Disclaimer: I own nothing! I do not own That '70s Show or any of its characters. I do not own any shows, movies, characters or people that may be mentioned throughout this story. I own nothing!
Author's Note: Hello everyone! How are you all? Hope you're doing well and enjoy the month of October! Getting ready for Halloween? Picking out costumes, stocking up on candy, watching scary movies? Or maybe you're just enjoying the fall weather. Whatever you're doing I hope you're having fun. Today I had for you the first chapter of a short multichapter story that I'm hoping will kinda put people in the Halloween Spirit. However, please keep in mind this is not like my Halloween collection last year, 13 Fanfics of Halloween. This one does have chapters that are connected and doesn't have to do too much with Halloween, just kinda helps set the mood. Now this story takes place in no particular season my choice would be sometime in season 5 maybe. I tried to figure out a place to set the story but with the shows wonky timeline I gave up, so picture it when you like but preferably after season 1 :D This chapter is more RK but you'll see more of the kids soon. I hope you all enjoy this story there's about three chapters in total. Please do review if you like it, I'd love to hear you thoughts on things! Thanks for reading, hope you like it, please review if you can, and as always please, Enjoy!
Special and BIG Thank You goes to Marla (Marla's Lost) who not only helped me with the title of the story but also gave me the overall idea of the story last year along with many little ideas throughout the story. She was also so kind and supportive in letting me write this story. Thank you Marla! *hug* You are truly the best! :D
Things That Go Bump
The ceramic salt and pepper shakers of the shinny bright orange pumpkins with a black cat sitting on each of them, were placed at the center of the Forman kitchen table beside the jack-o-lantern candle holder.
It was October 13, 1978 and though Halloween was more than two weeks away Kitty Forman had pulled out the box of Halloween decorations from the basement and was currently unpacking the trinkets and putting them in the spots that they had been first assigned to years ago. The Halloween cartoon cutouts taped onto the windows of the glass door, the statue of the witch in purple hat and cloak at the corner of the bar, and the jack-o-lantern lamp on the newly set up small table by the kitchen shelves—to name just a few.
Kitty was riffling through the box, trying to find anything else that belonged in the kitchen before she moved into the living room when she heard footsteps and voices coming her way. She turned around to find Eric and Hyde walking in from the basement.
"Oh good you boys are here." She said as soon as she saw them, "I need to have a talk with you both."
Both Hyde and Eric froze in their spots behind the kitchen table; the words 'need to have a talk' were never good when they were said by anyone but especially not when they were being said by your mother.
"Kelso did it." the two said together.
The reply caused Kitty's eyebrows to scrunch together. She had no idea what they were talking about however, she shook her head and decided she didn't want to know; she had more important things to talk to her boys about. She let out a small laugh and waved her hand in a dismissive manner.
"No, no. I wanted to talk to you about Halloween." Kitty explained to them, "After all it's only eighteen days away and neither of you have told me what you plan on being this year, I want to make sure I have all the material I need to make those scary or cute Halloween costumes of yours."
Eric tried to avoid his mother's eyes as best he could. He wasn't looking forward to breaking this news to her, but soon gathered his courage and began. "Um yeah about those Halloween costumes Mom, I…I think I'm gonna skip that this year."
Kitty's face dropped, "What? Why?"
"Well first of all because you know, I'm not twelve anymore." Came Eric's reply that made Kitty scowl.
"But Eric, honey, you have to dress up. Dressing up in costumes is part of Halloween." She argued, bringing up another point, "If you don't dress up you'll be breaking the laws of Halloween."
Now it was Eric's turn to frown as he brought up his own point, "Mom, I haven't dressed up for like…the past six years."
The point made by Eric had been much more valid than Kitty's and the look on Kitty's face showed that even she knew this; however, she wasn't giving up just yet.
"I know, I know. But…well I guess I hoping that all of that had just one of those phases you were going through and this year it would be over and done with." she confessed in a nervous tone of voice.
While Eric did feel bad, his mind couldn't be changed, still he offered a sincere "Sorry."
Kitty gave a small smile before turning to her adopted son, "Steven, you'll dress up for Halloween won't you?"
"Sure." The curly haired rebel nodded.
Hyde's response received two reactions, each very different from the other. Kitty's small smile more than tripled with excitement while Eric's eyes became large, despite the small scowl now on his forehead, as he became more than a little surprised with a hint of twitchiness.
"What?!" Eric practically shouted but Hyde merely smirked.
"Oh yay!" Kitty clapped her hands happily, "What're you dressing up as this year, Steven?"
There was a slight shrug then Hyde answered, "Thought I'd go as a road crew member of Zeppelin."
When Eric heard Hyde's costume plans he now understood why he'd said he would dress up and he couldn't contain his smile from breaking onto his face. Luckily Kitty didn't notice, she wasn't quite sure what a costume of a road crew member of a Zeppelin wore but she finally had one of her kids dressing up for the holiday again—she was not going to discourage anything.
"Oo fancy!" she said with interest and then giggled again, "So what do I need to get to put your costume together?"
"Don't need anything, Mrs. Forman. I've already got it all. Jeans and a black t-shirt."
Kitty frowned, "Well that just sounds like regular everyday clothes."
"I know." Hyde nodded and Eric did the same with a smirk on his face too.
Hearing and seeing this response made Kitty's shoulder's slump a bit. She was really hoping that Steven's costume would be more exciting and give her a chance to dust off her sewing machine. She really did miss making the kids' Halloween costumes. They had been so much fun to make and not just for her but the kid's too, maybe they'd just forgotten that.
"You know I bet the reason why you two don't want to dress up for Halloween is because you can't figure out what to be." she concluded turning on a positive, happy smile once again, "But I'm sure if we put out heads together we can figure something out!"
Eric and Hyde looked at each other, exchanging glances and silently arguing over who needed to step in and stop this. Before a winner—or in this case a loser—could be determined Kitty was already on a roll.
"Oh! You two could do one of those couple costumes!" Kitty threw at them, her voice and waving hands showing her excitement, "Like…I know! Steven you could dress up like a star and Eric you could be a fish, and when you put the two of you together you'd be…a starfish!" she ended her idea with a Kitty Forman laugh.
While Eric appeared mortified by the mere idea that his mother had pitched at them, Hyde seemed to have found some amusement in it.
"You'd be a fish." He said smirking at his childhood friend.
Not in much of a mood for Hyde's smirky-ness or to hear more couple costume ideas that his mom could come up with for him and Hyde (she'd already made him a fish in the first one, it would only get worse from there) he decided to put an end to it…or at least a pause.
"Um Mom, you think we can finish this talk later?" Eric suggested and left his hand up to point out the side door with his thumb, "We were gonna go catch a movie with Donna and everyone."
"Oh." Kitty said, her chirpy tone clearly having fallen a few notches but she pushed her smile back on, "What movie are you seeing?"
"They're replaying The Exorcist." informed Hyde.
The expression on Eric's face told that he didn't seem to want his mother to know what movie there were going to see but Hyde had either not seen it or seen it and went on to tell Kitty anyway because of that very look. Meanwhile, Kitty had begun to frown a bit at hearing the movie title, it did sound awfully familiar to her.
"Isn't that a scary movie?" she asked, her voice showing her concern as she turned to her son, "Oh honey, are you sure you wanna see that movie after all those bad dreams you had when you saw that last horror movie?"
Eric wore a blank look on his face, not able to believe that his mother had said that in front of Hyde. It took him a few moments before he found his voice.
"Mom, I'll be fine." Eric tried to assure her and then turned to Hyde, "And I didn't have nightmare when I saw that movie, I had them after."
After clearing that up Eric pushed open the glass sliding door and began to exit the kitchen with Hyde not too far behind.
Hyde smirked, "Yeah, cuz that makes it better."
"Bye boys, have fun." Kitty called after the two.
Now alone in her kitchen once again, Kitty decided she should get started on dinner for her and Red since it looked like the kids would be out for the rest of the night. That thought added to her sadness and as she stepped away from the box of Halloween decorations her heart was heavy as she thought about how this would be another Halloween where her costume making skills wouldn't be needed.
She was heading towards the stove and was only a few steps away when she suddenly felt a chill. It wasn't a normal kind of chill that one might get at random points of the day or when they walked into a cold room, this felt more like she had walked through the chill or the chill had walked through her.
Of course Kitty was puzzled by the feeling and even looked around the room but before she could give it any more thought the swinging door swung open.
"There's my pretty lady." Her husband greeted her with a grin and then placed a quick kiss on her head, however as he pulled away he saw the odd expression on Kitty's face and it made his smile turn upside down, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Kitty replied with a shake of her head, deciding to ignore that weird cold feeling and instead share the other thing she had on her mind, "I was just thinking about our kids and how much they're growing up."
Red's frown deepened, this time with confusion, "Our kids?"
Kitty rolled her eyes at his reply and began to speak to his back as he walked over to the fridge, "Yes, our kids, Red. They are becoming mature adults of the world."
"Our kids?" he repeated, sounding even more confused than before.
"Red, you know darn well that Eric and Steven have been growing up a lot these past few months." Kitty defended her children however, her defensive tone soon lost its edge and even cracked a tad as she went on, "Soon they'll be so grown up they'll have their own lives and their own houses and they won't need us anymore."
"Yeah." Red said with a smile on his face and a cold can of beer in his hands, but when he saw the glare his wife was sending him he realized they may not have been the reply she was looking for so he tried to save himself, "I was agreeing with you."
His argument did nothing though and Kitty shook her head, knowing that he would never understand a mother's sadness.
Because he could see that Kitty really was upset by this he walked towards her, but because his previous comments may have put him one foot in the dog house, he walked towards her slowly. "Kitty, we've know they were gonna grow up for years…hell, I've been counting down the days. What's brought all of this on now?"
"I don't know." she said, wiping the corner of her left eye to keep her unshed tear form falling, "I guess…well…Eric and Steven won't be dressing up for Halloween this year either.
It looked like Red was getting ready to say something but Kitty wasn't quite through.
"I know it might seem silly but, I miss making the kids their Halloween costumes." She shared with a tight smile, "I miss their excitement when they helped design them and when they were trying them on it was always so much. Dressing up is the funnest part of Halloween. Even you continued to dress up until the kids got a little older."
Red now understood his wife's sudden sadness much more and he also knew what he had to do.
He placed his still closed beer on the counter top, "I'll be back."
"Where're you going?" Kitty asked with a frown.
"Downstairs to tell those dumbasses how much they've upset their mother." Red explained already heading to the basement, "And if that doesn't get them up here, I'll stick my foot so far up their asses they'll using it as part of their costumes."
"That isn't exactly the kind of Halloween costume I had in mind, Red." She told him before adding, "And besides they're not in the basement."
This new piece of information caused Red to turn back around in the direction of his wife, a frown in place on his forehead.
"Where are they?"
"They went to go see a scary movie at the theater." explained Kitty.
"Oh jeeze." Red groaned in annoyance as he started to step closer to his wife again, "Instead of spending their money on something important they're off spending it on some cheesy horror movie with fake blood and bad acting. You were worrying for nothing Kitty, they're gonna be living with us forever."
The grumbling made Kitty shake her head a bit, "Oh Red, they can still have fun. They like those kinds of movies for whatever reason." Her slight frown began to form on her forehead, "It must be a boy thing. Even you were a fan of those movies."
"What're you talking about?" Red asked with his own scowl.
"Don't you remember? When we were dating anytime there was a new horror movie out we were there to see it. You loved those cheesy scary movies."
"Yeah well the truth is," he cleared his throat, "it wasn't exactly the cheesy horror movies I loved. It was the comforting you during those cheesy horror movies part that I loved."
Kitty looked appalled at this revelation, "Red Forman, do you mean to tell me that you intentionally took me to movies that you knew I would be scared of just so you could comfort me?"
Red looked at her and smirked an uncertain kind of smirk—mostly because he wasn't sure of how she really felt about his confession; however when he caught the smile playing on her lips he knew that he was in the clear.
"That is so sweet." she said and then reached up to bring him down for a kiss.
Their lips soon touched and while Kitty had planned on giving her husband a simple quick peck on the lips Red had other plans and deepened the kiss by wrapping his arms around her causing her to move her own around his neck. It was a few moments before they managed to end their kiss but remained in each other's arms, looking at each other lovingly.
"What do you say I check the paper and see when the next horror movie starts?" Red asked mischievously.
"Or…We have the whole house to ourselves." Kitty reminded, feeling playful herself, "We could look for a horror movie on TV and you could comfort me on the couch."
His eyebrows rose up with interest, "Better."
Kitty laughed at her husband's response to her suggestion and then made another one, "How about you go look for a movie and I'll get started on dinner."
To show his agreement on the idea Red sealed their deal by giving Kitty another kiss, this time much quicker than the last, before exiting the kitchen through the same way he'd come through.
Once Red was gone, Kitty went to work on figuring out what to make for dinner. Since they were making plans for the rest of their evening, dinner would have to be something quick and easy to make but also be a filling meal as well. She headed over to the refrigerator to see what ingredients she had to work with.
"Let's see…what should I make?" she asked herself as she opened the door and looked inside the ice box.
Kitty hadn't been expecting an answer to the question she'd asked aloud and so when she heard the sudden noise she was more than a little startled—something that one could tell by the small jump she gave at the sound of the noise. She slowly turned around, towards the direction that the noise had come from. The noise had sounded like something had fallen and so Kitty kept her eyes to the ground in search of the fallen item.
She soon found the fallen item, her white recipe box with the orange and yellow flowers painted on it.
With her eyes still fixated on the box, Kitty frowned at the object a she made her way towards it. She had been expecting several recipe cards to have fallen out but to her surprise there was only one card that appeared to have slipped out of the box despite fact that the box was shut closed.
Once she was close enough she bent down and picked up the box and then the recipe card, flipping it over to see which one it was.
"Bernice's Prize Winning Beef Stew." Kitty read off the piece of paper; she couldn't remember being given this recipe but continued to read on with interest, she scoffed a bit as she got to the directions part, "I wonder if it has to be cooked in a witch's cauldron too."
Not a second after Kitty's remark was said a chef's knife—that had once been laying on top of the counter—fell into the sink with a loud clanking noise. Kitty startled with a small jump and did what she knew would help her feel safe again.
Right away Red rushed through the door and into the kitchen. The tone of his wife's voice she had used to call out his name had alarmed him more than a little bit and so he hadn't expecting to find her standing in the middle of the kitchen looking perfectly fine the way she was now. Still he was sure there was an explanation for her cry and was relieved it wasn't because of any kind of injury.
"Kitty, what's wrong?" he asked.
"The knife." She said able to calm her fast heart rate but the same couldn't exactly be said for her uneasy nerves, "The knife fell."
Red frowned and walked towards her, "Did you cut yourself?"
"No. No, the knife fell into the sink there." Kitty explained pointing towards the sink but Red's scowl remained in place—if anything it deepened—so she went on, "Red, I don't ever remember using a knife today, why would I have left the chef's knife by the sink."
"Kitty, you probably just forgot that you used the knife earlier." He tried to reason.
Now it was Kitty who was frowning, "Are you calling me old by saying I forget things?"
"No." Red was quick to argue, "I'm just saying you do so much during that day that maybe a simple thing like using a knife slipped your mind. You probably left it too close to the edge of the sink and it finally fell in right now."
"Okay, fine." Kitty agreed though her tone sounded more like she was ready to make a challenge than leave the topic alone, "Then Mr. Answer Man, how do you explain this?"
She then lifted the recipe box right up to Red's face. Kitty's facial expression showed her determination while Red's showed his clear confusion. He wasn't quite sure what she wanted him to explain. His eyes moved from the box to Kitty and then back again, but Kitty didn't say a word, leaving Red on his own.
"It's your recipe box?" he said sounding like he was asking a question.
"Exactly my recipe box. With my recipes inside." She agreed with a nod, but the firm look on her face never faded, "But when it fell just before the knife did only one recipe fell out. This recipe."
She then replaced the recipe box with the mysterious recipe card in the spot in front of Red's face. This time Red had to grab a hold of Kitty's hand and pull the paper back to understand what the writing said. When he did read the title on the card a small smile began to make his way onto his face as he took the recipe between his own fingers.
"Hey, this is Ma's beef stew recipe. When I was kid I used to love whenever she made this." Red shared suddenly feeling a bit nostalgic.
Hearing this Kitty felt a bit of relief and giggled nervously as she realized she may have been overreacting a tad, "So then you put the recipe in there?"
"No, I didn't." he replied still looking at the card, "I didn't even know she had it written down."
Kitty's blood ran cold at that statement and that queasy uneasy feeling from before washed over her once again—maybe she hadn't been overreacting at all. When he at last looked away from the recipe card Red took notice of the worried look on Kitty's now pale face and his own face soon scrunched with concern,
"Kitty, what's wrong?"
"Something…something strange is going on here, Red." She told him in a shaky voice as her eyes looked around the room in fear.
Red still didn't understand, "What do you mean?"
"I mean…" Kitty started to explain before giving a sigh as she realized she was going to have to start from the beginning, "Before you walked in I felt a cold chill pass through me. And then right after you left my recipe box fell all on its own and the only recipe that fell out was your mother's recipe, one that I don't even remember her ever giving me."
"And then when I went to pick up the recipe I…I may have said something not so nice about your mother." She tried to rush through that part, wringing her hands nervously as she did so, "And at that same moment the knife, that I did not place anywhere near the sink, feel into the sink!"
By the time Kitty had finished her explanation her tone of voice sounded more than a little nervous and she continued to twist her hands anxiously while staring up at her frowning husband, waiting for his take on all of this.
At last he spoke.
"Huh." Red said with a slight frown.
"Huh?" Kitty repeated in surprise, shaking her head a bit, "That's all you have to say? Huh?"
Red's frown stayed in place, "Well what do you want me to say, Kitty?"
"Well for starters I would like to hear something along the lines of 'Kitty, you're not going insane!" she told him, now sounding on the verge of tears.
"Kitty," he called her name softly before pulling his wife into her arms where she buried her face into his chest, "you're not going insane."
"You're just saying that." came her muffed reply.
"No, I'm not. Look Kitty," Red then slowly pulled her off of him so that he could look her in the eyes as he started his own explanation, "Everything You just told me about has a perfectly reasonable explanation behind it. Things fall. You probably had the knife and recipe box too close to the edge of the sink and the counter. And the recipe was probably something you found when we were cleaning out Ma's house after the funeral."
She didn't appear very convinced especially since he hadn't explained one of the incidents, "What about the chill I felt?"
"You've had hot flashes, maybe this was a cold flash?" he suggested.
"That's not it Red…" Kitty protested
Red tired to stop her before she could go on, "Kitty…"
Before either of the two could say more in their argument the thunderous sound of a door slamming shut could be heard loud and clear. Immediately Kitty closed the gap between her and Red by rushing into her previous spot in front of him, head against his chest. Red, meanwhile, had obviously heard the noise as well but didn't seem at all startled by it, in fact he just looked upset. Whichever dumbass slammed that damn door was going to have to deal with him, not just for slamming a door but for scaring his wife all over again.
"What…what was that?" Kitty asked, her fist tightly holding the material of Red's shirt.
"It was the backdoor." Red explained, referring to the door between the kitchen and dining room that led out to the back yard, "It was probably one of the kids."
Again Kitty rapidly shook her head, "No, Red. I told you, Eric and Steven went to the movies with the others. They're not home."
"So it just means either the dumbasses forgot something or they forgot a dumbass." Red rationalized and then came up with an idea that might be able to help calm his wife, "I'll go check it out for you, alright?"
He once again proceeded to slowly pull Kitty off of him and began to head over to the door.
"No Red!" Kitty exclaimed before hurrying towards Red and clinging onto him again, "Don't leave me alone in here."
Red's frown deepened as his full attention was moved from the slamming of the backdoor to his frightened wife. He definitely did not like seeing his wife in this state but despite his attempts to calm her down she only seemed to become more panicked and nervous. Maybe their plans for the night needed some editing.
"Alright, Kitty how about we take a rain check on tonight's horror movie?" he suggested, managing to pull her off of him but keep an arm around her shoulder ready to lead her into the living room, "I'm sure we can find something else to watch to help you relax and keep your mind off all of…this."
Kitty looked up at her husband, allowing him to move her towards the living room until a thought entered her mind and she stopped her feet from taking another step.
"What about dinner?" she asked with a great deal of concern but before Red could offer an idea, Kitty had come up with her own, "I could make us a few sandwiches to hold us over for a while."
"Fine." He agreed with a nod, knowing now would not be the best time to fight with his wife.
Just as Kitty started to very slowly and carefully gather the ingredients she needed to make two quick sandwiches, she caught from the corner of her eye, the sight of Red heading for the living room. Kitty did not want to be left alone again, but at the same time she thought that begging Red to stay in the kitchen with her would either make her appear pathetic or insane. Neither sounded appealing. Maybe if she could just keep him in the room without asking him to actually stay in there with her while she finished their sandwiches would work.
"Um Red honey, could you lock the side door here? Please?" she asked sweetly; the task would not only keep him in the room tad bit longer but also put her mind a tad bit at ease as well.
"Kitty, none of the kids have a ke…" Red stopped his argument mid sentence when he suddenly realized it was more of a positive thing than a negative; a smirk soon stretched onto his lips, "Sure thing, sweetheart."
While Red went to lock the door Kitty got ready to make their small dinner. She had all her ingredients but first needed to rinse her hands. She headed over to the sink but before she had the water running she looked down and the sight she saw made her heart jump to her throat.
The knife was gone.
Very slowly and somewhat shakily Kitty looked up and to the side. Her eyes instantly feel on the knife block where sure enough, the missing chef's knife was back in its rightful space.
Author's Note: So what did you think? Spooky? Not so spooky? Worth continuing? Let me know in a review!
Until next time, thanks for reading, hope you liked, please review and lemme know what you think, stay tuned, take care, and have a nice day!