A tall, balding ginger haired man broke away from the group of six or seven other gingers and made his way over to a curly haired, blond boy. He placed his pointed hat over his head and gave the teenage boy a small smile, "Hello there. Are you that half muggle?" He asks curiously.
The boy raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his leather covered chest, kicking off the wall he had been leaning against, "Half-what?" He inquired, "And who are you?"
Arthur bowed his head, "Arthur Weasley. I've heard of you Jace Wayland; not wizard but not necessarily muggle."
Jace gave a slight nod, "I guess so then... I am a shadow hunter."
Arthur gave him a hopeful look, "So that means you are in contact with muggle item, yes?" With a small, unsure nod from the boy, Arthur continued, "What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?"
As the word exited his mouth, Jace's hand was gripping the hilt of his unsheathed Seraph Blade, looking from side to side frantically, "Duck; where?!"