AN: Aaaaaand once again I have started yet another story that I will never get to updating. But hey, I can't help it. I need to let the creative genius flow. Honestly, it's kind of hard to explain where and how I got this idea, since it's such a simple one. But I can explain what I was doing when I got it.

So since my mom is dumb and even though she says she'll buy me any videogame I want, she never does, I got this idea from watching Pewdiepie play this game. The story is great and the graphics are outstanding. I just wish I could play it myself.

But since I have to wait for Pewds to continue, my knowledge of the game only goes as far as his does. So if any of you out there have actually finished the game and I have something wrong, then I apologize. I don't have a credit card or a drivers license so purchasing the game myself is NOT going to happen, at least not for a while.

But because I am both a hopeless romantic and a dedicated shipper, I decided to give you a nice little break from all the OCs and write a JodiexAiden fanfic. So, here ya go!

P.S, My Neighbor Totoro is the cutest movie ever. And Howl's Moving Castle is a close second. *Is on an anime movie marathon*

Chapter 1: Bonded at the Soul

Jodie lay on her bed, her hands a pillow between her short, dark brown hair and her actual pillow. Her eyes lazily drifted shut as she crossed and uncrossed her legs.

The bed was still covered in pink bed sheets and a matching comforter, though she would hardly consider the stiff cloth comfortable. Her jet black converse hung over the edge of the mattress, bouncing to the beat of the Linkin Park song stuck in her head. She hummed it softly, through her down-turned lips.

Suddenly a lamp in the corner of the room rattled and toppled over, crashing to the ground and breaking into tiny bits of glass. Jodie's eyes widened quickly, and then she frowned and sat up, balling up the pink blanket in her fists.

"Aiden, I thought I told you to cut it out!" She scolded, glaring at the empty space next to the pile of broken glass.

I'm sorry, I only wanted your attention. Though the thought never reached her. But it still comforted the spirit to think that she could. Jodie sighed and squeezed her eyes shut, and the tension in her shoulders dropped and she lowered back down to the bed.

Aiden curled up in the corner and pressed his face into his knees. If only he could communicate with her. But his powers could only cause destruction. Nothing but devastation. All he could do was smash a lamp, and the only thing that accomplished was to make her cross.

Maybe he could write something down? But what? "Hey, it's me. I know I'm just like this entity thing, but I've had a raging crush on you since you were twelve." Yeah, no.

But he might be able to at least say hello. That wasn't weird, right?

He focused on the pen and pad of paper on her bedside table.



Yeah, obviously that plan didn't go very well. I'm sorry... he thought. It seemed like all he could do was destroy and apologize. But being from the world he was from, that was to be expected.

Honestly, he didn't even know himself why he was in this world, or why he was attached to Jodie. But for whatever reason he was glad, and saddened at the same time. While he was happy he had met Jodie, and that he could be with her, he felt exactly the opposite about the fact that he couldn't even talk to her. It tortured him every day, and still he kept silent. Just a background character in the movie that was her life, but at the same time a main antagonist of the one in her mind. Or was he a protagonist? He could never tell.

Aiden was a demon. A terrible spirit, who was almost haunting the poor girl. Bringing her nothing but misfortune. Though it was ironic, because every time he tried to protect her, all he did was make matters worse. It was his fault her mother and father had to send her away to a military facility at such a young age, his fault she couldn't be normal.

His fault.

AN: So depressing, Aiden. Way to be emo. Jeez, you're worse than Memory. Heh.

I'm sorry this chapter couldn't be longer. My friend is asleep next to me and I swear she has the loudest freaking keyboard ever. And guess what this amazing, nostalgic author is bringing back?

Jodie: Holy crud, Aiden. I didn't know you were, like... a person.

Aiden: Yeah, neither did I.

Ginger: Sorry, but I can't ship a person and a clump of nothing.

Aiden: Clump of... wha...?

Jodie: Shipping? What does that even mean?

Ginger: Google it. I'm out, peace! And I hope all you dedicated readers liked this little blast from the past, I haven't had the characters talk since what, The (New?) Coolest Kid in School? Jaysus, that was a while ago.

Anyway, reviews are appreciated! By the way, I'm hanging off the side of the bed right now because my friend's grandma came in and moved the laptop to the floor while I was fake sleeping. So I'm pretty sure this ninja stealth master here deserves some reviews.

Later, losers!