Chapter 10

They had managed to walk to the bedroom the night before after they hot kitchen lovemaking and had fallen asleep straight away since they both were exhausted. April was the first one to wake up the next morning, she looked up at Phil and saw that he was still sound asleep, she couldn't get over how peaceful and rested he looked. She got out of bed and put on some cloths so she could go down to the kitchen and make some breakfast. She had decided to return the favor and treat Phil with breakfast in bed.

She boiled eggs, pressed some orange juice, sliced some fruit, made toast and coffee. She placed everything on the tray and slowly and silently walked up to the bedroom and peeked inside to see Phil still fast asleep. She placed the tray on the window seat close to the bed and carefully got into bed next to him and slowly let her right arm travel up and down his body before she slowly kissed and nibbled his earlobe. She felt him stir and his arms found her body and brought her body flush against his and brought her face to his and captured her lips with his mouth. After a few minutes of making out Phil smelled the coffee and looked around the room an saw the breakfast tray in the window seat.

"Aww baby, you made me breakfast in bed?" he asked while looking down at her.

"Yes babe, I wanted to return the favor and have a slow start to the day since you have to leave for Raw in Biloxi today. I'm going to miss you very much." April answered while giving his lips a peek and got out of bed to bring the tray between them in bed.

"I'm going to miss you very much to babe, can't believe I have to be away from you for nearly 3 days, it sucks big time" Phil answered while handing over a glass of orange juice to April.

They enjoyed the breakfast and after some cuddling in bed they got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Phil picked April up and sat her on top of the bathroom counter between the sinks and next to it the full length mirror, he wanted to try something new and first April didn't know what he was up to but then she realized it and she couldn't believe Phil's dirty mind.

They kissed for a while and soon Phil bent her over the counter and slid her pyjamas buttons down her ankles, Phil was standing behind her with his boxers around his ankles, April was starting to get really wet since Phil was toying with her nub and centre with his fingers. He entered her swiftly and deeply and April gasped at the feeling of being filled with his big member once again. He gripped her hips and began thrusting rhythmically as they watched themselves in the mirror.

"Turn around baby" Phil panted after a bit.

She kicked of her pyjama buttons, faced him, legs spread. "Like this babe?" she asked, staring at his cock, glistening and rock hard and pointing straight at her.

He nodded, thrusting into her again. He picked her up, standing parallel to the mirror, cupping her ass and sliding her up and down his shaft.

"Ahhh god yes. Don't you dare to stop!" she demanded, wrapping her legs around him and meeting his eyes, wild and dark with love and passion, in the mirror. He groaned and bent forward, his thrusts coming faster and faster. She threw her head back and offered her tits to him. She bit her lip and stared into the mirror, watching his fingers grip her ass and his tongue lap at her nipples. His cock touching all of the right places and she could feel the hot, tight sensation of impending orgasm building up deep inside of her.

"Ahhhh!" she cried out load, falling forward and biting his shoulder when she was racked with spasm after spasm. "Mmmm," she moaned into his neck. He was watching her intently in the mirror. He positioned her so that he could watch himself disappearing into he still shuddering pussy. He would come almost all the way out and then go back in just far enough to hit her spot. He did this over and over again to give her as many aftershocks as possible. He did it one last time and she came again, he came with her. Sinking himself all the way inside of her groaning as he emptied into her, filling her once again. Still inside, he pushed her back on the counter as they kissed for a long time.

"Babe, I've never come as hard as I did now Phil, but god how I love this dirty mind of yours!" April said shyly looking up at Phil.

"Baby, I've never tried this before but I loved seeing us making love to each other this way and how sexy it was too experience it". Phil said with a smile on his face and then bringing his lips to April's and kissing her slowly while picking her up and walked over to the shower and sat her down.

She turned on the water and they took a long hot shower together. Later April helped Phil to pack and before they knew it, it was time to leave for the airport. They both hated to say goodbye to each other. They said goodbyes in the security area and Phil said he would call as soon as he had landed. April drove back to his apartment and to keep her mind occupied she decided to do some cleaning. She put on some laundry and started to start upstairs and walk her way downstairs.

After all the cleaning was done she relaxed a little and then decided to write up a shopping list of things they would need the next couple of days before they had to leave for Buffalo, New York for the 2013 Battleground PPV.

Her phone rang and she looked at it and saw that it was Phil calling.

"Hey babe, are you okay?"

"Hi Baby, Yeah I'm in the car on the way to the hotel. Miss you soo much, what are you up to?"

"Aww, I miss you to babe. Now I'm just writing a grocery list after doing some cleaning".

"Aww baby, Thank you, but you don't need to do my housework".

"I wanted to babe, it helped me keep my mind occupied and not missing you too much".

" I'm missing you too babe, I soon have to go since we're outside the hotel baby."

"Okay babe, I'll let you go and get checked in. I'm off to do some shopping."

"Love you very much April, we'll talk later tonight."

"I love you too very much Phil, okay send me a text when I can call you later tonight babe".

"I will baby, bye hun".

"Okay, bye babe".

April gathered her things and drove to a big shopping centre on the outside of Chicago and did some shopping. At the same time Phil checked into the hotel the superstars that was going to appear on Raw the next evening was going to stay at in Biloxi. He got to his room, packed up and decided to hit the gym.

April bought some new tops, shorts, jeans and got some sexy underwear at Victoria Secret that she couldn't wait to show Phil. She then went to the supermarket and bought groceries for the next couple of days before driving back to Phil's apartment.

When she had got the shopping bags up to the bedroom she got the cloths in the little part of the walk in closet she had got from Phil and the underwear in the drawers she had got. She then went to the kitchen and got the groceries in the fridge, freezer and the cupboards. She then decided to see if it was anything on the tv. After watching a show for a few minutes her phone beeped and it was a text from Phil saying that she could call him now. She did and he picked up straight away.

"Hi baby, what are you up to?"

"Hi babe, I'm just relaxing in front of the tv after my shopping trip, and you"?

"Anything interesting? Cool what did you buy? I'm just laying in bed thinking about you".

"Aww babe, nah nothing interesting on tv, I bought some new tops, jeans and shorts".

"Can't wait to see you in them when I get back."

"I think you'll like them babe".

"Anything interesting going on in Biloxi tonight?"

"Nope, just Big E coming by soon to talk about things".

"Okay, say hi to him from me then babe".

"I will baby", oh there he is already" Phil said when there was a knock on the door and he looked out to see that it was him standing outside.

"Okay babe, talks later. Love you, bye".

"Love you to babe, talks late. Bye" Phil said while opening the door.

"Hi Punk, what's up?" Big E asked.

"Hi Big E, not much just talked with AJ, she said hi".

"Cool, say hi back next time you talk to her".

They sat down and talked about tomorrow and other stuff. After a while Big E got up to leave and Phil decided to see if it was something on tv before going to bed.

In his apartment April was bored and turned of the tv and decided to read some comics in bed before it was time to go to bed. She texted a god night text to Phil first since she didn't want to wake him up if he was asleep. He answered right away and they both feel asleep thinking about each others.