Yes, I updated :D Surprised? I'm sure you are, given the big ammount of time it took me to upload. I was everything but active... I'd like to apologize for that. It was hard to bring myself to write, anything. I wanted this chapter to be as perfect as possible, due to the delicacy of the scenes. Yes, I know it's anything but perfect sigh

Without further interuption; Chapter nine!



Itachi took a deep breath. He felt how the inhaled fresh air passed his throat straight into his lungs and made it back, ending up being exhaled. The chilly spring evening turned the warm breath back into its original temperature.

His upper torso leaned further into the railing giving him an even better view of the Tokyo evening scenery, the metal tubes gave his elbows support; his head was now looking down, straight onto the busy street situated in front of the Konoha General Hospital. The popular thought of throwing a coin down bothered him for a moment, his mind expelled it after seconds. Itachi sighed for a second time.

He would support Sakura's decision, she left him no room for that and he loved her dearly.

Still, the thought of losing her..


He could not.

He would not think about it just yet. Especially not now, when he stood on top of a very tall building which reached a good amount of eighty meters down. He had to get a grip and guide his pitiful self back into Sakura's room again. His behavior was unacceptable, though he could not help but feel the little flame of anger burning sharply inside of him.




Itachi could not help but suffer from these emotions right now. He knew Sakura loved him and her actions showed him her feelings were genuine; true.


Keeping her mouth shut this whole time? Eating dinner with him, smiling at him acting as if nothing was wrong. How could she? It hurt him deeply. They agreed to share their life, have agreed to tell nothing but the truth. Sakura betrayed him. Her motives were nothing but earnest; she simply did not wish him any harm. Wanted to protect him from it.

And what about his wants?

They both desired the same for the other; safety. But instead of working together, both ended up working against each other. Itachi knew exactly his faults, he committed some as well, not just Sakura.

Would he have worked a smaller amount of hours he would have sensed Sakura's bodily changes.

Would he have been more cautious and less ignorant he would have acted when she changed a health subject drastically.

Would he have been more aware of his surroundings Itachi would have seen the blood in the sink and carpet, split from Sakura's hurt lungs.

They were both at fault. Itachi gripped the railings, his knuckles turning red from the interaction. And both were now supposed to deal with the consequences.

Itachi would return to Sakura, it was clear to him as much it was clear that night would turn into day. He loved her, he always would. A narrow tear flew down and onto the grounds.

He would lose Sakura in the future. He would lose his one and only, left with the duty of upbringing their only child. That is, if it would survive and live for that long.

Itachi's heart clenched. He was glad no one seemed to be on the roof of the building, for he would be upset to know someone had observed him cry.


Let's go get high

The road is long, we carry on

So we should have fun in the meantime


A breeze of refreshing wind hit her face gently, she rejoiced in the moment wholly. Vibrant green orbs closed slowly, she inhaled the raw air relishing in it. Heart shaped face turned upwards facing directly the truly blue sky.

The fresh scent of spring filled her nostrils.

Trees together with their fuel; the wind created a tranquilizing symphony of quiet rustling, with the help of their newly bred leafs.

"Sakura, is it not enough yet?" Spoke her slightly worried husband. They wed each other just three days ago. The wedding was not a big one. It was held at a small chapel, the ceremony was guided by a real pastor and the bride wore a captivating dress of white perfection. Invited were only a few; simply the closest to the pair of betrothed. "You might catch a cold which is the last thing you need right now."

Sakura smiled looking lovingly backwards straight at her husband. Husband. Her husband.

A giggle escaped her throat.

She just could not get enough of addressing Itachi as her legitimate, one and only, true husband.

"The park is the best in spring. Just look around, everywhere starts new life!" The slightly tired rosette arched her back, looked again into the beautiful sky splayed around the whole world, visible for everybody out there. Her arms went wide out and she inhaled deeply again.

Itachi wanted to argue, talking her into returning home. Her body was already stretching every limitation it had. Her immune system standing continually on the ever present borderline of stability and uncertainty. Nevertheless, as much as it hurt Itachi knew it would be Sakura's last spring.

He had not the heart to argue, instead he settled on enjoying his better half dancing along with the fresh leafs and hurling wind. A truly magnificent view.

Later on when Sakura's limbs truly gave in and she could no more take their little five minutes walks on her own, Itachi would gather her in his arms carrying his wife securely to the park she had so utterly adored.




Itachi closed his eyes intuitively, seconds later re-opening them. He clenched the bridge of his nose and released a heavy breath. " Please do enlighten me Sakura." His onyx orbs concentrated on his wife, who was giggling enthusiastically at the 'Nikon' camera's screen. "Why are you taking pictures of everything?"

Said female turned her focus on him then, grinning widely.

"I want to leave a little bit of me for you and our unborn child."

Itachi's eyes went a fraction wider. He was slightly taken-aback, his initial thought was his dear wife wanted to annoy him, again. How wrong he had been. Now that he thought about it, it was only natural, given her gentle nature, to think of the what if's after she would be no more. He must have been blinded by her outrageous hormones to doubt her to this extend.

Sakura looked up from her position on the couch.

" Say, can you please take a picture of my stomach?"

Itachi lowered his head and kissed Sakura's forehead gently, he then entwined his arms around her form giving the female a tight hug. Spending time with Sakura was never boring.

He smiled and then "Of course."

After a while Itachi bought Sakura a new photo album. The moment he found it on the display and saw the cherry blossom tree used as a cover, as well as a pastel light tone for the background, he knew it was meant to be purchased by him and no other.

The pinkette was delighted upon receiving her present, she collected a total of two hundredth pictures. Every each was perfect, even though it appeared completely different on the outside. Silly poses or outrageous happenings turned into art the second Sakura captivated them with her camera.

She hoped Itachi would have it easier that way when it came down to tell their child a little her. Still, he would have help from Naruto. She was sure her blond best friend would be fully prepared for the time when her little baby would want to know about her.



Rain hit gently against the windows interrupting the quiet tune, which gifted the whole establishment with an even more gloomy atmosphere than it already had. The barkeeper moved silently around his workplace either polishing glasses or filling them with fresh liquor. Like expected there were not many customers, only the occasional lost souls with problems they had to bear with.

The perfect examples of these kind of individuals were currently occupying two seats at the very end of the room. One of them was holding his vodka glass tightly, it was easy to guess he did it unconsciously. His face was stolen from any kinds of emotions, the blonde seemed soulless. His dull blue eyes looked tiringly at one and only spot, eyes announcing their need he did occasionally blink. Nevertheless, it still looked soulless, even robotic.

A raven haired male sat with his back to the bar right across the blonde, they were sharing a table. His coat, unlike the blonde's, was perfectly dry. The spiky haired one had a huge glass of beer in front of him and it appeared he was fussing over something. It looked as if he was worried.

" So.., how's it going with Hinata recently? "

It was frustrating. For the first time since, wait. Sasuke did not even remember the last time it happened, was there even a first to begin with? He highly doubted it.

Naruto was silent. Naruto did not speak, nor did he move since a good amount of ten minutes. Sasuke was at a loss, he could count the times he had ever felt anxious on his fingers, this here was his sixth. The fifth was something related to Itachi, a tomato and trash. Be that as it may; Sasuke getting anxious?

It just did not happen often.

That's why when it actually did happen, he was at a loss. Being a straight A+ student would make one think he would be able to handle a mute and or silent Naruto. No such things. This is the exact reason why Sasuke, had in fact, started a conversation and wanted to cheer up his foxish best friend.


Naruto was just told by Sakura herself about her illness. Being the cheerful person the blonde was made him want to mention a probability of a positive outcome for his pink haired best friend.

There was none.

Naruto abruptly lifted his vodka and gulped it down at one draught. His glass being on the table again he smiled smiled sadly, looking up at Sasuke.

" Y'know, whenever you want to start a casual conversation you're actually only feeling awkward or uncomfortable." The blonde then averted his gaze towards the windows. The rain was creating soothing patterns.

Sasuke smirked. He then adjusted his arms on the table and slumped with his forehead into them. Naruto knew him well.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the quiet sounds of rain hitting against glass.


We were born to die


It was time.

Itachi gritted his teeth, Sakura's hand was crushing his right one. It hurt like bitch on a hot day. He would not want to even miss one second though, one of their last seconds. He watched his wife give birth to their first child. Sakura's face was dreadfully pale, she shouted in agony, head tossing right and left. Sweat gathered on her forehead, veins popping up on it every time Tsunade ordered 'push'.

His heart squeezed worryingly, eyes moving frantically around. He wanted Sakura to have a simple caesarean operation, she would have none of it.

" I want to be conscious and experience the real childbirth, Itachi."

Her emerald eyes were filled with determination, the very green essence of her orbs hardened and Itachi knew, he had lost their argument.

If not for the current situations, he would have smiled remembering their very first fight as a married couple. A painful clench in his hand made him avert his eyes from Tsunade back to Sakura instead.

" It huuurts -! Aaaaaawwwwgghhh..!" The pinkette panted through clenched teeth. She felt how her vision slowly faded, not yet; a little longer. She clenched her grip on her husband's hand even more, being aware of the fact it would leave a furious purple mark later.

" The head is visible, just a little more Sakura. Come on!"

Easier said than done. Her back arched, lungs released an agonizing scream and the weight in her abdomen was gone. Sakura released a sigh, she felt every pump of blood in her scalp. A fresh and so beautiful scream reached everyone's ears.

" It's a girl !" Her mentor screamed, walking over with the little ball of life towards the freshly backed mother.

" You did well, Sakura. I am proud of you my student." Tsunade smiled motherly, reaching over the bed to give the female her baby. Sakura felt the new weight in her arms, she smiled warmly at their little girl. With the lasts of her strength Sakura stroked gently the new born. The girl nuzzled towards her mother's fingers, sensing the caress.

" Itachi, you are a father now." Her tired orbs looked over to her husband, he had his hand clapped over his mouth and his eyes were clenched shut. It was such a shame, Itachi had after all the most beautiful eyes in her opinion.

" Ne, look at us. She truly is beautiful."

Finally opening his eyes he found himself agreeing with his wife. Their child was perfect. She inherited the fairly skin color from Sakura, black locks from himself and Itachi was sure she also was gifted with her mother's forest green eyes. He reached over to them , hugging his most important females.

Suddenly a beeping ruined the peaceful atmosphere. Tsunade turned her head sharply to the left; Sakura's heartbeat was getting irregular. She felt Itachi's eyes on her back and barked at Shizune to take the infant away.

" Itachi, get out! "

It was useless ordering him to do so, he would never leave Sakura's side. Especially now, with her worn out eyes looking so very soulless at him and her reasouring smile slowly fading.

" Uchiha out !" He heard Tsunade shout, nurses hurried inside together with another doctor. The room filled with nervousness, medicinal devices were guided towards his wife and he could only stare.

Itachi could only stare at Sakura, looking completely lost.

It was time.

They prepared themselves for it to come, for death to knock at their door announcing her need to leave. They visited a therapist, talked over the issue again and again; strengthening their mentality all the while.

It meant nothing now.

" Sakura! "

Itachi wanted to fight through the crowd of people gathered around his wife's bed, wanted to grab her; shaking Sakura awake, wanted to pull her back to life.

He did not wish for Sakura to die. Their preparations meant nothing, for he would be never ready to let her go. Right now mattered for him only one thing, getting closer to Sakura.

The beeping suddenly slowed down, the present staff saw Tsunade hit her students chest with her closed fist. Tsunade tried every method she knew to lengthen her pupil's life for only a little more. Deep down the blonde knew, it would never be enough no matter how many seconds longer Sakura would live. Tsunade did not want to let Sakura go at all.

The frantic beeping ceased; turning into a long, dull sound. The room fell silent, Itachi getting finally through to Sakura. He took her hand into his own swollen one. His left one was trying to put her into his embrace. Appearances did not matter to him right now, he had the right to freak out, to cry over the loss of his fated one.


"Sakura. "

"Sakura, please.."

"Please, don't do this to me…"

" Sakura !"

After minutes of frantic tries to shake his wife awake his motions slowed down and he deepened his hold on the corpse that once was his whole life.

Itachi let out a loud yell.

His head found solace in Sakura's so very cold neck, he nuzzled into it smelling her fragrance. He wished to imprint it into his mind, so it may never leave his senses.

After minutes or hours maybe even seconds the widow felt a hand on his shoulders, it did not matter, nothing did now. He shut his eyes close wanting to leave reality for a short while, lose himself in her scent.

Behind his form stood the Uchiha head himself, a sad expression crossing his features. He felt sorry for his first born, with time he discovered that Sakura was indeed Itachi's only. Black brows furrowed, chin slightly wavered he looked towards the window not wanting to remember Sakura in that thin, unhealthy shell her body had turned into.



Sakura felt her senses fade.

The last thing she saw was Itachi's smiling face.

The last thing she heard was a slowing down beep.

The last thing she tasted was her sweat.

The last thing she smelled was her little girl's new born fragrance.

The last thing she touched were the faces of her loved ones.

And then nothing.





She found herself back in a pure white surrounding. It was not outside in the nature, nor was she in some kind of room, it also did not resemble anything she had previously experienced. Nothingness perhaps ?

Then, within a millisecond she was shown scenes. Her own life was displayed in front of Sakura. Beginning with her birth and ending with Itachi's form buried into her own. The white ceased leaving Sakura in the operation room again.

Itachi was clenching her dead body as if his life hung on it. In some kind of sick, twisted way it did. Fugaku comforted her dearest in his own way. Mikoto was standing half a foot behind him, untainted hands covering her mouth, eyes filled with tears. Sasuke stood in the corner right next to Naruto, his eyes were glass clear and pouty, body shaking slightly. Naruto had his right arm in front of his sky blue orbs, he was crying. His left one was clenched into a fist. Tsunade stood in front of the hospital bed void of any emotions.

Ah, Sakura understood. She was allowed to bid her goodbyes.

Her legs carried her for a last time over to her family. Bowing over Itachi she lowered herself and kissed his left cheek.

Itachi shot up as if hit by lighting looking frantically around.

She proceeded with her father in law, gently swifting her fingers over his right shoulder.

Fugaku's eyes widened. Seconds later a single, narrow tear escaped his eye.

Standing in front of Mikoto she allowed her arms to engrave themselves around her for a last time.

The black haired woman's breath hitched, a pained smile greeted her mouth.

Being behind her two best friends Sakura left them a tender clasp on both their backs.

The two males looked at each other shocked, moments later understanding dawned on them.

She looked directly into the face of her mentor. Her forehead leaned gently into Tsunade's.

The blond woman gasped, her eyes teary and brows furrowed.

Out of nowhere she found herself back in the shrilling whiteness. Again, scenes surrounded her. This time however, not from her own life, but from her daughter's.

" Chiharu. So she may live through a thousands of springs."

Sakura smiled, her wish was going to be granted. Her little girl would have a long, healthy life. Green orbs looked joyfully at Chiharu's future.

" Itachi, Itachi. That's wrong! You can't even wrap diapers properly. " Mikoto scolded her eldest, she had to teach him a bunch of things starting from now.

" I am sorry, mother." She smiled, enjoying her usefulness.

" Oh my poor little Chiharu, your father is really a lost cause right?" Her granddaughter giggled adorably as if sensing the meaning of sarcasm, making Mikoto nuzzle the tiny bundle of happiness. Itachi sighed.

" Te.. me .."

Every occupant around the table went still.

" Teme! Teme! Teme!"

Itachi sat calmly. Mikoto went agape. Fugaku sighed. Sasuke paled, mentally preparing himself. Naruto gulped, wanting nothing more than taking shelter from the incoming wave of wrath awaiting him.

The room temperature went from comfortable into freezing at a record time. Rage emitted from the proud father.

" Naruto-kun ," Said male released a squeak " I think we should re-do your military training, you seem out of shape lately.." Pure hatred seethed from Itachi, pure hatred! He was done for it!

Stupid child and her stupid first word! Why not dobe instead, why !?

"Did you just call my daughter stupid? "

Oh, Naruto was so screwed.

" Hurry up, Fugaku! Hurry up! " Mikoto shouted excitingly throughout the Uchiha mansion.

" Fugaku quick, the camera! " Why had her husband be so slow at such crucial times !? It was not every day your granddaughter made her very first steps after all! Chiharu trolled towards her grandmother, concentrated expression glowering in her sharp forest green eyes.

" Otou-san, I love Oka-san so much! She was so strong, she gave me my life, right? "

Itachi looked at his daughter, they were seated comfortably on one of the leather sofas, Chiharu on his lap holding tightly Sakura's photo album in her tiny five year-old hand.

" Yes, she did." He caressed his daughters dark hair affectingly. Even though it was dark, it resembled Sakura's so much when touched. Just as delicate as a cherry blossom's petal.

Sasuke and Chiharu were sitting in the living room. The ravenette was drinking a glass of water when his niece just had to annoy him. He could swear, she had made it her life-task to annoy the hell outta him. Sakura was so intensely present in Chiharu, it was sometimes downright frightening.

" So…, the reason for your stay in military school was due to Oka-san discovering your piercing while having dinner? "

Downright frightening.

".. So awesome.."

He glared at his Sakura-idolizing niece, twelve year olds were difficult he decided.

Itachi stood next to the opened door, a killing instinct slowly kicking in.

" Did you just say 'date my daughter' ?" The young boy wanted to run, Chiharu's dad was fucking scary!

" Well.., actually I've said 'date your daughter. I don't have one…"

It was then, Itachi decided to plan his first murder. Yes, murder. He was going to struggle this little punk to death and throw his remains into the depths of hell.

Sakura was peaceful. There were so much, much more scenes she saw. She was so enormously happy to have seen the past, reality and future. It made her feel much better leaving them behind. Knowing they would get over her death in time allowed her to let everything go.

Her eyes widened. A huge bright sunray appeared, the previous whiteness was nothing compared to this pure , wonderful sensation. It filled her wholly.

She was ready to leave.


We were born to die


I wrote the scenes as emotional as possible, Sakura's death, Itachi's despair and so on.. . Please do review, I'm dying out of curiosity here :D I wanna know if it worked its magic on some of you and maybe a possible tear has fallen? ;D

Ps; the next chapter will be the last one :D

Love, love
