Author's Note;

Hi guys! So I know I haven't updated in a while, been taking a small break, but this is finally the chapter I know many of you've been waiting for; The chapter where Aria meets Gregory - and the family of course. Thanks for being patient up until now, I really hope you enjoy the chapter. I've changed a few things in Chapter 5, so re-read it if you can. Thanks for the reviews so far, and please keep them coming if you can. Thanks!

Aria squinted up at the dark sky, not seeing the source of the noise at first, but soon enough the bats came into view - heading straight towards them too.

"Hide! My parents are coming!" Rudolph exclaimed, turning to Tony. Aria turned at his exclamation, eyes widening in both nervousness and fear.

"But we're brothers." Tony replied, a little confused.

"They don't know that! Go!"

Ariana rolled her eyes and quickly moved forward, getting a good grip on Tony's cape and dragging him behind a nearby tombstone, one big enough for both of them to hide behind. They both crouched down and Aria put a finger to her lips, signalling Tony to be as quiet as possible. The last thing she needed was Tony being Tony and getting them both noticed by possibly-starving vampires, it would be a difficult thing to tell her mom and dad.

The two watched as Rudolph turned his back to them, staring up at the sky and waiting patiently; Not that he had to wait long. Only a few moments later two of the four bats became human in a flash of white light... well, human-looking. And, like Rudolph, they too wore medieval clothing.

"Mama! Papa!" Rudolph exclaimed, rushing towards the two adults as soon as their feet hit the ground.

Aria, immediately realising that Rudolph's father was the man from her nightmares, became filled with worry. The main reason being that her nightmares weren't even nightmares; They were flashbacks. She and her brother had been dreaming of events that took place over three hundred years ago. But why? They had nothing in relation to the vampire-family. Sure, their family were originally from Europe, at least that was what her Grandma used to tell her. But this was Scotland, there was no good reason for her and Tony to be getting the dreams/nightmares. At least she hoped there was no good reason, she didn't even want Tony involved, let alone herself.

"Rudolph!" The blonde woman exclaimed, embracing her son. "Thank the stars you're safe."

"My son you must not stray so far away again." The man told him.

"We were so afraid-"

"I was only taking the road less travelled." Rudolph shrugged.

"And you got lost, my poor Rudolph." His mother teased.


The Thompson siblings both turned their heads as a young girls voice rang out. A blonde girl, maybe a few years younger than Rudolph, sat atop one of the tombstones. Her golden-blonde hair fell down to her knees in waves, and she wore a red renaissance dress - not that Aria was surprised. The family seemed to have not changed their clothes through-out the years.

"Ana!" Rudolph exclaimed once again, hugging the girl.

"Brother darling. You're the nervy one, sneaking off like some day-walker." She teased him.

"I wish." He smirked before turning back to his parents. "So father, did you find the stone?"

"No, but I'm sure we're on the right path,"


"We still have forty-eight hours."

"You see that's-"

"I will not fail you."

Narrowing her eyes in sudden thought and realisation, Aria counted the vampires one by one. There had been four in the sky, and now three stood before her chatting to Rudolph. Where was the fourth?.

"Gregory!" The blonde woman exclaimed, looking towards her and Tony.

For a second, Aria was terrified that the woman saw them. But then she realised, the mother-vampire wasn't looking at them - but behind them. The teen's eyes widening as she and Tony turned around, only to find themselves face-to-face with yet another vampire. Only this one was different.

Tony cried out as the vampire-teen hissed and ran out from behind the tombstone, now in the view of the other four vampires. Meanwhile Aria, a little more collected than her baby-brother, remained silent as she moved to grab him, a failed attempt at keeping them both safe.

"No. Gregory they're my friends!" Rudolph exclaimed, pushing the advancing vampire away.


Aria pushed Tony behind her as Rudolph's father approached them both, slightly glaring at him. But instead of attacking, the man recoiled, eyes wide in either disbelief or shock - she wasn't completely sure which.


"It's not her." Rudolph spoke up, moving towards Aria and Tony. Ariana looked at Rudolph, then his father, then him again.

"We're Rudolph's friends, and he gave us a bite-proof guarantee." Tony piped up, moving between his big-sister and vampire-friend.

Rudolph's father stepped forward, placing two fingers underneath Tony's chin and lifting him slowly into the air without struggle. Aria went to move forward, but Rudolph's hand immediately shot out, keeping her in place. She glanced at him questioningly and he merely shook his head in return.

"You could be anything to my son. Victimiser, slave... dinner perhaps. But you can never be his friend."

"He likes vampires," Rudolph stated in a hopeful attempt to save his friend. "He dreams about us. Aria too."

"Am I in your dreams mortal?"

Aria looked to see Ana waving a fan while staring at Tony, but she shook her head. She didn't have time to worry about young-blonde-vampires attempting to flirt with her eight-year-old brother.

"And they know about the amulet."

"Then they're spies, Rookery's knaves." Rudolph's father shrugged, lowering Tony to the ground.

"Darling he doesn't look like a spy." Rudolph's mother remarked while Tony moved his head, clicking his neck. "Besides even Rudolph couldn't make up such a story, could you sweetheart?" Rudolph shook his head with the most innocent expression he could muster. "Mortal or not, they're just children. But if you insist on eating them go ahead."

"I never said I would." Rudolph's father rushed out before looking down at them. "Leave I say."

"But Rudolph-" Tony started.

"Should never have befriended you. Leave I say!" The male-vampire demanded before hissing threateningly, causing Tony to jump and run away in fear.

"Tony!" Ariana shouted in annoyance before chasing down her little-brother.

Thankfully Tony stopped running and screaming eventually, allowing her to catch-up.

"Dude what the hell? Leave me with the vampire why don't you?!" The teen exclaimed, rolling her eyes.

A loud whirring noise filled the creepy-silence of the graveyard and the Thompson siblings turned in confusion, spotting the large red truck-like vehicle parked outside the graveyard.

"What the frick is that?" Aria remarked, eyes narrowed in thought.


The teen spun back around hearing Rudolph's father's shouts, only to see the family scatter into different directions - though the father stayed where he was. Aria tilted her head slightly to see a different man, a larger man, stood in front of the vampire-father while wielding a very large and very strange gun.

"Stay away from my family!"

"Okay kiddo, lets get outta here before we really become involved." Aria turned to look down at Tony, only to find he was no longer stood next to her. Instead he was a few feet behind, crouched down next to a long wire leading from the strangers gun towards the red truck.

Tony yanked on the lead, successfully pulling the sockets away from each other, resulting in the strangers gun failing. Ariana looked back to see a wooden stake land merely a few centimetres away from his feet. Obviously it'd been meant to impale the vampire, but Tony's meddling had changed that a bit.

"Did it work?" Tony asked, getting to his feet and moving to stand next to his sister.

"Uh, yeah, yeah it worked." Aria told him as they both watched the scene unfold.

Realising that the strangers gun was no longer working, the vampire-father hissed and moved towards him. However the man pulled a large glowing crucifix out from behind his back, causing the vampire to recoil in pain and hide behind his long cloak.

The large man looked back at her and Tony. "You!" He growled.

"What do you mean? I've never seen you before in my life!" Aria defensively replied.

The man looked back to where the vampire had been stood, only to find him gone. So, he instead turned on Aria and Tony, now shining the neon crucifix in their direction while approaching them. He stopped a few feet away and aimed the crucifix their way, turning it in different directions to see if it had any effect.

"What kind of blood-sucker are you?" He questioned, more towards himself than the two.

"Tony. Run." Aria demanded, looking down at the eight-year old.


The siblings turned and sprinted up the small hill while the man continued to chase them, his crucifix still in hand. As Tony turned and moved back, the ground disappeared beneath him and he cried out, falling down the large hole.

"Tony!" Aria yelled, looking down the hole. She sighed in relief though as she saw him safe with Rudolph.

"Aria, jump!" Tony shouted up.

"What?! No way!"

"Do it!"

Ariana looked back to see the man quickly advancing on her, and she knew she had to make a decision.

"Okay, deep breaths Aria." She muttered to herself.

"Don't think about it." The man growled behind her.

Ariana sighed and shook her head in disbelief before stepping forward and falling down the dusty hole.

Author's Note;

Okay, so I know it's not exactly the big meeting you all wanted, but there will be more Gregory in the next chapter, this one was more of a filler. But hope you liked it, and please review if you can. Thanks!