The words that are in parentheses() in this chapter are Eggman's thoughts.

Brackets [] are the side notes.

Also, while this project was DEFINETELY NOT my best, I still think it was Okay.

The Time Travel Tactic

Epilogue- Trapped by Tails

"Ugh….Where am I?" Eggman asked to himself, getting up. "The last thing I remember is getting beaten by that blue bastard….but now….Where am I?"

"Master, look alive! We're about to kidnap the princess of Soleanna, Princess Elise!" A robot near Eggman said.

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot!" Eggman said, but the Eggman that was locked in here was restricted to his thoughts.

"Should we drop the mechs, sir?" The same robot asked.

"Yes… DROP THE MECHS, NOW! (What the bloody hell is going on?)" And with that, the robots were dropped from the Egg Carrier, surrounding Princess Elise. Eggman was causing total chaos and destruction at the Festival of the Sun, as Eggman's newest plan [Judging by the time he's in at the moment] was to kidnap Elise and learn the secret to the flames of disaster.

"A pleasure to meet you at last, Princess of Soleanna. (NO, NO NO! Stop this RIGHT NOW!)" Eggman said, bowing. "I am Dr. Eggman. I have come here to obtain the secret of the flames of disaster from you, (I feel queasy…) and to take the miracle gems that are the key to its secret…THE CHAOS EMERALDS! (Man, I couldn't pause for one second?) ….Now, princess. This way, please. (Wow, looking at this version of me actually makes me realize how big of a maniac I've become…)"

However, Princess Elise stepped back, trying to avoid the egg-shaped scientist. It seemed all hope was lost for her, until a familiar blue wind started circling around the platform they stood on. Eggman knew this wind all too well, and it would seal the deal about the theory that he had come up with about his location.

"My, that's a pretty snazzy performance there." Sonic said. (DANGIT! Just when it seemed that I could catch a break from this blue bastard…NOPE! He just HAD to crash the party. Ugh….)

"You….It can't be!" Elise said. (What the hell is she talking about?)

Sonic then burst through each of Eggman's robots at the speed of sound, dodging every last bullet being shot at him, until only one robot remained. However, the robot was on the very edge of the platform they were on, until Sonic ever so lightly tapped it, and it fell like a brick (Useless robots….It's machines like these that made me switch back to the Badniks.) Sonic then quickly dashed over to Princess Elise and introduced himself. "I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog!" the blue blur said, and he picked up the princess and started running off. (Come back here, COWARD!)

"Not that irritating hedgehog again! (Great minds think alike, my friend….although I'm literally just talking to myself….*sigh*) ATTACK!" Eggman ordered, and a few mechs dropped from the Egg Carrier and fired some missiles to chase the blue runt. However, Sonic just kept on running and avoided every last one. "Minions, bring me back up! We're getting Princess Elise, one way or another!" Eggman said, and they followed the blue blur, until they tracked down his whereabouts. However, on the way there, they overheard a white hedgehog, saying something about 'The Iblis Trigger'…..

Eggman watched Sonic's moves from above when he found the porcupine-like pest, and it made him feel slightly uneasy.

"Um….Why are you helping me?" Elise asked. (I'm gonna guess to get 'cake' like Mario does when he saves the princess…heh heh.)

"No special reason." Sonic replied. (BULLSHIT!) The hedgehog then leapt to another part of the town, when they were suddenly attacked by Eggman's robots! Sonic then put Elise down (BIG mistake, hedgehog…) and went to attack the robots to protect Elise. However, when he turned around, Elise was captured!

"I'm afraid our little game ends now. (Yeah, you tell that asshole.)" Eggman said.

Elise, struggling as usual, then tossed her Chaos Emerald to Sonic, yelling, "Sonic, take this!" (Finally having a sliver of authority. And by sliver, I mean a barely noticeable change in your tone of voice.)

"I've got it!" Sonic replied as he grabbed the emerald. "And don't worry, I'll rescue you!" (Of course you will, Sonic….of course you will.)

"I know!" Elise said, and she put her hands together (Bitch, please. We ALL know.)

"It's only a matter of time before it's mine. (Exactly.) Until then, you can hold onto it for me!" Eggman said, and he took off, his theme playing in the background. (FINALLY, some music! But you know what? I don't care! I JUST WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE! PLEASE, SOMEONE HELP!) Someone must've heard Eggman's plea, however, because as soon as he said that, the entire scene disappeared and all that was left was a blank blue room, and Eggman was finally in control of his own body once more.

"Hello? Somebody? Anybody?" Eggman asked.

"Yes?" Tails asked, speaking over the intercom.

"Tails! Yes! Tails, could you PLEASE let me get out of here? Please?"

"Me, help you? I think we've finally reached the gold mine of comedy, Eggman, because ME helping YOU is like Big the Cat being able to get pecs."

"I can't take this, though! You have NO IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE TRAPPED IN HERE!"

"No, but Sonic does. Anyways, I've got to go get the popcorn, because I'm watching a hit in Eggman Theatre tonight! Hehehe…."

"TAAAAAAAAAILS!" Eggman screamed, but it was no use. Eggman was put into the next scene, and he wasn't going to be able to stop for a LONG time.

"Now THIS is what I call comedy." Tails said to Sonic.

"Yeah. Watching him having to endure all this is making me feel a bit bad for the Egghead, though. Does he REALLY deserve to go through THIS?!"

"Yeah, he does. Now let's keep watching." Tails said, and they continued watching their nemesis enduring the pain of going through Sonic '06. And Eggman's pain was their joy.