Tesh squirms feeling uncomfortable. She felt achy, her whole body sore. She felt too warm in fact. She yawns opening her eyes, to the white soft clean comforter. Her legs were intertwined with someone else's. Puzzled Tesh slowly props herself up on her elbows looking over her shoulder, thinking that Lavi must have snuck in again. Her brown orbs fell on the golden locks that fanned near her. There was long blonde hair… Where was the red hair? Besides her lying asleep was a grey being that she recognized all too well, Jasdero the Noah. What was he doing here?

Her heart beat begins to race pounding quickly as the horrific memories from last night flowed in her head. She remembered failing to run away and protect Lavi. She remembered the devilishly handsome man, with the long curly ravened hair, who placed his hand inside Lavi's body. Then the spine chilling scream that made her heart stop. She knew needed to escape wherever this place is and return to the order. But… how without waking the Noah up?

She slowly pulls one bronze leg from underneath his warm leg, successfully freeing it. Tesh carefully moved her body above the cover so that she'd lie on top of it. The blonde stirs shifting towards her. She holds her breath watching him intently with her brown orbs. He stops moving she fails to notice that his breathing became somewhat shallow irregular than before. Resuming to her escape she moves stealthily attempting to crawl over him, by moving on top of him. She arcs a leg over him almost straddling the Noah, she didn't dare place any of her weight on him, because she fear he'd awake. Finally realizing her position, she felt awkward hovering over him like this.

"Tesh, what are you doing?" a voice by the door questioned her.

Her eyes snap to the voice's direction an attractive familiar face stands at the entrance. Long raven hair grazes his shoulders; he wore a black tee shirt, with a grey charcoal button up over lapping it. Complementing the rest of his outfit he had black stone washed skinny jeans on, with a sliver studded belt. She was so focused on not waking him up that she didn't hear the door open.

"Bathroom?" she stammers confused unsure of what to say or do.

"Yeah right," He scoffs rolling his eyes, "I wasn't born yesterday. Don't bother trying to escape."

Beneath her a groggy voice spoke up, "Tesh… you don't have to run. We'll keep you safe." She felt the bed shift, Jasdero sat up with her on top of him. He had a smirk forming at the corner of his lip. Her eyes flicker to the blond narrowing on him.

She snaps ignoring the pain , " I don't belong here."

The room went silent for a brief moment Jasdero didn't reply. Hesitating and coming up with an answer, Debitto opens his mouth "You were pretty messed up from the other night. A simple thank you would have worked."

Her brows wrinkle, "Where's Lavi? Is he here too?"

"He's dead." Debitto lies unable to look her in the eyes, "Tyki killed him."

Tesh's face paled at the sudden news. Her shoulder slumps in disbelief and despair. A sharp pain echoed though out her body. She flinches attempting to endure the pain. Her eyes dart wildly around the white room, "I-I need some space." Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she struggled to maintain calm. Her shaky hands wrap around her shivering body. The bandages on her body had crimson dried up stains.

"You need to rest. I'll get you some food." Jasdero comforts patting her messy brown bed head, taking note of her expression. Jasdero moves from under Tesh. He manages to convince the girl to remain under the sheets. Tesh frowns in dismay rubbing at her eyes to rid the tears as he tucked her back in bed.

Debitto golden orbs grew dark as he watched the two of them converse. Jasdero's lips formed a soft reassuring smile asking her, "What would you like for breakfast?"

Tesh rolls her body over to face the wall. Then, she curls up in to a ball hugging the white soft sheets tightly around herself.

Jasdero blinks a few times at her response. The older twin clicks his tongue irritated as he rubs the back of his head. "Jas, just get her whatever the staff made." Debitto comments annoyed, "Maybe some oatmeal since she's still sick."

"Alrightly." Jasdero sighs getting up to leave he touches his brother's shoulder, "Tag, you're in charge of watching over her."

Debitto walks across the wooden floor he heels clicking along the way to the curtained window. He separates the curtains with his two hands and welcomes the warm sunlight into the room, "You don't need to act like an ungrateful bitch." His eyes drift outside the window looking at the green scenery.

Moments later the Earl waltz in with another familiar face. The one who encountered Tesh and Lavi on their journey was trailing behind the round man.

"Good morning, Tesh. And good morning to you, Debitto" The man with glasses chimes, "I hope you're enjoying your stay. How are your wounds?" Debitto quickly pivots on his heels looking the higher beings.

The exorcist remains silent.

Tyki's golden eyes regard the girl briefly; noting that she's curled up in the blanket and ponders out loud, "Is she even awake?"

"Oh, pooh." He shakes his head in disapproval, "I'm afraid your silent treatment won't work on me, missy. I'll have you know… you're our honored guest. The twins will be your main hosts, should you have any questions or concern about your stay they will answer in my absence."

Tesh brown eyes stare at the white wall while listening to the Earl's words. He was mocking her. It was as clear as glass to Tesh she heard him choose his words carefully; that By Honored guest he meant prisoner. In her head she ran multiple scenarios of how she should act against the Earl. None of them would pan out the way she wanted without dying in vain. It would be the twins or Tyki that would kill her. With that the Earl leaves.