaged her and it'd been a blessing when she passed on. Even though they'd been divorced for over a decade, her death hit Danny hard. His little girl's mother wouldn't be there for her any more.

Before they can get maudlin, a high pitched squeal fills the air. "Daddy, Mommy says I have to say goodnight now if I want to be good flower girl for Gracie."

Steve puts his beer down just in time to catch his third and youngest child as she leaps into his arms. "Well, Buttercup, Mommy is right. A flower girl needs all the beauty rest she can get. Now say good night to Uncle Danny and Uncle Chin." His baby complies, adding sloppy wet kisses, before running back to the house.

"Just think, it won't be too long before we're sitting out here on the night before Leia's wedding," Chin claims.

"Yeah, sitting here in our wheelchairs," Danny adds.

Steve visibly shutters. "Jeez, I don't even want to think about that," he starts to respond when Danny's statement sinks in. "Hey, I won't be that old when she decides to get married," he sputters.

"Are you kidding me? You're going to be using a walker for sure by the time she graduates college," Danny ribs, wanting to get a rise out of his friend.

Steve doesn't disappoint. "I can't help it if she came along later in life, much later."

Danny's smile almost splits his face in two. "I have one word for you, my friend. Condoms."

Steve slugs Danny's arm. "At least I won't have anyone calling me Grandpa anytime soon." Chin nearly spits his beer out, laughing.

Chapter 7

Chin's retirement came way too early for everyone except Chin and Leilani. They've made plans to explore the world. The team fully understood Chin's decision, but it hadn't made it any easier for Steve to accept Chin's notice.

The new governor was making not so subtle comments about disbanding Five-0. She was the type to cut her nose off to spite her face. Her Hawaii didn't need an elite task force. They were given one more year.

In all honesty, Steve was grateful and he knew Danny was too. They'd done their duty to God, country and state. It was time to relax and let others worry about the criminal element. Steve had a job waiting for him as a civilian instructor at Pearl. Danny had several lines open, but hadn't chosen one yet. Steve knew he was holding out for part-time babysitter to the grandkids and grand god-children. Yeah, semi-retirement sounded really good.

Chapter 8

"Mary McGarrett?"

"Yes, this is she."

"Ms. McGarrett, this is Dr. Makoto from Three Pines. I think you should come as quickly as you can get here."

"I'll be there in a half hour."


Mary stood at the door to her brother's room, not believing her eyes. Steve was propped up in bed and starring at her. The doctor motioned her in, quietly retreating to give the siblings privacy.

"Hey big brother, it's good to see you awake."

"Mare," Steve whispered, voice weak and rough after so long not being used.

Mary perched on the side of his bed, taking his hand in her's while tears streamed down her face. Steve tried to raise his hand to brush the tears away, but his muscles wouldn't cooperate so he settled for squeezing Mary's hand as tight as he could.

"It's okay, Mary."

"Oh, Steve. I'm so sorry." Mary was going to continue but she realized Steve wasn't paying any attention. His gaze focused more towards the window.

"Hurry up, Uncle Steve! Danno says you can finally teach me how to surf."

"I need a minute, Gracie. I'll be there soon."

Mary frowned at her brother's mutterings. "What's that, Steve? I couldn't understand you."

Steve looked at his sister again and very clearly said, "I gotta go now, Mare. Danno and Gracie are waiting for me. I'm gonna teach Grace to surf and maybe get Danno in the water too. Love you, Mary"

Mary watched as he closed his eyes and released the breath he'd just taken. She leaned forward and kissed his forehead. "Love you too. Have fun surfing."