ABC/DISNEY owns GH. No copyright infringement is intended.


Five years to the day that they left Port Charles, the Gulfstream Jet came to a stop on the private runway. When the door opened a slew of passengers poured out all anxious to see the friends they had so greatly missed. Cars were waiting and everyone piled in heading for their home for the duration of their stay. They didn't bother to wait for the luggage, that would be delivered later.

They drove caravan style from one side of Port Charles to the other. Just before they left the city limits they turned down a private road. It had been unpaved when they left, now it was smooth. The space it led to had housed an empty barn and now it housed the Port Charles Inn. A lovely Victorian style building. Everyone was staying here for the week they would be stateside. While they were here they would be the only guests. The owner wanted it that way.

Check in was loud and laughter filled, and just a bit chaotic, as key cards were handed out and the luggage finally arrived. The guys hefted it up to the rooms and once the doors closed behind everyone silence reigned again. Since the whole group was still on Italian time they all needed to rest. That was fine dinner wasn't for a few hours anyway.

BJ quietly knocked on the door to the Morgan suite. She didn't want to wake either of the kids. "I'm not too early am I?"

"No." Elizabeth let the younger woman into the front room. They had become extremely close over the last five years. BJ was still her guard, but after a few assistants that didn't work out ended up becoming her assistant again for the first few years. Two years ago Liz hired a young man named Lucas Jones, who was not only the best assistant ever, but was now Felix's husband as well. "We should be back in about an hour or so."

"Take your time." BJ told the couple. "If the monsters wake up I'll call John and they can climb on him until you get back. Or maybe we'll go on one of the walking trails." BJ really liked her role as Aunt. She loved hyping the kids up on sugar and then running for the hills.

"Thanks BJ." Jason said taking his wife's hand.

"Get going." The younger woman said settling into the couch with her book.

Hand in hand Jason and Elizabeth left the Inn. They took the elevator down while Elizabeth grumbled about not being helpless and Jason pretended to ignore her. He helped her into the car before coming around to the driver's side. "Are you sure you're up to this?"

"Jason I'm fine. We are fine." She put his hand on her swell of her tummy. "I am worried about you." Being back here was bringing up a lot of painful memories as well as good ones. Elizabeth was hoping that they could visit without running into Carly who was on her third marriage. After AJ's death she'd come home and wasted no time in using her kids to make sure the Quartermaine's did not reconcile with their estranged son. Wanting to hold onto her last piece of AJ, Monica had rebuffed Jason's one attempt to make peace after their first child was born.

"I'm good." He promised starting the car. They drove in comfortable silence to the cemetery. He got out and helped Elizabeth down. From the backseat he removed a large bouquet of flowers. They placed them at the family mausoleum. Not for one particular person, just for those who had passed. Silently they stood for a few moments before turning and leaving.

Back in the car they drove to their second destination. By the time they reached the parlor door they were both smiling. Jason peeked in to make sure the coast was clear before opening the door. The radiant smile that greeted him made everything better. "Hello Grandmother."

"Jason, Elizabeth come in." The older woman held out her hand to the couple both of whom came forward to kiss her cheeks. "I have missed you."

"We've missed you too." Jason said smiling. He handed over the box of peppermints and listened to the musical laughter of the older woman.

"A lady likes to be remembered." Lila put the gift aside. "Now tomorrow you two are bringing my great-grandsons to visit me in the rose garden."

"Yes." Elizabeth answered. They were being selfish today. For this visit they wanted Lila to themselves. "How are you feeling?"

"Never better." Lila was frailer than when they left but her spirit was still strong. "How are you and the new baby?"

"We are both well." Elizabeth helped the older woman place her hand on her stomach. As if on cue the life inside her stomach kicked.

"Simply wonderful. You have pictures?" Lila loved the weekly emails she got of the two growing boys, both of whom had her eyes.

"Of course." Elizabeth removed them from her purse. These were for Lila to keep in her office. Since AJ's death Jason and any reminders of him where not welcome in Monica's house. Of course now that she was gone Alan might consider changing that. Since losing his wife to cancer her son had softened some.

"They get more handsome every time I see them." Lila smiled. She was looking forward to finally seeing them in person tomorrow. She envied Audrey who saw them at least once a month. "So tell me all about your latest adventures in Tuscany." Lila instructed as Alice pushed in the tea cart.

"They are late." Robin said looking at her watch.

"Of course they are late, Brenda needs to make an entrance." Elizabeth said laughing.

"She hasn't seen us in five years, now is not the time to make an entrance." The petite doctor said frowning.

"Wow and I thought I was the only one who could get her to make that face." BJ said laughing. She and Robin had called a truce and discovered they had a lot in common. They were now very good friends.

"I'm here." Brenda ran into the room arms wide and hugged her two best friends. "I missed you guys!"

"We missed you too." Elizabeth said wiping away tears. "You look fabulous."

"Of course I do." Brenda giggled and placed her hand on her round tummy. Baby Corinthos number three wouldn't be arriving for five more months. "Girl!" She said grinning.

"Good lord." Robin said in dramatic fashion placing a hand over her heart. "Sonny with three girls." She looked over to where her friend was talking with the guys. "I guess he's dying his hair huh."

Brenda just laughed. "Introduce me to your friends. Especially the one who looks amazing in my dress." She was referring to Diane.

"Come on." Elizabeth took one arm and Robin took the other.

The room quickly filled with friends and laughter. Milo was there with his girlfriend Penny. Max was dating a nurse named Nadine and they were talking about getting married. Shawn had married Leyla, the nurse he had been dating when they moved, and now had a little boy named TJ.

The crew from Italy had also expanded. Johnny was introducing his son Aiden and pointing across the room to his daughter Siobhan. Robin had gotten her wish and had twins. She'd also been right in saying that Johnny said no more.

Johnny's daughter was playing with Kristina who along with an older boy named Rafe had been adopted by Francis and Diane. Rafe was sitting in the corner playing video games. It was his latest craze. He and Francis could often be found in the den of their house yelling and shooting things. Kristina was a little fashionista following in her mother's footsteps.

Cody and Lainey had added one child to the crew a little boy named Alec. He was only three but already a heart breaker. Kristina and Siobhan often fought over who got to sit with him. It looked like Sonny's oldest Adela was joining the fray. Lainey could be heard asking her husband if he was sure he wanted another one.

Brenda, Robin, Elizabeth, Diane, and BJ had snagged a table and the Morgan kids were sitting with them. Cameron and Jake were being calm for once. Sonny's second oldest a little girl named Morgan was dozing on her mother's lap.

BJ and John didn't have any kids yet but since they'd only been married for six months no one was surprised by that.

Jason stood by the bar and watched the room. It seemed like forever but they were all finally together again.

"We are going to have to dig up a camera." Sonny said coming over to stand by his friend. "It's going to be too quiet when you leave."

"That's not for another seven days so let's not think about that just yet. Instead let's talk about you making me look bad." Jason glared at the older man.

"What?" Sonny pretended not to know what his friend was talking about.

"It was bad enough when you first called to tell us but seeing it again had her crying." Jason told his friend. "I'm never going to be able to top that."

"It was the right thing to do." Sonny grinned and his dimples popped out. "And I got a whole lot of brownies." He said laughing.

"You named a restaurant after my wife." Jason still couldn't believe it. Elizabeth's was an award winning restaurant that featured Sonny's recipes. It was one of the reason's the Inn was so popular.

"This whole place was her idea." The Inn had been booked solid since its opening weekend. They were standing in the restaurant that was closed for this private party. "Name a freighter after Brenda." Sonny suggested.

"She'd kill me." Jason pointed out but he couldn't help but laugh.

"How is she?" Sonny looked over at Elizabeth. "Really."

"She's good. There is still the occasional nightmare, and sometimes she will get scared of something. But she has reclaimed her life." Jason said with a smile on his face. Elizabeth no longer saw Lainey, but did regularly attend support groups, and Vento had started the same type of medical fund that they had set up in Port Charles five years ago. Sonny held a benefit for every year for the Port Charles fund and Jason was considering doing something similar.

"Good." Sonny liked hearing that. He knew that Jason had also gone to some support group meetings at Lainey's suggestion. His friend said he didn't talk but listening had helped some.

"So another girl?" Jason asked getting them back to a lighter topic.

"Yeah, karma is biting me on the ass." Sonny said shaking his head. "But I'm so spoiled." His girls made a constant fuss over him. "You'll see."

"I'm terrified." Jason admitted. "What am I gonna do with a girl?" They'd found out the baby's gender yesterday before boarding the plane. Jason was already planning on teaching her how to use a gun. And on getting her a guard.

"It's not as scary as you think. It's worse." Sonny laughed as Jason paled. "Come on let's go join the party."

"We were thinking that next year you guys could come see us." Jason said as they headed over to the table where their wives were sitting. Now that they were able to visit he planned on making sure they got together at least once a year. The separation had been hard but looking into the smiling eyes of his wife he wouldn't change a thing.

Later that night when the boys were asleep Jason joined his wife in bed. "Did you have a good time in your restaurant?"

"I did." Elizabeth beamed with pride. "I told Sonny he could change the name. I mean he does have a wife, so he should name the restaurant after her. He said no."

"I like that he did that. This was a special place for us." Jason nuzzled her neck as he remembered their picnic. "We never did come back."

"We're here now." Elizabeth turned her face and brought her mouth to his for a deeper kiss.

"Roll to your side." Jason pushed down his sweat pants before kicking them off. He spooned up behind his wife. When she was pregnant with Cameron they had discovered that the Curled Angel position worked really well with her belly. Jason also knew that this was the position that Ella had most wanted to try from the Kama Sutra.

She also stripped down and when his skin touched hers she sighed in pleasure. "Come to me Jason."

"Always my beautiful girl." He wrapped her in his arms and slid inside her waiting body. He rocked gently into her not rushing, but drawing out the pleasure. He kissed her shoulders, the back of her neck and that spot behind her ears. "No matter where I go, you will always be my home. I love you baby."

"Jason, I love you too." She told him just as her orgasm broke over her. She felt him moving harder before his deep rumble of pleasure vibrated through her.

He placed a large hand over hers on her belly where their child lay. In the other room his boys were sleeping. This was a life he never dreamed would be his but he was so grateful for it. He kissed his wife softly as she drifted into slumber. She had found the courage to break free from the nightmare her life was, and the strength to move forward. She still left him in awe. "Thank you." He said softly before letting himself sleep as well.

Wow! We have come to the end of another fic! Thank you for coming along on this very emotional journey with me. This story was a hard one to write, but I think I did the subject matter justice. I have enjoyed chatting with so many of you during the posting of this fiction. While I do like a lot of drama in my stories, and some have dark edges, I hadn't ever written anything this heavy before. I learned so much during this process, and got to push myself as a writer. As always so many of you were a source of great support and I very much appreciate that. Normally this is where I tell you what's up next, but Ours To Keep is already going so that's not necessary. I will tell you I already have another fiction completed, and that I am working on more at the moment. I'm looking forward to bringing them all to you. We are heading into a New Year, and I want to wish you all Peace, Joy, Good Health, and Love as the calendar page turns to 2014.

Thanks for the reviews, the follows, and the favorites!