Chapter 11: Final Battle

Shade watched in horror as the ground beneath her creaked and moaned. Shadows came out but Shade herself felt nothing out of them. They were soulless and evil. Golden and Shen watched with amusement as the Seven Demons began to take form. A tree creaked and groaned till it began to form. The first demon was a giant black widow spider but was the size of Po. But had scorpion pinchers in front, the eyes were soulless and it let out an inhuman shriek. The next demon came out of the caves and it looked like a tiny lizard with bat wings. One demon was the size of the Peach Tree; it had the body of bear, yet the neck and head of a serpent. The wings were massive and was blocking out the moon itself. Its teeth were shark's teeth.

A formless blob no bigger than Harmony came out of the ground and the only features it had were two vampire teeth. One was a massive red serpent with white eyes. Out of the sky came a huge vulture red as blood itself with the head of a snarling wolf but the claws of a tiger. Fire poured out of the creature's mouth and lastly the water boiled and steam came bursting out. Another demon and the last was a shark like creature. With blue-green skin and webbed hands and feet, and was the size of Shen. "Seven Demons bow before your Masters Lord Shen and Lady Golden!" Shen yelled holding up the crystal. Soon the air was filled with the demons inhuman laughter.

Foolish Mortal, the Black Crystal trapped us and freed us. It is no longer useful to you," the serpent creature cackled. To Shen's horror the Black Crystal began to dissolve into a pile of black dust. Then the spider demon shot out a silver web at Golden and she was slowly being paralyzed.

"Golden no!" Shen yelled trying to save her. Once Golden was hit the force field shattered freeing the others.

"Everyone we have to destroy these monsters, let's do this!" Po yelled. He and Tigress charged at the red serpent. Snow and DarkWind took to the skies to vanquish the fire breathing bird. Tai-Lung and Harmony took on the blob like creature.

"Foolish mortals, you shall all die!" shrieked the tiny lizard.It lunged at Camille with huge speed but Speedy was faster and pulled the lizard away.

"Now be nice you bad demon!" Speedy shouted but the lizard creature began to vibrate horribly and began to bite him. Blood appeared on Speedy's arm and Camille screamed in horror. She turned into a bird and carried the lizard thing away from Speedy. The creature flew into the water and Camille knelt down to Speedy.

"Please be okay, you dumb fox," she whispered.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that you are beautiful when you are worried," Speedy said winking at her. She rolled her eyes and continued fighting. Shade bite the vines till she was free but the shark creature looked down at her.

"Why do you fight against us sister, you are darkness as well join us and we will rule all of China," the shark creature said in a raspy voice.

"I would never join you!" Shade yelled and sent his shadow flying back into the water. Po and Tigress were beating up the serpent but the bear thing came charging. Red knocked it down as he went in search for Shade. The tiny mouse saw Golden and thought her magic could defeat the demons. Racing over to the web the Spider creature gazed at Shade and sent another web her way. Letting out a squeak Shade dissolved into a shadow and scurried over to Shen and Golden.

"Shen…leave…me," Golden cried no longer able to move her arms or legs.

"No I am not leaving you!" Shen argued. People called him a monster and maybe he was but he was not leaving Golden behind for he loved her.

"I can help," Shade said. Shen looked down at the mouse with a confused look.

"Why would you help us after all we done?" Shen demanded.

"Good or evil no one should be separated from the one they love," Shade told him. "Now give me a boost Shen or do you wish to see Golden die," she asked him.

"Shade get away from them!" Red yelled. The spider creature was charging and he was holding off the beast. Up in the skies Snow was slamming into the massive bird creature while DarkWind was shrieking in the beast ears. Tai-Lung tried to punch the blob but soon it was covering his body.

"Tai-Lung!" Harmony yelled trying to pull him free but even she was being covered by the thick goo.

"Hurry we haven't got much time," Shade said. Red sent the spider creature flying and when a bit of the moon fighting to get rid of the darkness shined on the spider creature it began to shrivel and turned to dust. Shade saw this and Shen placed her on Golden's body. The tiny mouse knew the web would paralyze her if she touched it so using her teeth was out of the question.

"Shade get away from them!" Red said about to scoop her up.

"No she has to save my beloved!" Shen argued.

"Guys stop I have a plan but you two will have to work together. Please Red trust me if we don't then none of us are getting out of here alive," Shade said. Red wanted to argue but instead turned to stop the shark creature from harming anyone else. Shen raced to help still trying to wrap his mind on what happened. Shade used her shadows to slice the web and free Golden. Golden breathed deeply and moved her arms and legs.

"Why did you save me?" Golden asked.

"I am a hero and heroes save people. Now I need your help to save my family," Shade said. Looking up at the moon she said, "I am going to attempt to remove the darkness from the moon. And you are going to use your light powers to turn the moon gold. These creatures can't stand the light," Shade said.

"How do you know it will work?" Golden questioned.

"Because I have faith now come on," Shade said.

The blob was covering up Harmony and Tai-Lung as the teeth came closer. "No, it can't end this way," Harmony whimpered.

"Just hold onto me and close your eyes," Tai-Lung said knowing this was the end. The bear creature held Camille in one pincher as it held Speedy in the other. Snow and DarkWind were growing weary and Po and Tigress were fighting the serpent while avoiding acid. Shade raised her paws up and pulled the darkness away. Golden took her chance and zapped the moon and it was a bright gold. The light shined down on the demons and one by one each slowly evaporated. Shen ran to Golden and kissed her.

"Oh my darling, I thought I lost you," he said crying. Tai-Lung held Harmony and kissed her lips. Po kissed Tigress and Snow and DarkWind hugged each other. Speedy and Camille hugged laughing that they were alive.

"Shade!" Red called and knelt down as the tiny mouse ran into his hoof.

"I love you Big Guy," she said nuzzling his cheek. Then the others turned to Golden and Shen but before they could speak. The darkness around the Land of the Lost was lifted and it was returned to its natural beauty.

"Alright you guys are going to jail," Harmony growled. Everyone else glared at them and Shen held Golden preparing for a fight.

"Wait, let them go they have been through enough," Shade said.

"What?" Camille asked.

"Shade, do you know what they did?" Red questioned.

"Yes, I know but they helped stop the demons so instead of sending them to jail let them stay here, where they can be together," Shade said. "After all everyone deserves a second chance," she said looking at Tai-Lung.

"You would really let us be together here?" Shen asked thinking this was a trick.

"Yes, but if you ever try to return to cause harm we will lock you up. So, pick your punishment living here with your love or in a prison cell away from each other?" Shade asked.

"Very well Mo-um Shade we accept your offer," Golden said. Then she made a portal for them to go home.

"Alright everyone let's go home," Po said hugging Tigress. They all left and Golden and Shen were happy together.


Po courted Tigress till at long last they were married. They still live at the Jade Palace and protecting the Valley. Harmony lived with Tai-Lung at the palace and he did mend his relationship with Shifu and they helped protect the Valley. Like Po and Tigress they were married and had a daughter and named her Shade. Camille and Speedy along with Snow and DarkWind helped keep the Noodle Shop going at Mr. Pings. Camille sings, while Snow became a waitress but also became the scribe to the legends of the warriors. DarkWind cooked and Speedy courted Camille. Shade and Red also moved to the Jade Palace and became warriors as well. In time Po, Harmony and Tigress learned of their past for it seemed during the Shen attack the tigers and pandas lived in one huge Valley in secret. Harmony and Tigress were separated from their parents to keep them safe. They met their parents and their family got bigger. Shen and Golden remained in the Land of the Lost happy to be together. And they all lived happily ever after.

The End

Author's Note: Hope you all enjoyed this story and please review. A special thanks to KungFuPandaFanatic for helping with the ideas for the seven demons. Till next time.