This story is the remake of One's Dream. The story will mostly stay the same, but there will be major changes.


This story's Tobi is not Obito. I am bringing this up for new readers. Why is Tobi not Obito you ask? To make the long story short, this story was made before Tobi was revealed to be Obito. I have written a 'remake' of this story with Tobi as Obito. It may start out the same, but it totally becomes different later. The remake is titled Second Chances. If you want to know who Tobi really is in this story, I guess you should read it and find out : D


Foul language, violence scenes, suggestive adult themes


I do NOT own Naruto and the original characters. The only thing I own are my OCs and this story.



Chapter 1

Are you sure you want to do this? A dark voice came across the Sixth Hokage's mind as he carefully studied the few documents he had in hand. Each document contained the profiles of recent graduated Genin.

The blonde man placed a hand under his chin, mostly thinking, as his blue eyes were glued to three certain Genin.

The first profile detailed a boy named Chan Rock. He was a great looking boy: His eyebrows perfectly shaped, not so thin and not so thick.

Even now it's so hard to believe he's the son of bushy brows… the man chuckled. He shifted to the next profile with the name Mitsuki Uchiha on it. Her black eyes were exactly the same as the other Uchiha. Her face was round and cute, but her expression, a frown, showed she was the serious type.

The last picture, a boy with blond hair and grey eyes, grinned with enthusiasm, which made Naruto smile right away.

Naruto! The dark voice thundered in the man's head. The Hokage simply blinked; almost unfazed from the way the creature inside of him was so angry.

What? He asked in his mind, still focused on the pictures.

I really don't think putting that man in charge of these three is a great idea… the voice warned.

Naruto rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat.

Why not? He inquired, plopping his chin under his right hand. His eyes glanced around the room. The sun lit it up through the windows behind him. The desk in front of him seemed to be the only furniture in the room, but in his eyes, it was perfect.

He will not cooperate…

Naruto raised an eyebrow curiously.

How do you know?

No answer was given back. Naruto chuckled.

Come on, Kurama, I bet he'll be excited about this. And if he's not, then he'll eventually come to love these kids just like you came to care about me.

He grinned as he felt a familiar presence among them. He got up immediately when a shroud of smoke appeared in front of him.

"Just in time, Tobi," The blond declared.

The smoke cleared up and a masked shinobi stood in the room with silence. He was roughly the same height as the Hokage. He wore a white mask, with the kanji of shinobi carved on the top. His long hair was as wild as it could be, and he wore simple black clothes to show his care of fashion. He coldly stared at the Hokage through the black shrouded holes of his mask.

"What do you need…?" the man's voice was dark yet calm.

Naruto didn't mind the man's lack of enthusiasm. He motioned him to the desk, which the masked man obediently walked over. Tobi ignored the way the desk was so messy. Documents were scattered with a bunch of random scraps on top of one another. Empty ramen bowls were piled up in one corner of the desk.

"I decided that you should lead your very first squad," Naruto beamed.

Tobi frowned behind his mask and said nothing. He simply stared at the Hokage with his dark holes. He wasn't the type to express his emotions much since the war ended.

"I'm appointing you to these three," Naruto pulled the very files he was admiring a few minutes ago and showed them to the man.

Tobi kept his silence, and began to think up excuses to get out of Naruto's proposal. He did feel curiosity well up within him as he took the chance to see who Naruto had picked for him. After realizing who the kids were, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes at the man.

"Is this some kind of joke?" he straightened up with annoyance.

Naruto blinked. "What is?"

"Placing your own son in this supposed squad of mine?" Huge suspicion came over Tobi. The man was known to be very unpredictable, but placing his own child under his wing was just illogical. He started believed it had to be one of the foolish pranks Naruto would still pull every now and again. Then again… he never did pull such pranks on him…

Told you he wouldn't cooperate, the dark voice reminded the blond.

"Well, see it as you like. Because no matter what you say, you will lead them," Naruto sat down with a smirk on his face.

Tobi's hands clenched into fists and glared.

"Uchiha Sasuke will not accept this."

"But he did," Naruto revealed and could tell Tobi was fuming with anger. "He believes you will help Mitsuki become a great Uchiha."

Tobi took the time to calm himself; he hated how Naruto had the ability to make him so emotional. He looked away, stubbornly.

"Why wouldn't you give Kakashi the position? He's better qualified than me."

Naruto shook his head calmly. His blue eyes gave a serious look.

"You're leading them no matter what."

The masked man didn't know what to say. He really didn't want to be near the children of his former enemies. He had avoided them for so long for many reasons, and now…

"Trust me…" Naruto took a kinder tone as he pulled away from his chair and walked to the glass windows to gaze upon the buildings his people had brought back up ever since Nagato had destroyed it. "It will be good for everyone…"

Tobi stared at the man. He tried to understand the motive for his actions. It didn't make sense… well, to him it didn't… He went back to thinking of a way to reject Naruto's idea. There was no way he was going to train those kids. Was there a point to it? Everything he did would just be a disaster… After all… life was Hell…

He noticed the way hope was in Naruto's eyes. After so many years, the man hadn't changed and still believed he could save everyone. Both of them were very tenacious when it came to their individual beliefs…

After a while, he let out as a sigh of defeat, like the broken man he was.

"As you wish…" he said before he used his Sharingan to teleport away.

Naruto smiled with relief. For so many years he had tried to help the masked man, but everything he had tried was never good enough. Having Tobi teach the kids was bound to change him his beliefs.

Why are you doing this? Kurama asked in Naruto's mind. Naruto closed his eyes as he thought of his reasons that he had made a while ago.

I want to save him just like I saved you… Naruto went back to gaze at the village that he dearly loved. I'm not giving up…

"Well, first thing's first," an older Iruka announced to his class, who were too busy chatting amongst one another. All the students were excited about getting into their squads.

Mitsuki Uchiha sat in a corner calmly as she was the only one that would always listen to the instructor. Her raven hair was pulled into a low ponytail. Her head protector was strapped around her forehead. She wore a dark blue sleeveless shirt, wiht a red and white fan smbol on the back, and white shorts that ended near her knees. Both her arms and legs were bandaged up. She sighed from the lack of focus among her peers.

There was one boy that was particularly rowdy. His blond hair was short, and he wore a headband around his head, too. He wore a burgundy hooded jacket with matching pants. He was sitting next to the Uchiha girl before jumping away to land on Iruka's desk. He faced his classmates.

"I shall become the greatest Kage!" he punched the air with a grin.

Iruka sighed, trying to calm himself down.

"Well, you'll have to work for it," a boy said calmly in a serious tone. He sat right in the middle of the first row. His hair ended on his shoulders. the attire that he wore consisted of a dark green tight sleeveless shirt and short jogging trousers. His hands and arms were bandaged up. The boy was a looker and the girls behind him gazed at him with heart-shaped eyes.

"I will!" the blond took out a kunai from his leg pocket with a grin. "I'll prove it to you right now!"

Chan smirked as he jumped on his desk swiftly with a kunai of his own.

"Bring it on."

Iruka groaned as he stepped in-between the two.

"Knock it off," he glanced at the blond, annoyed. "Miso, to your seat now or I'll not appoint you to any squad."

Miso frowned, but jumped back to his spot, anxious as the rest now.

The professor relaxed and looked at his notepad now that everyone silenced down.

"Alright…let's start with Squad One…"

The blond muted the instructor, placing his head on his desk and looked to Mitsuki, who had her eyes in front. The boy mentally prayed to the gods that he would be placed in the same squad as her.

"Squad Eight, Daiki Yamanaka," Iruka said, and the blond looked up when he heard one of his friend's names. He turned to the boy who sat behind him. The boy always smelled like flowers and had a high ponytail with a flower around it. "Hiraku Akimichi."

Daiki said nothing, closing his eyes. Miso placed a hand over his mouth, trying to hold in his laugh. The flower boy was now stuck with the fat kid in the class. He was friends with the boy, and knew he wasn't a good ninja.

Hiraku was shy about his name being called and sunk down into his seat.

"And Shizuka Nara," Iruka finished, which surprised the boy, which caused him to look to the girl next to him, who smiled back.

"Told you," she said. She was a pretty girl with long, dark brown hair with blonde highlights. "Ino-Shika-Cho Trio will always come back," she proudly proclaimed.

"Squad Nine, Mitsuki Uchiha," Iruka read out loud, making Miso sit up straight with anticipation. His stomach felt as if butterflies were flying around in his stomach. He placed his hands together, and shut his eyes as he prayed to have his dreams come true. "Chan Rock," Iruka continued.

Chan smiled, actually relieved that one of his good childhood friends was in his squad. "And Miso Uzumaki," Iruka flinched when Miso let out a scream of delight. He jumped on his seat, punching the air with all his might. Everyone in the class sweatdropped. Mitsuki face palmed from the boy's outburst. Chan groaned, not liking the third member of his party. He was also friends with him, but he would have rather have someone else than Miso…

The thought of having Chan in his team didn't come across Miso's mind. All he cared about was having Mitsuki with him.

While this happened, Naruto was laughing after witnessing such a scene in his crystal ball. A bunch of Jonin were gathered in the same room in front of Naruto and couldn't help but agree that the boy and Naruto were related.

"You haven't informed us as to who is instructing Squad Nine," a female shinobi felt obligated to point out.

Naruto's laughter died down after noticing everyone in the room gawking at him. They wished to know who he had appointed his son and the Uchiha offspring to be with.

"Well…" Naruto let out a bit nervously as he rubbed the back of his head.

"It is me," the deep, dark voice said from within the shadows. Tobi stepped out. He wore the standard Jonin uniform, and kept his mask in place. Everyone was shocked and turned to Naruto at such news.

"You can't be serious?!" a guy yelled indignantly, stepping closer to Naruto.

"I believe he's serious," Tobi said calmly. "I too thought such a choice was…"

"Wrong?!" someone else interrupted the masked man. He glared at him. "'Cause trust me, it is the worst choice one can make."

Naruto sighed, already imagining Kurama telling him, "I told you so!"

"I bet he's controlling the Hokage with his Sharingan!" another shinobi yelled.

At this comment, Naruto frowned and looked at the man responsible for such an accusation.

"You and I both know he can't use any of his Sharingan powers at this moment," Naruto said in a serious tone. Tobi stayed in his place, near the shadows without giving a hint of fighting back. He was still trying to find a way to change Naruto's mind. He didn't want to lead a squad for many reasons…

The rest of the shinobi said nothing for now, but they did give a few occasional glares at Tobi.

Naruto went back to his crystal ball to watch his son resume sitting with a happy smile.

Iruka shook his head and went back to finishing his announcement.

"And that is all," he closed his pad. "Starting tomorrow, you will all meet up with your instructors," he smiled at all of them. It was always hard to see his students leave. But that was the price one had to pay for being a teacher. "It was great being your teacher, and I hope you all become great shinobi," he felt himself get emotional, as he recalled how their first day was together before his thoughts were interrupted by Miso jumping on his seat.

"Next stop, the Chunnin exams!" the boy yelled while punching the air with great might. He was accompanied with others getting off their seats as they also got excited for the next level.

Iruka's eyebrow twitched.

"You guys just became Genin!"

So what do you guys think of this revision?

So the story will stay the same at first, but I will change a few things to make the story a bit more intense and a bit more well... better? : O