*~Pokemon X and Y~*

Chapter 16: Mon Imagination?

A/N: Yeah, I'm a horrible person. I know. xD Also, not dead. Still typin' away! ;)

Haven't updated since...o.o IDK WHEN... Ouch. *Glares at health*

Anyway, here's the next chapter. AND I AM AN IDIOT WHO DIDN'T WRITE DOWN THE PLOT, SO …... IF ANYTHNG IS INCONSISTANT, SORRY. And now I don't remember what was supposed to happen next...well...let's see...

Also, this chapter won't be long since I'm looking through all notes to try and remember more...so I'm sorry! ^-^

Guests: Holy cow, there are a lot of you. Thanks though! :D

EvilWickedMarqi: If you want me to explain those things, how about sending me a PM and I'll try my best to fix any misunderstandings about the story! :) I did get a little lost in your review, so maybe make a list of questions and send them.

Serena's P.O.V.

Sliding down the ravine, my feet feel like they're being graded. My ankle finally twists and I lose my balance and roll the rest of the way down. Ending up in a heap, I close my eyes as the world spins around me. Dizziness and pain wash over me in a wave, and I finally push up onto my hands and knees. Darkness confines me, and I blink at the nothingness.

"Torchic," I call, rummaging around in my pockets until I find the pokeball and toss it out.

"TOR TOR!" is the happy sound it makes until it realizes it's very dark. "Tor?"

"Use your fire to make a light so we can find our way out," I command.

"TORRRR!" it cheers and I see the fireball aimed towards me. I shove myself to the side and dodge only slightly as my bangs are singed. Cursing under my breath, I watch as Torchic lowers the flame and makes a steady light. Glancing around, I see several passageways as if something burrowed many tunnels on purpose.

"Let's head in the direction of Ambrette town," I mutter and we head North.

Or so I thought.

The winding halls of stone continue on forever and we seem to be getting no where fast. Reaching into my bag, I dig around for my Holocaster. Looking at it, I realize it's cracked and sigh, shoving it back. Can't call for help, can't find anyone, and can't listen to anyone besides Torchic who keeps chirping like its having a seizure.

Deadpanning at Torchic, I walk beside it for a bit until I hear an explosion. I step forward to investigate, but stop immediately as the horizontal hallway in front of me is engulfed in a beam of flames. Torchic shrieks and hides behind me. I stumble back, eyes narrowed, but suddenly fall backwards. Ice starts spreading out of the left hallway and covering anything it touches.

Snatching up Torchic, I sprint away from the strange phenomena to see if I can watch at a safer distance. The cry of a Pokemon reaches my ears and I jerk my head up to see a Torkoal falling to land about fifty feet away. It's huge, bigger than any other Torkoal I've ever seen. It spits fire towards the ice, but the ice is only slightly affected.

A Beartic charges out, roaring in fury and stomps the ground, sending more ice everywhere, including some point shards that fly randomly in all directions. Ducking behind a rock, I hear the rock split and look at the spear that had hit it. I feel the chill from it.

There are some quiet footsteps, but I do sense them before looking around for the culprit. Someone in a icy blue cloak steps out; their face is hidden with a white mask, and a hood is pull up all the way. They throw out their arm and the Beartic charges again.

Someone drops down next to the Torkoal and calls something out. I watch the red cloaked figure with a black mask command for a Fire Blast attack. The room's heat intensifies and I scramble away. Steam fills the room as two attack hit and there's a hissing sound. What on earth is going on?!

I feel my heart pound as I look around a corner at the fight. It rages between the two, neither side seeming to get anywhere. I'm about to duck away through a small hole when a third person appears. They're covered in a tattered black cloak as well. Tossing out a Pokeball, I watch as a purple light flashes. Closing my eyes, I feel myself being knocked backwards and I tumble through the hole from earlier as an explosion shakes the caves. My head slams into something, and I'm out.

There's a rocking sensation when I come to, and I look up to see Tierno's face. "SERENA!" he yelps, almost dropping me.

Shauna and Trevor come into view and look relieved. "You gave us a fright when we found you with a big bloody gash on your head," Tierno says with a frown. "How are you feeling?"

I look around, putting a hand to my numbish forehead. "I...I don't know..." I mutter. "Did you guys feel that explosion?"

They exchange glances.

"Or did you see the ice covering everything as well as the fire blasts?"

Shauna raises her eyebrows. "Well...umm...that sounds interesting. How about we stop at the Pokemon Center since we're almost there and you can rest."

I struggle to turn to watch her leave. "Wait," I gasp, pain searing my brain. "I'm not crazy. I saw it. There were three people fighting in the caves."

"TOR!" I hear, and the orange Pokemon leaps up onto my stomach. It looks so happy and belches smoke in my face. I hack loudly as Trevor scolds Torchic.

"I'll fix your Holocaster," he tells me after turning away from the sulking Pokemon. Tierno sets me down on a cushioned chair after we enter through the sliding doors.

"Oh my!" Nurse Joy exclaims, leaving her desk and rushing over to me. "Wigglytuff, please bring some bandages."

"I'm fine," I tell her, giving everyone a steely gaze. It's useless as they all fuss over me. Shauna brings me an apple juice and Tierno tries to sing something, but stops after gaining some looks from other trainers.

My head is wrapped, and I'm lying on a bunch of pillows by the time they're done with me. I munch on some fruit as Joy takes my Pokemon to be healed. Trevor takes the Holocaster to the repair person and I close my eyes.

Did I really just see things down there? I'd asked if anyone felt the shaking of the explosion's aftermath, but everyone said there wasn't anything unusual. Tierno even appeased me by going out to ask trainers in the cave. Still nothing.

"I'm not crazy," I tell myself as I set the plate on a coffee table to my right. Someone runs through the doors, almost falling down. Everyone looks up.

A girl pants, pointing outside. "There's an attack on the Fossil Museum!"

Yeah, yeah, short chapter. I know. XD But hey, it's a chapter after over probably a year. So, gimme a break. :33

Hope it was enough for now. Bye!

~Misty/Ms. Ketchum