Sorry for not updating, I hadn't gotten inspired for a while and I've been doing stuff, thangs. Anyway, I finished this chapter up finally, I've had half done for like a month and a half. I'm keeping this story going just because it's so odd. The updates will come when I get good ideas. I want to try and keep chapters different but still funny. It gets a little bit inappropriate towards the second half. Anyway, here you are! Enjoy!
Chapter 22
Some Serious Spaghetti Parties
Rick and the group have been doing pretty well. Apart from the fact that the Governor is making weird threats. And then there's this new guy that seems to be on the same page as Hershel with all his plans. But he's weird too. And he's making Daryl very uncomfortable.
Shane Walsh: I had a weird dream where Beth was driving a car but she wasn't looking at the road and she wasn't hitting anything…..#still a better driver than Lori
Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes, Glenn, and 3 others like this.
Glenn: I drove a red sports car once through a ton of walkers. #still a better driver than Lori
Rick Grimes: Honestly woman, you are a terrible driver.
Lori Grimes: Thanks Rick. You know, on issues like this you're supposed to side with your wife
Maggie Greene is now friends with Aaron.
Maggie Greene: Beth! I found the next hottie! Since Daryl needs a serious haircut!
Beth Greene: Oh wow, he is cute. How old is he?
Merle Dixon: Can we take a minute to say that both Beth and Maggie were crushing on Daryl at one point?
Daryl Dixon likes this
Daryl Dixon: Isn't it great?
Shane Walsh: Can we take a minute to say that Maggie is friends with a guy that we don't know?
Maggie Greene: Nah, he's cool. I promise.
Rick Grimes: That's because you think he's hot.
Aaron: I'm a friend guys! I promise!
Daryl Dixon: That's what the last guy said too and he turned out to eat people. Do you eat people?
Aaron: No, not a fan of people….eating people that is
Michonne: You should ask him the questions
Rick Grimes: Right. How many walkers have you killed?
Aaron:…A lot. Why does that matter?
Michonne: How many people have you killed?
Daryl Dixon: Why?
Aaron: They tried to kill me and Eric.
Maggie Greene: There's more of you?
Aaron: Yea.
Hershel Greene: I don't trust this guy. He seems pretty dang clean to be out here!
Rick Grimes: Hershel has a point
Aaron: It doesn't matter what I say. You won't trust me no matter what I tell you.
Rick Grimes: He's got a point
Shane Walsh: I think he just burned our group and I don't like it
Daryl Dixon, Merle Dixon, Aaron, and 4 others like this.
Aaron: If I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn't hesitate on blowing up that farm you're living on
Shane Walsh: Trust level just fell into a deep, dark hole. Never to be seen again.
Rick Grimes: How do you know where we are?
Aaron: Your group has potential. We want you at our place.
Lori Grimes: Why are there so many places? We never found any of these.
Phillip Brian Blake: Come to Woodbury, fun for all!
Caesar Martinez: Sorry guys, I tried to stop him.
Phillip Brian Blake: I wouldn't trust this guy! He seems dangerous!
Maggie Greene: His picture makes him seem very….not dangerous
Daryl Dixon: Still, we don't trust people who have been watching us!
Aaron: Seriously, you guys should come over here. We have some serious spaghetti parties over here.
Hershel Greene: I TRUST HIM! Let's go.
Rick sighs and puts his head in his hands. This guy just had to bring up the spaghetti. Hershel would go with anyone who had spaghetti. It just wasn't good. If the Governor offered them spaghetti, they'd end up there.
"Do you trust this guy?" Shane asked him.
"I don't know. He doesn't seem too bad…"
"Yea….but neither did that Gareth guy….and look how that turned out."
"Only way to get more information….we should friend him."
"If that's what you think is best."
Rick Grimes: Alright Aaron. Let's be friends.
Aaron is now friends with Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Glenn, and 10 others.
Aaron: Cool. So let's have some serious spaghetti…..on Tuesday
Hershel Greene: This man is amazing
Maggie Greene: I know right.
Beth Greene: I love him! He's like adorable!
Aaron: Are they crushing on me?
Rick Grimes: I'd say yes. But that's just me
Shane Walsh, Daryl Dixon, and 2 others like this
Aaron: Oh…..well…..this is weird
Merle Dixon: Why? You have two girls that just met you, that want to date you.
Daryl Dixon: So go for it man.
Shane Walsh: Honestly, I'd love to have two girls chasing after me
Aaron: Well….I'm already….with someone
Maggie Greene: Oh….well who is she?
Aaron:….Um….well….see this is where it gets complicated
Shane Walsh: Oh god. More relationship problems
Aaron: No it's not a problem! I'm just….I'm not with a girl!
Beth Greene: Then what's the problem? Why can't you pick one of us?
Aaron: Cause…..I'm with a guy.
Daryl Dixon: Well…this took a slightly unexpected turn
Merle Dixon has unfriended Aaron.
Aaron: Hey what? What did I do?
Daryl Dixon: Merle's not a fan of…..
Rick Grimes: Stuff.
Hershel Greene: Hey so I say we head over to where this guy is and eat spaghetti
Maggie Greene: Me too.
Shane Walsh: Uh…Maggie aren't you and Glenn together? Glenn do you approve of this?
Glenn: No but I can't do anything about it
Gareth: Hey is it alright if I weigh in here?
Phillip Brian Blake: And I as well?
Rick Grimes: Why does it matter to you guys?
Gareth: I say trust him.
Phillip Brian Blake: I say don't trust him.
Aaron: So what's the verdict?
The group gets together outside Hershel's farm and decides to talk. Rick doesn't know if they should trust Aaron or not. The Governor and Gareth continue to send their opinions and the little beeping noise coming from all of their phones is bothering everyone so much that Daryl takes Carl's phone and throws it against a tree. It still works but that doesn't stop the dirty glare he gets from Rick.
Merle Dixon: We've come to a decision that if you throw a phone against a tree, it will still work
Caesar Martinez: Really now? Did Daryl lose his temper again?
Rick Grimes, Merle Dixon, Carl Grimes, and 2 others like this.
Aaron: So….you want to come here?
Rick Grimes: Not just yet. We're gonna stay on our farm but we'll talk to you.
Gareth: Ha! I was right! In your face you one-eyed freak!
Caesar Martinez likes this.
Phillip Brian Blake: I'm going to punch you very hard!
Daryl leaves his phone unattended and Carl is still angry at him for throwing his phone. He runs over to where the hunter left his phone and changes his username. He'll get his revenge now.
Caesar Martinez: Okay so you guys aren't going to believe this but some dude literally walked through the doors to Woodbury and the Governor walked up to him and punched him in the face.
Glenn: Was it Gareth?
Shane Walsh: Probably.
Gareth: Yea it was me. I'm going to eat that guy I swear.
Aaron: Whoa, whoa….ew!
Daryl Dixucker: Yea that's what we had to deal with last time!
Merle Dixon: Wow little brother, I didn't know you went that way
Shane Walsh: is there a button that says I can like the f #! out of your username.
Merle Dixon: You can swear on here ya know?
Shane Walsh: I typed out. I don't know why it didn't work.
Daryl Dixucker: Oh! What the hell!? WHO DID THIS!?
Lori Grimes: Whoever did that needs to fess up because we need to get it changed before Carl sees it.
Daryl Dixucker: THAT'S WHO DID IT! Carl!
Carl Grimes is The Best: What?
Daryl Dixucker: FIX THIS
Gareth: Didn't you figure this out before?
Daryl Dixucker: I forgot how to do it
Aaron: You can do me.
Merle Dixon: does not like this
Hershel Greene: Oh my
Daryl Dixucker: Hey look I don't do that okay!? Stop whatever the hell you're doing
Lori Grimes: Carl, did you really do this?
Carl Grimes is The Best: Absolutely not.
Daryl Dixucker: That's a lie!
Shane Walsh: f #! f #! f #! f #! f #! f #!
Merle Dixon: likes the f #! out of this
Shane Walsh: Shut up will you?
Daryl Dixucker: I'm gonna fix this somehow.
Phillip Brian Blake: Wait, I don't understand the whole username thing.
Caesar Martinez: You're dumb that's why
Merle Dixon, Rick Grimes, and 3 others like this.
Aaron: I think I can explain this. See, when you pronounce 'Dixon' it sounds like Dicks-In. So Carl changed Daryl's last name to Dixucker which sounds like Dick-Sucker.
Lori Grimes: Carl! How dare you!
Hershel Greene: Beth, Maggie, get off this website. It's awful.
Maggie Greene: But dad come on, we made jokes about Rickyl remember?
Beth Greene, Shane Walsh, Merle Dixon, and 4 others like this.
Beth Greene: I'm still working on my story. Would you like a snippet?
Merle Dixon: Yes! Send it now.
Aaron: Wait what's Rickyl?
Gareth: Yea what is it?
Beth Greene: It's a combination of Daryl and Rick's names. See we kind of think it would be cute if they got together.
Aaron: So Daryl's gay?
Daryl Dixon: Fixed it bitch! And no I'm not gay.
Aaron: But they just said…..
Gareth: No, no, they said they think it would be cute. It's not going to happen.
Aaron: I would also like to see this story
Daryl Dixon: You have a story? I thought I burned it!
It was true. Daryl had taken a lighter to the copy of the story that he'd found in Merle's bag the one day. The whole group was disappointed because they had all openly or secretly wanted to see what exactly Beth had written about the two badasses.
Beth Greene: Well you did but now I have a secret place to hide them!
Maggie Greene, Carol Peletier, Caesar Martinez, and 5 others like this.
Daryl Dixon: Guess what, I didn't like that post!
Merle Dixon: Oh you know what you should do Beth? You should take requests.
Beth Greene: What?
Maggie Greene: He means like we'll give you suggestions and then you can write them for us.
Beth Greene: Oh we should set up a private chat for this
Daryl Dixon: Don't do this shit!
Merle Dixon: Don't worry little bro, this'll be fine.
Beth Greene has invited Aaron, Maggie Greene, and Merle Dixon into a private chat.
Beth Greene: So what are your requests?
Merle Dixon: Please write one where they get it on. Like heavy in depth detail shit. Like all the way. Please do that just so I can see his face?
Beth Greene: That one will need to be a secret.
Maggie Greene: I think you should do one where he gets stuck in a tree and Rick has to come rescue him. And he's really pissed off about it.
Aaron: Could you write me into one?
The Private Chat ended.
Shane Walsh: Hey what if I wanted to add something?
Merle Dixon: Too bad. You can read them once they get published.
Daryl Dixon: I hate you guys.
Hershel Greene: Aaron, you were part of the spaghetti brothers. How could you go into that chat?
Aaron: What? Oh…I was invited. But, I hereby invite all of you to my town on Tuesday for Spaghetti and we can read all of Beth's stories.
Daryl Dixon: I will not attend.
Merle Dixon: You should Daryl. Aaron definitely wants some Dixon there.
Hershel Greene: This is so inappropriate for a website.
Glenn: I can't believe Carl's the one that started that.
Lori Grimes: Speaking of which, Rick, we need to talk to our son.
Rick Grimes: You think?
Carl got cornered by his parents and now he can't go on Facebook for a few days and he can't leave the tent. He's alright with that though since he got Daryl embarrassed and now Beth would write those stories. He'd gotten into the private chat and saw Merle's message. Beth would supply him with the story when she was done and his parents would never know. He grinned.
"You're disgusting," Shane said as he ruffled his hair, "You can't tell your dad that I'm helping you do this."
"He won't know a thing."
Thanks for reading! It means a lot to me if you leave a review, what was your favorite part?! I hope you liked it. I'll try and update as often as I can but I want to make the updates good for everyone who has stuck with it.