On the planet below Jenny's pod, Sally Sparrow was at work in the shop. She and her fiancé had been running it together for two years now, and it gave her more pleasure than she ever would have guessed. She supposed it was because of the Doctor that her interest in DVDs had grown almost overnight.

In her spare time, Sally scoured the internet looking for films or Easter Eggs featuring mysterious men. Lawrence, who sighed and groaned despite the joy inside him that he had this wonderful girl who shared his weird obsession, would always receive a link to some random website should Sally find something new, which she often did. Then he would hunt down a copy of the disc, if they didn't already have it in the shop, and the couple would sit down with a takeaway on a Saturday evening and watch. It was their 'thing'.

Yet, all too often the mystery man that people on the internet researched in depth wasn't the Doctor, like Sally hoped. For example, last week she and Lawrence watched a Laurel and Hardy film, but the strange man in the much-discussed scene looked nothing like him, in his tweed jacket and stupid hat.

As an old man and a woman with red hair walked in, sounding like they were complaining about the woman's mother, Sally sighed. As much as she found those few days fighting angels an adventure, she was glad she didn't do that all the time. It was, after all, an emotional roller coaster full of fear, grief and frustration, and she couldn't deal with that daily like the Doctor did. In fact, his world was so consistently dangerous that Sally was suddenly hit with a strong feeling - no, she knew - that the Doctor was dying.

"You alright?" The red-haired woman asked, looking genuinely concerned as she put a DVD on the counter. Sally stared for a couple of seconds.

"Yes," she spluttered. "Yes, sorry." Sally picked up the chosen DVD and smiled. It just so happened to have a blue box on the cover.

LunaRoseDiCaprio: Wow it's been a while with this story. I can only apologise.

I am now pretty much free until September so will definitely get this story finished in the near future. I also have a sequel planned, the context of which you can probably guess ;) I will let you guys know about that at the end of this fic.

Thank you for sticking with this! I know there have been a few massive gaps between updates so thank you for not getting bored. I do really appreciate it!

Read, Review and follow me emmaatkinsonxxx