I'm in my room alone wearing black jeans, t-shirt and hoodie with studded boots. My hair is a dark red and I'm wearing no makeup. I have my laptop under my arm and my long hair is tied back in a loose ponytail.
"Hey guys, I realised I left this unfinished and I just want to do the three reviews from the last chapter. If, however, you guys would like me to start this I'm again then feel free to let me know" I grin, "but I'm going to put this as complete for now"
I grab my hanbo and chain and stick them in my belt just in case.
"I'm just heading through my portal to the pair now" I say as I walk through my portal, "I just really want to say sorry for how long I was gone for, I just... stopped writing but I'm really happy to be doing it again!"
I walk out the room my portal is kept in,
"The turtles and I still saw each other every day but recently we all decided to do the reviews"
"RAN!" The turtles greet me as I join them in the pit, we hug before settling in our seats.
"We ready guys?" I check, the boys nod excitedly. "ok first up is...'TabbyKat405' they have a few things"
"I'm so excited!" Mikey squeaks as he wriggles in his seat.
"Leo: Do you still feel pain from when you fought Shredder?" I ask gently.
"Only when I over work myself" Leo nods as he absentmindedly rubs his knee, "He really did a number on me"
"Raph: Why did you hate Pigeon Pete?" I ask,
"Because he was a creepy loser" Raph crosses his arm. "He was gross"
"Fair point" I laugh, "Donnie: Do you and Casey still hang out since you left the farmhouse?"
"Yeah sometimes but not as much" Donatello shrugs,
"Mikey: When you were younger did you ever sneak out of the lair against your brothers' and father's orders?" I ask even though I'm pretty sure I already know the answer.
"Duh dude" Mikey grins, "Nobody can control Michelangelo!"
"Dare: Try sparring with each other's weapons again" I nod, the boys stand up and do some quick stretches.
"We've had some training so we should be better than last time" Leonardo says as he guides his brothers into their places.
Mikey and Don swap weapons and face each other while Leo and Raph do the same.
"Go!" I cheer,
The turtles begin their sparring, they're definitely better than last time but still pretty sucky. Leonardo isn't doing too bad but Raph looks kind of uncomfortable using katanas. Donnie and Mikey are doing really well!
"Have you two been doing extra training?" I ask, impressed.
"Enough guys" Leo nods, "that was really good!"
"Nicely done guys" I applaud before looking at the next review.
"What's next?" Mikey asks as he stretches.
"KiddyMeda" I smile, "But we know them better as Turtle Lover101! I like the new name!"
The turtles give you a thumbs up in approval.
"Have you guys seen the whole triceraton invasion?" I check
The guys nod, knowing where this was going.
"How did you guys feel about the whole… Master Splinter… Thing" I ask awkwardly.
"We're just glad it's not real" Leonardo nods, "Our Master is still alive and well, the show really seemed to have fun trying to kill him off over the last few seasons. There were tons of times he nearly died or was thought to be dead"
"Yeah!" Raph growls, "What's up with that?"
"I think they were just trying to show that as strong as you four are you weren't ready to lose your father" I shrug, "You were still kids despite being warriors"
"Still harsh!" Mikey pouts, Don nods in agreement.
"It's been a while since I watched the last few seasons, isn't he dead now?" I ask with a frown, "I'm pretty sure they did eventually kill him for good, let me check…"
The turtles watch as I do a quick check, this is what happens when you leave a fandom for a couple of years! All the stuff you knew kind of goes and you have to remind yourself of stuff.
"Oh my god!" I gasp as I start the YouTube video of the actual death, we all gather round and watch the whole thing. "I need to watch this season again… oh my god… this is a kids show!? Really!? That was horrible"
I grin slightly though; I still love this show and I can't wait to rewatch the last season.
"I can only assume that this time he stays dead" I look at the turtles, "Would like to see rise of the tmnt do that"
"They're so mean to our father" Donnie cringes, "But he's ok… he's alive in his room"
"You good Master?" Mikey calls.
"I am fine Michelangelo" Splinter calls back, "Do not worry"
We all grin.
"So, Leo, have you ever broken the rules on your own that no one knows about?" I ask, making sure to move on quickly.
"Of course not" Leo tries, I raise an eyebrow and he sighs, "Yeah… I used to go up top all the time after I turned 10"
"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Raphael yells and stares at his brother,
"Why?" Donnie asks curiously, "And why didn't you tell us?"
"Coz I wanted to be ready for when we're actually allowed topside!" Leo explains, "What if it was as dangerous as Father said"
"The you would be dead" Raph deadpans, "You could've at least taken someone!"
"Yeah! No fair!" Mikey pouts.
"You're lucky you didn't get hurt!" Raph punches his brother lightly, "I would've killed you"
Leonardo just smiles in response.
"So Raph what's your opinion on Casey now? You guys good after all that we found out?" I ask remembering the old chapters on this.
"Yeah we're good, he knows not to bully Donnie" Raph nods, the other turtles nod too.
"DifaniSani: How did the guys feel about Splinter's death in the show" I grin sheepishly, "I guess I just gave you a live reaction"
I giggle awkwardly and chuckle. The turtles roll their eyes at me.
"Basically… Wow" Leo breathes. "It's a hard scene to watch… they really went all out"
"Wait til you see the funeral scene" I mutter under my breath,
"What?" Mikey asks as he shuffles closer.
"Nothing!" I smile, "So they say they cosplayed as turflytle for New York Comic con. That's really cool!"
"Yes!" Mikey cheers as he leaps up and dances on the spot, "Everyone loves turflytle!"
"I'd love to see the costume" Donnie nods, "How detailed was it?"
"I'd love to try cosplay!" Leo grins.
"You are cosplay" Raph smirks.
"They'd also like to know what you think of fangirls?" I ask last of all.
"We love them" The four grin.
"They're what keeps the show going!" Donnie smiles adorably, "Ours are so creative! They make some great art and stories!"
"We love them all!" Mikey cheers as he pretends to hug them. Leo and Raph nod in agreement.
"Well… that's all the review done" I smile gently at you all, "Thanks for reading this and for all the reviews. If people want this to continue then great, le me know! Otherwise, this has been fun."
The turtles grin at me and I nod my approval.
"Go ahead"
"Please leave a review with a dare, question, topic, visitor or whatever if you'd like to start this up again" The turtles chant. We all hug.