AN: Well it turns out I had 3/4's of this chapter just sitting waiting for editing since I published the last chapter. I am still struggling with first person to be honest. Will be interesting to see if Beyond is still a hot topic even though its been a while since the game release.

Mature Themes in this chapter, you have been warned.

Let me know if people are still reading.


Conflict Of Interest

"What are you thinking?" My hands were steady on the coffee cup I was holding.

"One of the guys owes me a favour. I'll see if he can get me access to the security database. I'll run a search on Elizabeth North and either she won't be in the files at all, or she'll be on the no-fly list. That's the one when you don't want somebody to leave the country. I'll see if I can run Jodie Holmes while I'm there, but it all depends on how much time my friend can get me."

"And if you get caught?"

"I'll go in on the proviso that I want to come back to work. I'll set up a meeting with the new boss but in the end I'll have to decline."

I shuffled on my kitchen stool. "Are you upset with me for asking you to give up your career?"

Ryan thought very carefully about his answer, I could tell by the way the lines on his face moved. "It's the most satisfying job that I've had. I'm good at it. I felt like I was really making a difference. It's the reason I met you. But I don't agree with what they are doing. If I stayed and they ever found out that we were together, they wouldn't hesitate to use me to get to you."

"I can't believe you would do this for me."

"No regrets Jodes. We're in this together."

My thoughts kept jumping back to our fight in the condenser and all I could think about was how I would feel if Ryan had been killed. It's half the reason I came back to him. It all made me realise something. I moved closer to him and put my arms around his neck. "I love you Ryan."

He smiled... "That's the first time you've said it, you know, when we weren't dying..."

I punched him playfully. "No I mean it. I know I've been difficult. You've been so patient with me." I leaned up to him and took his lips in mine. Ryan's arms snaked around my middle as he kissed me back. There was something I wanted to do while we still had the chance.

I lifted his sweater up and pulled it over his head revealing his bare chest underneath. Ryan began kissing me again and we began moving across the room until we hit a living room wall. He was kissing me hard and fast now, it was frantic. Days of pent up emotions were all coming to the surface. He unzipped my jeans and they fell to the floor and within the next instant he had lifted me up against the wall. His lips were fixed in the crook of my neck as his hips pressed hard against mine and I could feel how badly he wanted this. I was gasping as he continued the light but firm pressure sucking my neck. I managed to form his name, it frantically spilling from my lips. He carried me into our bedroom and lay me on the bed. Straddling me; Ryan unhooked my bra and removed it in one fluid movement and began his attention on my breasts. His other hand moved down and slipped beneath my underwear. He had me gasping out my orgasm within minutes. The next thing I knew he was inside me and it was all I could do to hold onto his strong arms to keep me grounded. Ryan thrust into me hard and fast, it was so frantic. His lips were on mine and then his lips and hands were everywhere. It was intense. When he finished he whispered my name before kissing me on the forehead and rolling off of me.

Afterwards we lay there for a while; my head snuggled into his chest. We were both reflecting on what we had just shared and I think we were both a little surprised. This might sound cliché, but everything felt perfect. My fingers traced the scars on his arms and chest. We both had scars, physical and mental scars. The things we had been through in our lives were enough to make anybody go crazy. It reassured me to think that we had both come out the other side and now we have each other.

It was the middle of the day however and I was the first to move towards the bathroom. Ryan tried to grab me and hold on to me for a little while longer and I started laughing.

"We've got all the time in the world babe." I winked at him.

Ryan moaned. "Trust you to spin that one against me."

We had only had sex once before, on our first date. First times are always interesting, I was a virgin of course; Aiden had never let me get close enough to another guy before. Thankfully Ryan had coped with the idea that there was an entity in the room with us. He had been gentle, but it didn't take long before we worked out each other's rhythms. We had only spent that one night together before we broke up. Our jobs didn't leave us much time to date, but now we had all the time in the world.

After my shower I wriggled into a comfy pair of pants and a singlet so that I could start packing up the house. Ryan had been serious when he said that we could move. I began in the kitchen as it would be the easiest to sort. After quarter of an hour Ryan came out of the bedroom dressed in a pair of suit pants and a blazer with a blue dress shirt underneath. He reminded me of the day we first met; the day when he came to take me away from the DPA. I smirked at the memory. I hated him back then. I thought he was the world's largest jackass. Today I walked up to him and fixed my attention on straightening his collar.

"You look good."

"I won't be long. I'm hoping to be in and out again with little fuss, but it may still take a couple of hours." There was a hint of concern in his voice, but it was no more than the standard minimally empathetic tone he would use when he was at work. No-nonsense Agent Clayton.

"Be careful." I was still surprised at how quickly Ryan could go from gasping out my name to being completely stone-faced.

"I always am. I'll see you later." He kissed me briefly on the lips before making his way out the door.

I couldn't help but be a little worried. If the CIA really wanted him back; I knew the lengths they could go to.

I had been packing up the house for a little over an hour when I was alerted to the sound of the doorbell. That was odd. I made my way to the front door and looked through the peephole and saw a rather attractive woman standing on the other side. I opened the door and she looked at me in surprise.

"Can I help you?" I asked; my tone erring on the side of caution.

I studied her up and down; she was blonde, slim and well dressed. "Is Ryan here?"

Her question was far too casual to be trying to sell him something. She wore a short skirt and a pair of heels, somewhat resembling a secretary. Her blonde hair was curled into waves. She was stunning.

"No. He's not here right now; can I pass on a message?"

"Can you tell him that Gillian stopped by?"

"Can I ask what it's regarding?" I kept my tongue as polite as possible.

"He'll know what it's about." She stopped for a moment to look me up and down. "And you are?"

I almost balked at this woman's rudeness. "Elizabeth. I'm a friend of his, I'm just passing through town and he offered to let me stay for a few days. How do you know Ryan?"

Her answer didn't surprise me. "I'm his wife." She turned on her heel to walk down the stairs off of the porch but paused for a moment to look over her shoulder at me. "Just how well do you know my husband?"

My hackles were raised. "I don't think that's any of your business."

"I see." She made her way to the sidewalk. "It was nice to meet you Elizabeth."

"Likewise." I managed through gritted teeth before closing the door. I took a deep breath. Ok no big deal, Ryan told me he was married, separated for well over two years now. Then why was this woman acting as though something else was going on?

I put my frustration into throwing Ryan's living room into boxes.

I paused for a minute to straighten my tie before walking through the door to the new department head's office. McGrath's replacement was a snotty upstart with over-shined shoes named Jefferies. Polite as always I shook his hand and greeted him. "Agent Jefferies."

"Mr. Clayton." He responded and extended his hand to offer me to sit.

"I've heard a lot about you Clayton. Multiple commendations to your name, service awards, medals of bravery and honour. Promotions, you rose through the ranks quicker than anybody else in your unit."

"It's amazing where a little hard work will get you these days huh?"

"And yet you are still chewing over our offer? You would be the head of your own division."

"I've already told Agent Connelly that I'm not interested in investigating paranormal activity or interaction with the Infraworld. I was there that day; I was willing to give my life for other people's mistakes under the blanket banner of serving my country."

"Ah yes..." Jefferies thumbed through my file with a curious expression. "Not to mention you have a certain conflict of interest."

"Excuse me?"

"Jodie Holmes." He paused, waiting for me to bite. When I didn't he continued. "It is heavily implied here that you and Miss Holmes were involved in some kind of romantic partnership."

I tried to keep my expressions blank. "I fail to see the significance to our conversation."

"It was very unfortunate the way Miss Holmes was handled by McGrath. But under my leadership we simply wish to work together with her. If anybody can help us with our operations it is her."

"I thought we were discussing my career. I haven't seen or spoken to Jodie in months. Look I made my terms very clear. I want my own division; but not Paranormal. I'll take anything, field activity, admin, International Security. Surely with the restructure positions have opened up." I knew they wouldn't bite, I just wanted to make it sound convincing.

"We do hope you will reconsider Clayton. I'm not sure how many more times I can offer this."

"As many times as it takes I'm sure. Until next time." I stood up and left the office.

My friend Connelly was waiting outside, he was McGrath's old second in command. We made our way to his office.

"Ryan I don't get your motive here. Coming in for another meeting only to keep playing hard ball."

"I will not be put in a position to hunt down and persuade my ex to come back and co-operate. That is all they want me for."

"Even so, wouldn't it be in your favour to know what they want with her?"

"Look Connelly, you owe me one. I testified during the formal investigation into the condenser incident and down-played your involvement. I put it all on McGrath. I need your help."

"This had better be good Clayton."

"I need to find someone. I need you to get me access to the internal database."

"You want to get me fired?"

"I know you've got clearance."

"And if the search is investigated?"

"It won't be. I have a device that will wipe the digital footprint."

"You took that before you left?"

"Job perks. Now log-in."

Connelly sighed and then logged-in to the search engine before giving me some privacy. "You've got eight minutes."

Hastily I plugged in my device and ran a search for Elizabeth North using the date-of-birth and middle name listed on Jodie's passport. It only took three minutes and came up clean. There was no trace of an Elizabeth North. I breathed a small sigh of relief and quickly typed in Jodie Holmes.

This search took my remaining five minutes and came up with listings on the person-of-interest list, the no-fly list and the sight-and-detain list to name a few. Connelly came back in and I tried to clear my search but his eyes were quick across my screen."

"Jesus, Ryan. I hope the girl is worth it."

"You can't say anything."

"Jefferies just wants to question her."

"You know it's more than that."

"You know where she is?"

I steeled my face. "No. But I think she's in trouble. I need to find her." I lied, pulling the device from his computer. "This conversation never happened."

As I walked towards the main entrance I had an impending sense of dread wash over me. Two men in uniform approached me.

"Mr. Clayton, Agent Jeffries would like another word with you before you leave."

"I think I've said all I have to say, gentleman. Now if you'll excuse me."

"I'm afraid that it's not a request."

They escorted me into an interrogation room. Well this was interesting. Whatever Jefferies wanted to discuss with me he could make it so that nobody ever found out.

I sat down and waited for a few minutes until he came in holding a manila folder. He threw it onto the table.

"Gemaal Sheik Charrief. Democratically elected President murdered during a CIA covert mission."

I folded my arms. "I have been cleared of any wrongdoing. There was a formal investigation launched. I was simply following my orders. We all were that day."

"And if the investigation was reopened?"

"On what grounds?"

"You were the field leader Mr. Clayton. You were Ms. Holmes' handler. You were in charge. You gave the order to kill Charrief."

"I had my orders."

"Said the Nazi's during the investigation into the Holocaust."

I scoffed. "This is not on the same scale; it's not a war crime."

"I can bury you."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want Holmes. CCTV footage places her at the train station five days ago. She is here in Langley."

I peered over the hazy photograph. She had been wearing a hood to try and hide her face but the camera had snapped just enough of her to come up in facial recognition. Shit. "Jodie and I ended our relationship, what makes you think she will talk to me?"

"Holmes is a loner. She will go to what is familiar."

"She's been running from the CIA for most of her adult life." I couldn't let on that I had seen Jodie since she had been back.

"She has been alone for a long time. Eventually all of us crave human interaction. A friendly face, an ex-lover. It is human nature. Bring us the girl, this mess with Charrief will go away. You will get your promotion. You can work in the department of your choosing. It's really quite simple."

I sighed. The best course of action for now was to make Jefferies think he was winning. "I can get you Jodie, but I need time. If I'm going to do this I'll need to be undercover. She won't come to me if she thinks that I'm still working for the CIA. I'll need time to gain her trust. She's not going to come back here willingly."

"Do whatever you need to do; Agent Clayton." He extended his hand and begrudgingly, I shook it.

Ryan was late. He had been more than a couple of hours. I had managed to pack up the living room and most of the kitchen. I had dinner; well an attempt at dinner cooking in the oven while I packed up the bathroom. I wanted to leave sooner rather than later. All of the boxes could go into storage and we could sell the house from abroad.

Finally I heard him call out "Jodie" to alert me that he was home.

"I'm in here." I yelled out to him.

"Wow you didn't waste any time, the house is almost empty."

I stood up. "Where were you, you're late. I was getting worried."

"I got held up. You know how these things are."

"How did it go?" I studied Ryan's face carefully but he gave nothing away.

"The good news is that you're now Elizabeth North. The passports clean."

"And the bad?" I was eager to confront him about his wife, but I knew when to pick my battles.

"Jodie Holmes is all over their radar. Did you catch a train back here?"

"Yeah, but there's no way they could have seen me, I kept away from all of the cameras."

Ryan's brow furrowed. "Well they did. They know you're in town."

"Do they know that I'm with you?"

"I don't think so. I told them I haven't seen you but I'm not sure how well they bought it."

I folded my arms. "So what now?"

"We leave town. Sooner rather than later."

"If they catch you leaving town with a woman that looks like Jodie Holmes, won't that be suspicious."

"I turned down the job offer, again. I told them that I was planning on leaving town and selling the house, so if I leave it fits in with my story. As for Jodie Holmes I think we should stay away from public transport. No flying, no trains."

"I have an idea." I had always wanted to see the ocean.

The next day we moved all of the furniture and boxes into a storage unit and left the key in Cole's mailbox. Attached to the key was an anonymous note, asking him to keep it somewhere safe, but we couldn't let him know it was from us in case the CIA came looking. I felt terrible at not being able to let him know I was back but Ryan assured me that it wouldn't be forever.

"Have you seen Cole much, you know, after the Black Sun?" I asked as we drove in the car.

Ryan nodded. "We would catch up every now and then for a drink. I think he misses you. Cole would always ask if I had heard from you but I think mostly he wanted to be sure you were ok."

I smiled knowing that I had already posted Cole a drawing of a princess.

I took a deep breath before asking my next question. "You had a visitor yesterday."


"A blonde woman named Gillian." I paused for emphasis. I wanted to see if he would be honest about their relationship.

I could almost hear the cogs turning in Ryan's head as he tried to figure out how he should play this. "So you met my ex-wife then?"

Right answer. "She said she wanted to see you and that you'd know what it's about."

"I haven't the first clue about why she'd want to see me. You know that we've been separated now almost three years."

Ryan answered a little bit quickly for my liking. Was he hiding something? "You never did tell me why the two of you broke up."

"Jill is high-maintenance, and that's putting it politely. We just led different lives. She knew I was an agent but I was limited in what I could tell her. Whenever I was deployed overseas I would have to give her a cover story. I got sick of all the lies. In the end it just wouldn't work."

I smiled. "I should be happy I never had anyone close enough in my life that I had to lie to." I said sarcastically.

We pulled up at the pier. Nathan's blackmail money was going to buy a pretty impressive yacht. We only had a few possessions with us, planning to sail somewhere quiet, where we could be alone. We sailed out to a little island in the middle of nowhere. Ryan built us a campfire and then we were quite content to make out like teenagers for a bit more. We took a break for Ryan to tend to the fire and I decided to go and sit closer to the water for a while. For a fleeting moment I thought I could sense something oddly familiar. A coconut bumped into my leg and after looking over I smiled widely at seeing the words "Still Here" form in the sand. Aiden may not be tethered to me anymore but it was beautiful to know he was looking out for me from somewhere.

Ryan came and sat behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle.

"Jodes...there's something I need to tell you. I haven't been completely honest."

I immediately felt my body tense in his arms as I waited to hear what he had to say.