By the way: This is NOT my only Sonic fanfiction I'll make before the Finale of the Dark Transference Trilogy. I'm planning one more (To make up for my cancelled Rayman fanfic; Let's just say there were some slight difficulties in making it.)

But, anyway, Here's my newest creation:

The Time-Travel Tactic

Chapter 1- Battle in Hidden Palace

Deep below the surface of Angel Island, there was a scientist at work. A bald-headed, bushy-mustached scientist. His name was Dr. Ivo Robotnik, although everyone called him Dr. Eggman, although he HATED that name. Dr. Eggman's main goal was to take over the planet of Mobius, and defeat his archnemesis, Sonic the Hedgehog. However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't defeat the blue-quilled, cocky hedgehog. However, he never gave up. He always tried out new plans to try and defeat Sonic. And his newest one… was absolutely devious.

"Orbot! Cubot! Be careful with those bombs!" Eggman barked at his two main lackeys.

"Y-y-y-y-Yes, Doctor!" Orbot stammered nervously, and he carefully placed the bombs down next to Eggman. "So, what's the plan, Master?"

"What's the plan? Why you little…..I'VE TOLD YOU THE PLAN 5 TIMES ALREADY, YOU BUFFOON! I'M NOT TELLING YOU AGAIN! JUST….let me go through with it. I've got it under control."

"Gee, boss. You seem to be going off the deep end." Cubot replied.

"Just sit back, my minions. I've got it all under control." Eggman said, and he put the finishing touches on a mech he was going to be using later during the plan: The Egg Mantis. "Now then….Bombs away." Eggman chuckled deviously, and he lit the bombs, and ran behind the Egg Mantis for protection.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Orbot said nervously, and then the bombs went off.

The explosions caught Sonic off guard, as he was actually on the surface of Angel Island alongside Knuckles and Tails, working on a protection shield for the Master Emerald. "WHOA! What was that?" Sonic wondered.

"Eh, probably just Eggman, up to his old tricks as usual." Knuckles replied.

"Well, I'll be right back, okay? I've got to see what he's up to, and see if it's anything serious." And with that, Sonic leapt down to the center of Angel Island, and saw a burning hole through it. "Predictable." Sonic muttered, and he dashed through the hole, seeing what Eggman was up to.

"He's coming, you fools! Get the C.T.D!" Eggman exclaimed in a whispering tone, as he entered the mechanical Egg Mantis.

"CTD? I don't remember anything about CTD…." Orbot said, confused.

"CTD… Wait, I remember!" Cubot exclaimed. "The Corrupting Ti-

"SILENCE, YOU FOOL! THERE HE IS!" Eggman yelled, and sure enough, Sonic arrived right on cue.

"So, Eggman… What do you have in store for me this time?" Sonic asked.

"Oh, Sonic… You're here… How PREDICTABLE!" Eggman exclaimed, and he tried swiftly stabbing the hedgehog with the Mantis' pinchers. However, Sonic avoided them without any problem.

"Come on, Eggman, Step it up!" Sonic taunted, and Eggman became furious.

"Oh, you want me to step it up, do you? You want me to step it up, is that what you want?! THEN, HOW'S THIS FOR STEPPING IT UP?!" Eggman yelled, and ten homing missiles were shot from the Mantis Robot's mechanical chest.

"Whoa, WHOA, WHOA! No need to get so serious, Egghead!" Sonic said as he frantically dodged the missiles.

"Whoa, Master Eggman's doing quite good this time." Orbot said.

"Yeah, but if there's one thing we've learned, it's that Sonic almost always wins." Cubot replied.

"True, but just LOOK at Sonic! He's leaping around the Hidden Palace Zone like there's no tomorrow! And just think of what'll happen if Eggman ends up winning…."

Sonic soon found a way to get the missiles away from him. He split the missiles into two sections down two hallways, which both connected to the same ancient room within the palace. "Now, then… just wait for the missiles to break through the door, and….." Sure enough, the missiles broke through, and with the greatest of leaps, he led the missile groups straight into each other, creating a massive combustion in the Zone.

"WHOA!" Knuckles exclaimed as the island started wobbling. "Geez! Sonic, BE CAREFUL with Angel Island!" However, Sonic couldn't hear him.

"Pesky blue NUISANCE! THIS will end it!" Eggman yelled, and he let out 5 Big, Green, Mantis-shaped bombs.

"Now he's done it." Orbot mumbled.

"Uh-oh. Gotta go fast!" Sonic exclaimed, and he sprinted with his signature speed, and the wind that breezed alongside him put out 3 of the bombs. However, the other 2 ended up exploding, and the room Sonic was previously in was obliterated.

"WHY YOU LITTLE….." Eggman trailed off as Sonic nailed the mechanical Egg Mantis straight in the eyes, shattering the machine's ability to see.

"Well, looks like you were right, Cubot." Orbot mumbled angrily.

"HA! Take that, Eggman!" Sonic said, delighted to have started breaking another one of Eggman's robots.

"Stubborn little hedgehog! GIVE UP AND DIE ALREADY!" Eggman screamed, and he shot out at least 35 missiles from the Egg Mantis at once.

"Well now, Eggman….Persistent, aren't we? You've already used this trick before!" Sonic said, and he started dashing towards the room he had previously destroyed. "Now I'll just…. WAIT, WHAT?!" Sonic exclaimed. He hadn't remembered he had previously destroyed the room, as too much was happening at the moment. "Dangit! I forgot I destroyed that room." Sonic muttered, and he swiftly started running from the missiles.

"Run all you want, but you can't hide from the inevitable!" Eggman exclaimed, and he fired 15 more missiles into the mix.

"Oh, crud! I've gotta run!" Sonic exclaimed, and he started sprinting around the Hidden Palace, dodging missiles left and right.

"ORBOT! NOW!" Eggman yelled out to his lackey, and Orbot fired a neon blue, electric laser at Sonic, and it hit him straight in the chest.

"ACK!" Sonic groaned in pain, and the laser knocked him back into the missiles, making the hedgehog launch up towards the ceiling of the ruins, and soon enough, his body fell down towards the floor. "Curse you, Eggman…" Sonic groaned, and he then went unconscious.

"YES! I've done it! It's taken me 22 Years, but I've FINALLY DONE IT!" Eggman cheered in delight.

"Great work, Boss! Now, what was that you were telling us about earlier? An STD or something?" Orbot asked.

"You bumbling idiot. IT'S CTD, not STD. Catch." Eggman said, and sure enough, the CTD landed right in Orbot's hands.

"Now then, what do you want me to do with it?"

"Press the red button on it that says open, you stupid scrap heap."

"Oh, right." Orbot said, and he pressed the button, and soon enough, a purple vortex appeared from the metallic box and swallowed the blue-quilled hedgehog! "WHOA! What happened to the hedgehog? And what is this CTD anyway?" Orbot asked.

"Okay, so here's my plan, okay?" Eggman asked, and then he began to explain. "The CTD stands for Corrupting Time Distorter. You see, it's similar to a time machine, but with one twist. That blue buffoon will think that time is going at a normal pace, but in reality, WE'RE the ones at a normal pace! The CTD distorts the speed of the time Sonic's in, but it disguises it so that it looks as if time's going at a normal pace.

"Oh, I see… quite diabolical." Orbot said.

"Yes, and the best part is, that when I reopen the portal back to the present, Sonic will find that everything and EVERYONE on Mobius is under MY CONTROL! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"Excellent idea, sir, but I see one flaw: Can't you just leave Sonic within the past?"

"Actually, I can't… You see, if I LEAVE Sonic in the past, that will, without a doubt cause a paradox in the universe, and we'll all probably end up dying."

"Oh…. Forget I said anything, boss."

"Okay. Now then…." Eggman said, and he pulled out the blueprints to a mind control beam similar to the one he made when he built his amusement park. Except this time, it was fueled on one thing: The Master Emerald. "…Let's get this started."

"Hmm… It's awfully quiet down there…." Knuckles thought. "…Did Sonic and Eggman have a truce or something?"

"Not on your life, Knuckles." Eggman said in a menacing tone, as he used the Egg Mantis to climb up to the surface of Angel Island.

"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-WHAT'S THAT?!" Tails exclaimed.

"It's my newest creation; The Egg Mantis." Eggman said as he chuckled, preparing to bombard Tails and Knuckles with missiles.

"The Eggmantis? Oh, I see…. Trying to be clever with the names now, are ya'? Well, I hate to break it to ya', but whatever plan you've got up your sleeve, it ends NOW!" Knuckles declared.

"Oh yeah? Well, GET A LOAD OF THIS, you measly echidna!" Eggman yelled, and around 75 Missiles started to come towards Knuckles.

"Oh, no." Knuckles said, terrified at the sight before him. He ran as fast as he could, but he couldn't escape the missiles. They blasted him in a way similar to how they blasted Sonic, except Knuckles didn't hit a ceiling. "….Damnit, Eggman…."

"KNUCKLES!" Tails yelled out, and he soon ran, grabbed Knuckles' hand, and dragged his unconscious body over to the Tornado, his signature plane.

"Run all you want, but you can't escape the grasp of DR. IVO ROBOTNIK! Mark my words, Tails! Soon you, Knuckles, and all other measly life forms on this planet will BOW DOWN BEFORE YOUR NEW RULER!" Eggman exclaimed.

"Well… Now that we've gotten all of Sonic's useless friends out of the way, can we start our plan, boss?" Cubot asked eagerly.

"Yes, Cubot…We can. Let the domination of Mobius….BEGIN!" Eggman said, and he started working on the Mind-Control Beam that would lead to them dominating all life on Mobius.

To Be Continued….