"Cinderella never asked for a prince. She asked for a night off and a dress." - Kiera Cass

America chewed on her fingernails nervously as she sat on the steps in the foyer. May sat next to her. "Any minute now," she reminded America. Her older sister nodded numbly and kept staring at the front doors, willing them to open. "You just talked to him last night; you know he's okay."

"Talking to him on the phone is very different from seeing him in person," America said miserably.

After reconciling with her husband, May disclosed Amberly's hiding place to America and Maxon. Maxon had gone on a 'hunt' of sorts to track her down and finally kill her. America felt awful for killing the woman but when she thought of all that Amberly had put her family through, she was a bit less merciful. That and her hormones from the pregnancy were turning her into a puddle of tears.

Finally, the doors opened and Maxon was the first one to walk in. His eyes met with America's and didn't leave hers as he ran to her and hugged her tight. He was muddy and looked worse for wear but he was in one piece. If it had been up to America, he wouldn't have gone at all but then Gerad volunteered to go instead and she knew that Maxon had to go.

"God, I've missed you," he breathed into her hair.

"Me too," she whispered back, her lips pressed against the smooth skin of his neck.

He pulled away and studied her face closely. "How's the baby?"

She smiled and put her hand on her small bump. Maxon covered it with his own. "The baby is great. Dr. Macky said that it is perfectly healthy. He offered to tell me the sex but I decided that I want it to be a surprise."

"Healthy is good enough for me," Maxon agreed, putting an arm around her shoulders. They walked up to their bedroom together and Maxon quickly shed his military uniform, putting it in a wicker basket for his tailors to take and clean. He put on his flannel pajama shorts and a crisp white shirt, joining America in bed. "Where're the kids?"

"Christian is spending the night at Kenna and James's place, having a sleepover with Henry. Michael and Georgie are asleep," America listed. "So…Amberly…"

"Is dead," Maxon finished for her.

She raised her eyebrows. "Are you sure? Because we've had a lot of false alarms."

He laughed and stroked her arm soothingly. "I'm sure. Trust me, I was not leaving the safety of our family to chance." Almost reflexively, his hand moved down to cover her stomach. "I'm excited for some peace and quiet."

"Me too. Although we both know that that is quite impossible with a newborn baby," she reminded him.

He rolled his eyes. "A man can only dream."

She pulled him down toward her to kiss him passionately. "Do you know what I dream of?"


"Loving you for the rest of my life and living here in our palace until we're old and gray-haired and judging all of the girls in our grandson's Selection…" Maxon's kiss stopped her. "That's my future and I'm taking it."

He smiled in agreement. "Sounds like a plan." And America knew that this was the time that it would stick. Their lives had finally settled. The country was on the upswing. Their baby was healthy. She was never more excited for some boredom.

And that's the last chapter! I know, it's so sad. A lot of you guys asked for a sequel and I'm going to say no. The truth is, these last couple months, i lost all of my motivation for this fanfic. I didn't want to say that because i personally hate it when authors tell their fans openly that they don't feel like writing anymore but still do. it's like, oh well they don't care about this fic so why should I? i like where my other fic is going and with college coming up, i'm going to focus on just that one. there is a possibility of another fic coming out but if i do publish it, it will be a long time from now. I want to get that one completely written before i publish it because its a bit more complicated. There's also the possibility of a Hunger Games fic on the horizon but again, that may be a while. maybe even next summer. i've been writing fics for nearly two years straight so i'm looking forward to just reading other people's and enjoying that.

thank you so much for being dedicated fans! i never imagined you guys loving this little series so much and i am so thankful! its been a pleasure writing for y'all and i hope to write for you guys some more in the future!

Lots of Love, Ellie Parker