"Dipper Pines!" Gideon yelled. "You have been in my way for far to long!"
Dipper, Mabel and Wendy had been slammed against the wall of the Mystery Shack by Gideon's "powers." "Quick, Wendy, get the book out of my backpack," Dipper said. It had been thrown across the room, and Wendy was closest to it. She crawled over, unnoticed by Gideon, and grabbed his pack. "Here," she said, unzipping it. She reached in expecting to grab the book, but pulled out a wad of what looked like letters instead. Dipper knew exactly what they were. His cheeks flushed bright red as Wendy quickly examined the letters and gave him a shocked look. "Wait a minute!" Mabel exclaimed. She yanked one if the letters from Wendy's grasp and started reading. "Dear Wendy, I've always wanted to tel you that I-" "Mabel!" Dipper said, embarrassed and enraged. "We don't have time for this!" He grabbed his backpack and pulled out the book, leaving the letters scattered across the floor.
*later that day*
Wendy had been shocked, to say the least. Dipper? And her? She'd never even come close to considering the possibility. She was pacing back and forth on her spot in the roof, zoning out, when she heard Mabel's voice. "Hey Wendy!" She sat down and let her legs dangle off the edge. "Hey Mabel," she said flatly. She sat down next to her. "I was walking in the woods earlier and I saw these vampires and they were like..." Wendy started to zone out again. The letters, Dipper, her... "Wendy?" Mabel said, snapping her out of her daze. "What's up with you?" She sighed. "I'm just thinking about Dippers letters." Mabel laughed. "You mean all of his declarations of his love for you that apparently aren't good enough for you to read?" Wendy's gaze shifted to Mabel. "You mean you knew about them before?"
She nodded. "Yeah. I overheard him reading them to the goat. He took a bite out of one of them." Wendy thought for a second. "So, did he tell you anything?" "Only that he loves you. Mwahp mwahp!" She poked her side. "Nothing else?" No I'm-" Mabel gasped. "Wait a second! You... And Dipper!" "No, Mabel-" "You like him you like him! You totally like him." She ran across the roof and back down the ladder. "Dipper! Wendy likes you!" She screamed. Wendy looked down at the parking lot, a smile on her face.