"Yes. You were yelling about something in your sleep." "I don't know," I said. I looked out the window and thought about my dream. It was odd, in my opinion.

After getting completely filthily and then covered in grub worms(don't ask) we manged to get the van out of the mud. I had already took my bath so I waited on my top bunk as Scully and Mulder fought over who was next. I looked at them. I didn't know who was more dirty. I looked back up at the ceiling. The sun was setting, making it hard to see it. "Mulder, I am taking the next bath. You start driving," Scully said, going into the bathroom. Mulder sighed and started up the engine. "Who is this Cancer Man?" I asked suddenly. I don't know why I'd asked. "He's one of the top men in the Syndicate." That was all that was said.

I awoke to the smell of burning gas and oil. I sprang up and saw that the van was finally broken. Mulder turned to face me. "We're in California, but we're not in Bombo. We'll have to spend the day here until we can get a new car." To find out we were in a small town call Shady Filleds. Little children rushed around us, playing with tied June Bugs as we walked into town. I, still wanted, wore my costume.

"Yes?" a man asked when we entered a hotel. "We're here to spend the night," Mulder said. "Are you here for the Syndicate meeting?" the man whispered to us. "The Syn-" "Shhhhh!" the man yelled. People nearby looked at us weirdly. The man blushed. When everyone stopped looking at us, the man whispered,"Are you crazy?! You're gonna have me killed!" "No, we're not here for the Syndicate meeting. We're here to spend the night," Scully man nodded. "Room 1232."

We entered our room with Mulder's nose in a telephone book. "There's only one car selling business here, and they aren't opened again till five days from now!" he said, slamming the book closed. I raised an eyebrow. "President's Day." "Oh." Mulder and Scully then started talking, arguing over what to do next as I leaned out the window. I watched as a group of school kids, my age, was taught about George Washington by a teacher outside. A man in black watched nearby. My eyes widened. "I've got an idea!" I exclaimed. Scully and Mulder stopped arguing and turned to face me. "The Syndicate meeting is here, isn't it?" I asked. Scully and Mulder nodded. "Well, you two are known for getting into trouble with them. I'm not. And they might have Ben." "And?" "I can prented that I go to school here and find stuff out!"