Angela had casually mentioned her interest in seeing the documentary to Dwight at dinner. The next morning she noticed the DVDs on the dining room table. Dwight had bought all of them, the entire documentary, only hours after she spoke of them. A scribbled note sat next to it "We'll start it tonight. Love you! - D"
She smiled to herself as she picked them up and set them aside.

"What's that?" Phillip asked as he threw a few cheerios at his mother's face. They landed on the ground and a few cats ran to examine them.

"Nothing," Angela muttered, quick to hide the past from her son. "Just a present for Mama from your father." She was afraid she'd have to say more, but as a three year old, Phillip was quick to forget and move on.

The entire day was spent straightening up the house and playing with Phillip. Every once in a while, Angela would glance back at the DVDs, curious to see them. But she knew she had to wait for her husband to return from work, and besides, she wouldn't watch them with her son around.

When Dwight finally walked in the door, Phillip sprinted towards him. "Daddy!" he shouted as he jumped up and down, begging to be picked up.

"Father," Dwight insisted as he grabbed his son in his arms. Angela walked quickly towards them, eager to say hello to her husband.

Dwight set Phillip down, and he ran back towards his toys. Angela leaned in to give him a hug. "Thank you so much for the DVDs," she whispered in his ear. "I can't wait to watch!"

Her husband smiled. "Me either. I'm glad you changed your mind."

The couple tried to put their son to bed early, eager to start the documentary, but he refused to shut his eyes. Finally they managed to get him to sleep, exactly at the time he would have gone to bed anyways.

They tiptoed back down the stairs towards the living room. Angela wrapped up in a blanket as Dwight set the television up with the DVDs. Once it started up, he sat down on the couch next to her. She put her head in his lap. They tried not to show too much affection in front of their son, but once he was put to bed, they could hardly keep their hands off of each other. His fingers ran through her hair, hers on his leg.

They'd seen the pilot once before, while sitting in a bar with the rest of their co-workers. Angela remembered what she'd said as they watched it the first time, opening on Jim in Michael's office. She'd pointed at Michael and whispered in her then fiance's ear, "He would be proud." Now they didn't make any comments but just watched silently, taking every scene in.

Angela smiled as Kevin agreed that she could be the one fired. She'd only been saying it to get him to reassure her, but he couldn't even do that right. It was honestly a wonder that he had survived so long at the company, especially with the downsizing. Dwight had been right to fire him, of course, but she had to admit that her few last months at Dunder Mifflin hadn't been as enjoyable without him sitting across from her.

The accounting trio had been like her family, before the Schrutes had taken her in. She missed them, Angela realized. She wondered to herself if she should call them up and invite them over for dinner. Kevin had forgiven Dwight for firing him, and she didn't think he would mind too much sitting at a dinner table with him. Oscar was often busy with his job a (state) senator, but she was sure he'd make time to have dinner with her if she called.

Angela's thouughts were still on her favorite accountants when the episode ended.