Hello everyone I am FABLEPSYCHO and this is my first fanfic. Let it be known that I will try my best to get the characters personalities down, and that there will be a few OC's like our protagonist who is the undead person that I created in the game Dark souls. There will be others in do time but please enjoy the story and be gentle because I'm still just a novice.
I do not own Dark souls or Soul eater.
Ch.1 When the flame dies
This was it everything that this undead had fought so hard for. Behind the mist was the very beginning of life and death, warmth and cold, light and dark, he could not believe he had made it. In all truth this undead thought he would succumb to madness like all his other undead brother's and sister's, that fate might have been what a former thief like him deserved but luckily he was able to retain his sanity. There was still one problem though one of the lords of the first flame was behind this very mist, up until this point the undead in the darkwraith armor thought he was just lucky. Then again luck wasn't exactly something he would usually have so he had to credit the fact that he could simply not die, a fact that he had dreaded for a thousand years since the witches had created that false flame.
At these times he had to admit that his younger brother was right about him, he would eventually see himself in an impossible situation because of the choices he had made, but being the experienced rogue that he was he always found a way to get out of them and of course make off with a reward by the end. The armor he was now wearing was no exception since he took it off one the undead that he encountered along his journey, being a thief there was no real honor even for the fallen dead besides he needed it more then the undead he took it from, it wasn't like it would need it anymore and the armor from his guild was made for quick getaways not combat.
Personally Hollow thought the man he killed to obtain the armor would have wanted him to have it since this person was a former protector of Lordran before he gave in to madness. Thus this was the lightest and thinest piece of armor he could find to protect him, he wasn't as big boned or as strong as a knight or as gifted in magic as a mage but what he lacked in those skills he made up for in speed and dexterity. This though was what he was worried about, he would have to fight Gwyn the lord of cinder, someone who was practically a god compared to a simple undead such as him, maybe he was faster but Gwyn could tear him apart if he managed to land a hit.
These thoughts ran over his mind again and again until finally he thought 'Come on Hollow you have made it this far and you have already defeated more demons then you can count, do not let your strength and courage falter now.' With that Hollow took in one last deep breath and entered through the mist, there he witnessed the first flame and Gwyn lord of cinder waiting for him with a flaming sword at the ready, at this point Hollow let loose all his rage towards Gwyn and ran at him at full speed, this man was supposed to set everything right, if he hadn't gone insane then there would be no undead or other foul creatures.
As soon as Hollow was in front of Gwyn the flaming sword came rushing down, but Hollow saw it coming and quickly stepped to the side, Hollow then pulled out his scythe and made a swing towards Gwyn's waist. The attack missed when Gwyn jumped back and went in for another swing, Hollow dodged the blow by rolling under the sword and swung his scythe upwards hoping to end the fight by putting the weapon through Gwyn's head but again Gwyn dodged the attack by jumping back.
Hollow had to give it to Gwyn, for an old man Gwyn was pretty light on his feet but then again so was he, and he would have not expected less from one of the people to receive a lord soul, Hollow had to approach this differently now, he couldn't just rush in or counter attack both would lead to his demise...again. Then Gwyn was on him and at an amazing speed, Hollow dodged the first strike but was hit on the second strike by the side of his waist, luckily the armor he wore wouldn't let him bleed out because if it did he would already be dead. Gwyn brought down his sword but again Hollow dodged out of the way, this resulted in Gwyn getting his sword stuck in to the ground, this gave Hollow time to drink an estas flask but as soon as he finished one Gwyn was back up and already in a swing which Hollow had to duck under, Hollow then rolled out of Gwyn's range and got back to his feet.
Gwyn then at full speed charged Hollow who quickly dodged and swung his scythe around, this time the hit connected and left a huge cut on Gwyn's back, this caused Hollow to smile maliciously as he thought 'So the mighty Gwyn does bleed.' His moment was short lived when Gwyn came around and grabbed him by the throat and hoisted Hollow in to the air which resulted in him dropping his scythe, now Hollow was pined and he knew it unless he made a move now Gwyn would brake him like a twig. As Gwyn hoisted his great sword to meet Hollow's face Hollow remembered the firebomb in his bag and pulled it out, he then used the flames on the sword to light the fuse and kicked off Gwyn leaving the firebomb in his place, as Gwyn recovered from his kick to the face he failed to realize the bomb at his feet then there was a huge explosion.
As soon as the smoke cleared Hollow saw Gwyn's slumping form on the ground, Hollow then grabbed his scythe and brought it in to Gwyn's head and ripping it off by pulling back with all his might, then when the rush of the fight worn off Hollow realized that he had actually won, that he a rogue, a thief, a dark soul had actually vanquished the almighty Gwyn, what he would give to see his family's face if they knew he had actually done what he had just done. Then happiness turned to sadness as he realized that they would never know, they had died century's ago, there was no home or family to tell or go back to, 'Oh well' thought Hollow 'At least I'll see them soon.' His sight then turned to the bonfire in the middle of the area he was in, this was it he would finally have piece in death and he would complete his promise to the knight who freed him from the asylum.
If it were not for that knight Hollow was sure he would be trapped in that asylum forever, Hollow remembered how he nearly gave in to despair as he sulked in the corner of his cell wearing the armor from his guild he ditched long ago on his journey, but then a body fell in to his cell, Hollow looked up and saw the knight much to his surprise. He was clearly wearing the armor of the thieves guild but the knight chose to save him when there was probably someone more worthy then himself, he met the knight later on as he was trying to find a way out of the asylum but it appeared that he was severely injured. Hollow went to him and heard what the knight wanted to say to him, the knight was on a mission to rekindle the original flame but it had seemed he failed that mission so he asked Hollow if he would follow his mission through.
Hollow was hesitant to take on such a mission, he took so long that the knight had said "Hollow I understand that this may be a great task but there is no other way." At that moment Hollow realized what he had just been called and was going to give a retort but then he realized that he couldn't remember his real name so he remained quiet, and he could not blame the knight for calling him something he currently was. After a moment of thinking over the request Hollow realized that he owed the man a great deal, this knight had given him his freedom just as he was about to succumb to the madness, and now that he was free what would he do the world had succumb to the disease of undeath causing chaos and disorder.
Hollow realized he would still go mad either way but what the knight had offered him was a purpose, if he followed through with the mission he would probably find piece in death, at that moment Hollow nodded his head and the knight let out a sigh and said "Thank you brother it gives me joy to know someone will rekindle the flame, now I think it's best you leave I would hate to harm you when I go hollow." With that Hollow left, the knight had called him brother, given him his freedom, a purpose, and... a name, he would not fail or break his promise, he would rekindle the flame.
Now he was here, in truth Hollow was hoping to find traces of who he once was but all he could remember was that he had a family and that he had done terrible things, 'Maybe' he thought 'maybe this will make up for everything I've done.' With that Hollow lit the bonfire and then a searing pain shot through his body, he was on fire, not only that but his very soul felt aflame, when he looked around the area he was in he realized everything was aflame. Then he realized something else, something that turned his pain to joy, his strength was leaving him, his body felt heavy, and his soul felt piece, he was finally dieing. As he fell to the floor he thanked the gods, the journey was long and hard, he had died so many times, he had faced down many horrors that you should only see in your nightmares, and now it was over, then he closed his eyes and let death take him but little did Hollow know that death was not yet done with him, he was far from it.